Discussion: April 29th, 2021 Development Update

This week’s development update has been released:

Use this thread to discuss the Development Update


So…is the Development Roadmap gonna be updated today? Doesn’t look like the May/June roadmap is posted, but the DR says the new one is supposed to be released today.

Ultralight looks exciting though, Imma get it while it’s out!

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The developers said not too long ago that Sim Update 4 and World Update 5 would be combined in the same build. Is this a mistake in the roadmap or did plans change?

I can see it on the website at least. Look at the following picture, it has deliverables for April, May, June and July. The SDK roadmap will be updated next week.



Ha I thought we will have SU4 together with WU5 in June? So now we will have a SU4 separate from WU5 in May

A clarification on the above would be interesting.


Whoops my bad, I clicked the web link and didn’t even see the one posted in the update haha

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Que disparate de avion

I see that a lot of the Wish Items are to be released in 2021 now. Nice!

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Was hoping SU 4 would be sooner. But nothing we can do about it…


I think xbox launch is sometime in June with Dx12U update for PC coming in July with sim update 5.


No … July or August for Xbox Version not before. And DX12 is tied with Xbox Release

The Canada World Update is VERY close to making the top wishlist. Only 423 votes to go!


I think that’s the case for the Xbox release at least. Mysterious trailer dropping the same week as E3. It can’t be anything else.

that’s nearly half our population :rofl:


What means “partnership series release” ?

Hi, it means they will release either a video or a document (most of the time it’s a video) featuring a partner (possibly a new one) working with Microsoft/Asobo. For example, some of these partners are Meteoblue, Aerosoft, Orbx and Working Title. You can find all Partnership Series videos in this playlist. The new one will be posted in the Development Update when it’s released.

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little bottle in the sea , in world update IV , see nimes arenes are always bad visual and a building on the center :joy:

Well, at least they showed that DLSS is under investigation. Will be a game changer if they add it.