Discussion: April 8th, 2021 Development Update

Businesses lay people off all the time. If you actually read my whole comment I suggested they keep their bing/graphical team in tact and just add to their coding team. They need to make decisions that give their company the best chance at profitability so I won’t question whatever decision they ultimately make. If they end up determining that they need to lay people off to better allocate resources then that’s what happens. You won’t be in business very long if you hire people then down the road realize you need to adjust your staffing to meet business demand then just go oh well I don’t like laying people off. Business fails and everyone loses their job in the end.


I might be getting a bit oversensitive to the ‘focus on bug fixing first’ comments, so don’t take my comment too personally.

While I doubt MS and Asobo would be going out of business without firing the artists and Bing team, I do agree that some padding on the bug fixing department might be needed.
So let’s just leave it at that, and again, don’t feel personally attacked by my comment. It was not intended as such.


This is not a Honeycomb input problem, but a FS2020 input handling bug, dating back from FS2004 (FS9) at least. This affects any and all hardware that sends a hold signal, even if it’s your keyboard and you’re holding a command pressed and in this case, the bug won’t be corrected with whatever 3rd party input handler workaround program.


You might want to look up the threads about the issue, which describe using FSUIPC as a workaround to avoid spamming the events when buttons are pressed down, thus avoiding the problem. Have a nice day!

Spad.next has a 14-day free trial. Feel free to try it out and configure your hardware using it correctly using this well known workaround.


@Vibstronium Thank you for the advice!

Nevertheless, you might not know it, but I was already working in this industry at the time Pete Dowson did add the workaround for the FS9 bug in FSUIPC (the same bug is carried over to FSX, P3D1, P3D2 and maybe solved since P3D3 IIRC). You don’t have to believe me of course, but I know perfectly what I’m talking about, and why there is such a bug in the code base.

PS: this bug is affecting the game in more deeper ways: if a gauge is sending a series of events, it might trigger the acceleration bug too and spad next workaround won’t solve this either. (NB: I’ve not tested this specifically in FS2020 but this long lasting bug in the FS code base was causing this kind of problems, in the previous versions at least)

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If you know about the workaround, then I guess you already know it exists. Have a nice day!

To clarify, you seem to be agreeing with me now, though originally it seemed you didn’t think a workaround existed and told me I was wrong to say it existed. If I have misunderstood you I apologize.

(And your note that there may be times when the workaround falls down is noted. But I have yet to experience such a failure.)

We shouldn’t have to do a workaround. When you spend $500 on an alpha yoke and bravo throttle quadrant from a company Asobo is partnered with, the hardware should work without having to use FSUIPC, Gremlin or RS Mapper. The issue is Asobo’s responsibility.


They said it will be fixed in World Update 4. I suggest you trust them in that it will be fixed on that release. If they don’t you can holler all you want on the forums and you’d be valid to do so. However until that point I suggest you wait.

Yes they did… The Roadmap however shows that it was delayed again.

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NB: Copying over the same remarks from previous VR Snapshot that this won’t get lost.
Discussion: April 1st, 2021 Development Update - #44 by CptLucky8

Please note the following correlations:

Bug (problem) Wishes (solution)
VR-Overexposed Provide Color Space, Tone Mapping etc…
VR-Overexposed Can you please add a “Sun Glasses” mode
VR-Overexposed Implement a Metering System Better Suited for VR
Ambient Night Lighting Illuminates more than Full Moon Implement a Metering System Better Suited for VR
VR Mouse - Right Eye needs to be fixed Dominent Eye and Mouse Cursor Position

In addition, I’d like to pass these comments because some of the bugs and wishes are technically less complex and most likely easier to solve and implement more rapidly than what the snapshot is indicating:

Bug Comment
Increase Distance Threshold to See Aircraft Lights This was increased for 3D mode previously, it might just be the threshold value have not been propagated back in the VR pixel shaders and/or VR code. I understand 2021-22 is conservative but this doesn’t look like a very complex fix either?!
Propellers and Reprojection There are mods already for most aircraft and the solution to this is to make sure the alpha value in the texture doesn’t go above a certain threshold. It seems 25% alpha is working but this should be easy to try out with a set of textures with varying alpha, and establish which threshold is working with WMR, with SteamVR and with Oculus.
Wishes Comment
Cockpit Size and World Scale in VR It is basically setting up a translation matrix based on a UI slider, and then do a matrix mul per eye… nothing more.
Can you please add a “Sun Glasses” mode It is basically reducing exposure in the existing Tone Mapper by 1 or 2 stops… nothing more either. (no need for displaying a pair of glasses in 3D in front of the eyes for example)
Render Sun with Fading Disk when Bloom is Disabled In lieu of a reduced version of the Bloom shader which would be working only on the sun pixels (hard to separate this from the rest because the bloom is a whole screen shader), a simple Sun with blooming light texture overlay would probably give enough visually pleasing results.

I’d like to also mention this topic is both a bug and a wishlist item:

Wishes Comment
TAA is Transforming Road Traffic into Ghosts This is a bug because moving cars are not displaying as expected, but it is a Wishlist as well because it requires enhancing the TAA algorithm. If I were to be describing the process in “simple” terms, the result would look like computing the cars motion vector pixels separately and subtracting them from the overall scene motion vector pixels.

Anyone know why there was no new marketplace item added today? New items are usually added every Thursday but not this time :thinking:

We are also hardworking human beings that fund their lifestyle by paying for a product that did not deliver what promised and with bugs that multiply. Sorry I would be sacked if I did my job like these people.


Flight simming is not a charity job paid by simmers for programmers and I have no idea why people feel like we have to protect programmers jobs as no one protects my job except me!


It’s. not about programmers. It’s rather a mentality in online Communities to judge everything that’s not working properly to their point of view, without understanding what’s behind all this.
No one says: hey, they did so much good things with this simulator. It’s complex and it’s okay that something might not work, yet.


To tell you “brand new news” there is NO software WITHOUT bugs. this disgussion is just booring!

Imagine if you bought a car that mostly worked , do you think you would feel sorry for the car company employees or would you just want to get it fixed and get what you paid for? I am sorry but this is not a charity software , we paid good money. Cars are complex too but I doubt you would excuse the car workers or car company would you?

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I think its the unfixed and reappearing bugs that are annoying people and the ignored bugs, we all know software has bugs it comes to the degree of bugs. I CTD 4 times today already for no reason in VR.


Hopefully we see similar quality on Benelux and France!

Software development works in iterations. You can not compare agile project management methods with conventional methods.

That’s like comparing the best before date of milk with the durability of a car.


well this milk was off when I bought it then lol