Discussion: October 15th, 2020 Development Update

Update 5: press any key removed and metric units added: nice!

Quite surprised to see autopilot issues lacking from both the top bugs and top wishlist. I’m sure it will be fixed, but still thought it would have gathered much more attention.

But we’re making progress and that’s all that counts.

Uh… autopilot issues are literally the top thing on the bugs list though? The bouncing oscillations are also on that list.


You’re absolutely right. How did I miss that?

… now where’s that coffee machine?


Is there any chance of:

  1. A key allocated for screen shots?
  2. The ability to save map filter settings so that each time I go in I don’t have to adjust them again?

Alt + Windows key + Print screen

As seen here:

Although I haven’t tried it yet myself, so I can’t swear that it works. :slight_smile:

Hi there, I know about that way but that’s not a simple, in sim key for doing the same and won’t easily allow for multiple screen shots.

Its the next website development news update. It has nothing to do with a patch.

Yep that foxed me as well. If I hadn’t have googled Long EZ I would have been clueless. Worked out what was going on after that. Is Long EZ a Asobo creation though, would they comment on third party content this way?

Also hoping Sydney from Orbx comes to the Store. I know I can buy it from Orbx Central but I can’t be bothered :slight_smile:

The “225 degrees at 2kts” issue raised by the author of this topic has been fixed on Update 2 (

Fixed live weather wind offset in higher latitude areas (America, Asia…) that was causing the 3kts Wind bug


Yesh it’s just not scheduled into a sprint yet and therefore they don’t know what update it will be available in, doesn’t mean they arn’t working on it which is clearly evident in the report.

It probably does mean though that it is unlikely to be delivered in the next patch so will take a bit longer. The fact they’ve started some of these though is a good sign.

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There’s a lot of topics every day, even in The “Bugs” section of this forum - I get it. But it took me not 5 minutes to figure out that there’s more than on threat dealing with “lightning” with fairly high vote counts as well:
Too much Thunder and Lightning (293)
Lightning in mostly sunny skies (252)
Everywhere Thunderstorms ?!?!? (124)
Live weather = Clear, I get thunder (59)
That’ 728 votes at the time of this post and would put in on #2 instead of #9 in the Top Bugs list. So “Backlog” might not be appropriate here.


I flew the Dreamliner from JFK to EHAM today and it seems that the 225/3 bug has risen it’s ugly head again! Has this happened to anybody else?

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And dont try! XBox Game Bar is huge perfomance issue in Windows. I’m recomend to turn it off for all.

For Print screen instantly to file use
Win + PrintScreen

File saved instantly to your user Picture/ScreenShots folder


Great, thank you very much for the tip about Game Bar and correcting me on the shortcut!
Cheers. :slight_smile:

Raising the same topic with four different threads is counterproductive.
I merged these threads into one. It is more relevant to raise ONE issue with ONE thread than to open multiple ones.
“United we stand. Divided we fall.”


I find it interesting that we have things slated for update 9, but no word as to what things they are planning for putting in updates 6, 7, or 8. I’m guessing update 9 is part of some larger milestone (is that when the next World Update is?)

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Thank you for that post. Yes! This is Microsoft… not some new-kid-on-the-block. Hire enough top notch folks (with flight sim experience!) to get these patches done. Waiting months and months is not acceptable when a product is a buggy as this at release. You owe that to your customers.

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Yes, people seem to tend not to use the search function before opening a thread. There seems to be a plethora of weather-related threads too…


I’m wondering if the Game Bar could be completely removed, or if it is mandatory for Flight Sim ?

Thanks for any advice !
