Discussion: April 8th, 2021 Development Update

Yeah I don’t think they actually understand what the issue people ware raising is with the 10 degree bug. The “mouse interaction fixed” comment does not inspire confidence.

I don’t know what the problem is here with communication - either the community managers and ZenDesk staff not summarizing our bugs properly to the devs, the devs not understanding the terminology being used, or they are just playing dumb so they can work on what MS has really told them to work on (XBox)

Honeycomb continues to miss out on sales with me because it was advertised as “100% compatible” and here we are a year later and it’s not.


Yet the game doesn’t look good for what seems to be a sizable portion of us since recent updates. I used to love VFR and GA flight before SU3 solely because it looked amazing. Now everything looks blurry and grainy on ultra there are no settings I can change to fix it. Trust me, I’ve spent hours looking. Worse, there’s been little acknowledgement of this from Asobo besides some “regional” fixes listed. Great, now I can look forward to it maybe looking ok in one region as opposed to when it looked great everywhere?

You can infact fix it youself for free and a half hour of your time, with the help of Overkill and RSMapper .

Works perfectly well.

Customers shouldn’t need to mess around with third party tools to fix $250-500 hardware advertised as “100% compatible”.

Honeycomb doesn’t get a pass either. Since their “partnership” with MS is clearly useless, they could have offered an alternate firmware for their hardware that changed the switch behavior to work with the current sim. Or they could provide their own utility as part of the drivers for the hardware that uses SimConnect to avoid the bug. They are more then happy to tout “100% compatible” in their advertising when in fact it is not.

This is the story of MSFS as a platform - things are advertised as “100% compatible” and don’t work (Honeycomb hardware, 3rd party aircraft, payments on the Marketplace, etc), and then it doesn’t actually work, and users are left holding the bag while all the companies or sub-companies involved furiously touch their noses and say “not it” while pointing at the other guy.


@Jummivana Why is no one responding? Other topics are receiving responses?

All Update is release a Tuesday, 04/13

This resonates a lot with what I’ve said a month ago:

Is WU 4 now coming at 13th or 15th next week?

Nice video, but I lost interest when EVENTS / Toggles / Simvars did not enter into the discussion. Sorry, then whole video then seemed to be meaninless… (to me).

After that I was far too distracted by the GUY standing IN THE MIDDLE of the Tow cart, with his legs passing though the chassis of the cart !! Of all the places to stand !!

But then, if you perceive you have an issue, and you have found a solution – GOOD for you, and thank you for sharing

Unfortunately, this has always been the impression I have got after submitting a Technical Bug report to ZenDesk, and getting back a completely irrelevant Canned Response, that has nothing to do with the reported bug.


Business is business🤷🏽‍♂️

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No official date yet. Though it is to be believed that the WU4 will be merged with the upcomming sim update in may. At least thats what was discussed in the previous dev Q&A.

While trying to answer someone on the 10deg increment bug, I’ve stumbled upon one of my posts where I’m highlighting how it is difficult for this kind of information to go from end-user to Asobo developers:


Speaks volumes when the staff that are being pinged in the thread don’t respond. Something is quite clearly broke with the Microsoft Management culture.

It’s Saturday.
Also there’s no reason to expect a response, there are many threads not replied by CMs (you mentioned only one of them).
You can be sure they read the threads, but not everything is ready to communicate any time and also some things require clarification with the Devs etc.


False, is aleady state for 04/13 in 04/13 devs update …

Is Sim Update 4 and World Update 5 is merge !

You will have your answer when the WU4 update is released (is tageting for this week). :wink:

So 120 dollars, and 9 months later, I still can’t fly an airliner. This sim/game is garbage.


I think you nailed it

Just being a repeating jerk. AAA game still unplayable after months. I’m finally going to ask for a refund. The game can’t deliver day one promises many months after release, and can’t even function as a usable app. I’m tired of developers abusing the community. I won’t take part in the ecosystem until developers start releasing games that don’t require fixing on day one. It’s not an unreasonable expectation. (Not to mention I bought storage and peripherals specifically in anticipation for a working piece of software).