Discussion: March 25th, 2021 Development Update

Patience! :sunglasses:

The last update wasn’t released unitil early evening here in UK.

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Expect it to be released by the late evening on the US west coast time

Why can’t they just tell us when it’s out? Why always all the mystery?


Do we have to empty the Community folder before the latest Development update?

download addon linker and it will always be empty

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So Im probably out of the loop, but…
Has anyone had an issue with CTD when launching the sim? I cleared out my community folder and still same issue. Is it just me? Or has something been bugged on launcher side that Asobo acknowledged in the dev snapshot? It says CTD without log will be addressed ASAP but nothing has changed on my end and all of a sudden its CTD.

yes dappa 47

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It’s not essential, but experience has shown it’s good practice.

Using an addon manager means it’s quick and easy to do.

Thanks, but I’m not sure what you mean.

hi guys, i just fired up the sim and had no update, is this update already active?

google (addon linker)
download it
and you’ll see

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If only it was once. Intentional or unintentional is irrelevant if the issues arise every time they put something out.

Yes, as far as metaphors go, it certainly feels that way. A company is just a company, I neither have love or hate for an entity, if their product isn’t as promised then that is an issue. I am more mind boggled by the unconditional love people show for a corporation.

It is only a matter of speech, thats how metaphors work.

Don’t put words in my mouth and don’t accuse me of something if you cannot comprehend what is presented to you. I suggest you reread what was written, and understand its context before accusing me of a violent tone here.

Just cause you read one word and decided it offended you, doesn’t make it so. I am certain if I had suggested violence I would be in contravention of the forums rules and would deserve a permanent suspension.

I will take your public apology for suggesting that what I said had violent intentions or undertones. I take the accusation such as the one you just made on a public forum very seriously, and it is more than “a matter of speech” to me.

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Yeah i started on the good old vic … with a book entering basic all day … then i had dot that moved over the screen :joy::joy:

No tape recorder … so computer off … next day programming the same dot again

And now we have spoiled people complaining the local pub is not correctly modeled in MSFS :thinking:


Congratulations! Enjoy your unobtanium :smiley:. Have they mentioned if its FE or a board partner? Cheers!


That truly gave me a belly laugh…

Started with a Commodore 64 myself… :slight_smile:

OS/2? dam I new you were one of them Preverts! lol oh wait I still have os/2 running in a VM. Do you remember that great new thing that IBM and Microsoft teamed up called Presentation Manager…Then MS got all snooty and started windows and IBM came out with OS/2, ah yeah those were the days…

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You didnt see the Dev post, everyone gets the update except for Felipe! Bwhahahah but seriously were all still waiting should be any time though steam isnt even showing the DL yet.

haha! this update stuff makes me nervous all the time :relieved:

Does anyone see the DevUpdate on the https://www.flightsimulator.com/ main page?

There was this thread:

But the trick with the ?123 does not help.

One other thing: Is it intentional that the Development Roadmap is only available via the “web friendly” link but there is nice image version as there is for the top bugs etc…

been so long forgotten what my local looks like!

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