Discussion: March 25th, 2021 Development Update

Update??? Friday??? Please nooooooooooooooo, another weekend without simulator :scream: :sweat_smile: :joy:

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Don’t you have anything better to do than review an user’s entire post history. Someone who very well may have thousands of posts.


I have to laugh that people are stating “well, they didn’t fix it!” Before the patch has even been released!! :joy:

Some people think they are some kind of official forum clairvoyant able to state whatever ■■■■ they decide is fact!

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to downloading this patch and seeing what has improved. I hope that those who have been unable to have a Sim experience recently are able to get flying again after today!

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Would you thank the guy that shot you, for dropping you outside a hospital?

Fingers crossed this patch fixes the issues from the last update.


well, so far not even a clue about the update, not on sim or even store. hhhuuummm, weird

i will not expect update to hit before 5-6PM CET , currently it is 11:30 , so they still have few hours

10.30 in Portugal, well lets see if it is released today or tomorrow :slight_smile:

Yes, if he had shot me unintentionally, yes certainly.
Why do you use this comparison? Does your frustration run so deep that you feel shot in the back by Asobo?
I get the impression that negativity, cynicism, distrust of successful companies and people is institutionalized these days. And that we less and less care about which words we use when we write, and what those words actually mean, because ‘it is only a matter of speech’. Maybe we even are proud of ourselves or feel strong because we dare to say and write such things.
But if we do not care about this the tone gets more violent every day. And that is what we see happening everywhere right now.
Makes me quite sad…


Thanks dude! I thought I had no chance with so many other great entries coming in. Chuffed!


Your shot (pun intended, see previous post) made me very happy! This, and many other screen shots on this forum prove what this sim is capable of. This is a big achievement that only will mature further down the road. And I feel blessed that I am allowed to travel down this road with so many enthusiastic other flight simmers! Well deserved! Hat off :grinning::+1:


Maybe fix the msfs bugs but not your own pc problems We got still work to

Was there no marketplace update this week?

It will be updated today after the hotfix.

Me also!

Fantastic words. Thank you!


Well… To be devil’s advocate, most of the World uses non-standard phraseology. Most of Africa. Most Asian countries. Numerous South American countries, etc.

In the end, it’s default sim ATC. I haven’t used the default sim ATC since FS2004. I give myself my own vectors. Or, if I want realistic ATC, I use one of the networks.

“Performance optimizations of server requests when in the menus and during flight”

This actually sounds like the fix to solve the single digit frame rates. I noticed that when my frame rate suddenly tanked, for no reason whatsoever, it would continue to be single digits even if I exited my flight and returned to the menus. I even posted saying that this suggested that the problem was most likely network related. As a game dev myself, it felt like a network error because after a time the problem would eventually resolve and return everything to normal; this felt like the borked network request finally timed out and fixed itself.

Obviously, only time will tell, but I’m hopeful that the massive totally random frame drops for no reason will be solved by this.


It is all well and good posting a promo video.

No way that level of detail and stutter free performance is possible on my PC .

Would you care to share your computer soec with us?

I watched the YouTube video above and had a laugh when like 8 minutes or so into it there was a screen shot that had the Developer FPS turned on and it was flashing red with the “Limited by Manipulators” bug showing up that is hopefully solved in the update later today.

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I notice that exactly. Flights start off fine, but a short amount of time later, probably when more scenery is loading, I start getting stutters, which has always been the case loading a new area for me, but after the last patch there are times where the stutters remain far longer than a scenery load, my CPU is nearly pegged and GPU usage goes down. In these situations I go into my settings and reduce my trees slider one notch, then go back into the game and the CPU usage drops and everything goes back to normal. I can even go back in and turn the trees back up. With the CRJ release I have been flying all over, and whenever I run into this situation (not every flight has the stutter issue for me), adjusting the tree slider is the fix for me

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Ah, got it…my misinterpretation of that video. Will edit my post.