This week’s development update has been released:
Use this thread for discussion of the Feb 11th Dev Update.
This week’s development update has been released:
Use this thread for discussion of the Feb 11th Dev Update.
So… UK trailer?..
That’s a very dry update, very mechanical… Nothing about what kind of problem they are having with world update 3, no info on other fixes, no trailer, nothing on CRJ or other “special addons” and a mistake in the number of new plane on the MSFS market
The most underwhelming update so far.
I don’t see the value in these ‘updates’. They are basically an advert for the in-game store and a bunch of screenshots. The items on the trackers have such long dates assigned to them that it doesn’t really change much…
We were told to stand by for today’s development update after the delay of the UK World Update was announced on Discord. And now we are just getting a copy of the same message, when we could have gotten the trailer and patch notes to help the situation somewhat. Sorry but this was disappointing.
Lets be fair people, I expect the people responsible for putting this out had lots planned to include in the dev update and last minute had to change what was in it and not much else to add.
Maybe a sorry would have been nice. Just saying something like sorry we underestimated the time required to have this release out.
Completely unrelated but where’s location the last screenshot? Don’t recognise it as anywhere in Ireland (going off the theme from the other screenshots)
Edit:Nvm just saw the file name
They could have release the trailer, or give some info on unknown fixes, or do a couple images comparaison like that :
Before : picture from Tuskin38
After :
Little things, to warm up the atmosphere
Yep, pretty bad day for Asobo in the customer relations department. Sad for a large company with so many users paying attention.
Wow. If that’s replicated over most of the UK then it’s going to be pretty darned amazing. Maybe it’s purely Out Skerries and fully custom done.
Hope so, we will see
The coast line “glitch” is more than just a gitch, is an immersion breaking bug that should be fixed before any region update because it affects the all world! Putting it in the backlog is, to put it mildly, very disappointing.
Why is it bad for the customer relations dept.? All they did was move World Update 3 by a few days. Are we that overindulged with weekly information that we have become jaded?
UK Update was not just delayed by a few days. They originally said it was going to release in late January.
They obviously knew last night they weren’t going to release it today. Bad communication from Asobo.
“Flight 229, cleared for departure”, is not very pro though . If you think thats proper phraseology, better change the name to “SimFlightAmateur”
Thank you for the wonderful comment. Good day!
Was meant a little bit as a joke, but yeah its not proper phraseology…