Discussion: October 15th, 2020 Development Update

Just turn it off in windows setting menu.


This has happened to me while creating a flight plan in simbrief and loading it in the world map, also when creating the flight plan in the world map, and directly inputing it in the FMC.

If you are going to do this, then you should also merge the vote counts. Otherwise, it’s a significant under-representation of the customer’s concern. If the system doesn’t allow for this, then someone should be adding the missing votes to the totals provided to development teams.


Yes, merging the threads is one thing, but by doing so omitting a lot of votes is quite another.

At first I understood your move to merge the threads but seeing that by doing so the votes might be lost I have second thoughts:
Best practice imho would be merging overlapping threads into one and adding the votes accordingly. Should the system not allow that, that should be changed. Until then, maybe you could browse the “bugs” category before a “snapshot” is taken in order to identify multiple threads for the same subject. As I wrote, it took me not 5 minutes to find several threads regarding “lightning” in the “top-50-votes”

I mean, the initial release and patches didn’t do them much in terms of goodwill. Hopefully everything sent their way was civil.

Does anyone know what is update 6,7,8? Why aren’t bugs scheduled in those patches?


Those will probably be non listed bugs. Like LOD improvements and such, or things currently under investigation

Obvious answer… they still haven’t got a clue why many of these non-scenery bugs occur. Why else would they not be “started” or still be “under investigation”. Very sad because these things were already solved in every other Flight Sim to date…yes, I know this is a new, huge, high tech sim but I don’t accept that as an excuse. It’s a Flight Sim, for Pete’s sake! (and my name happens to be Pete so no offense meant…

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Hi @DgitalHype, @TomL7753.

I wanted to address your comments on merging posts with votes.

Duplicate topics hurt everyone.

If we leave the duplicates open, we allow both topics to split the vote. This reduces the chance that one (or the other) will rise up the list of the top vote, and even if one does some of the important feedback may well be lost.

When we enabled the voting system, we did some tests in our staff-only section to see what happens when we merged posts. As I remember the votes didn’t seem to carry over. However, the documentation I have read suggests that unique votes should merge.

I want to do some more tests to verify this and hope to do so later this week. (It has been on my list of things to do, but I’ve been doing some work around the recent moderator applications). Until I can complete those tests, we continue to work off the worst-case assumption, that votes are lost when threads are merged.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any other good options. We can’t manually add votes to a topic, and if we close topics those votes are lost as well.

The moderation team doesn’t like losing votes!

It’s really important, that users use the search function before creating new topics. If you see a duplicate topic, report it by pressing the :white_flag: button, and then selecting ‘something else’ so you can tell us it is a duplicate with a link to the other post.

The voting plugin is an official Discourse plugin and not one we created.



Nope! This has not been solved!

Only thing that has been solved is the missing sensitivity page. The actual problem is the over the top pitch authority (especially at low speeds & linear response curve, (possibly) due to inadequate calculation of dynamic pressure on control surfaces / pitch stability)!!

Unfortunately the corresponding thread of the Bugs & Issues section has also been moved to the “Resolved bugs” subforum!

This really needs improvement though. Probably the most fundamental aerodynamic issue.


Can you link it so I can take a look tomorrow?

Thanks for the fast reply & your effort! You’re not by any chance that Nyx guy over at AVSIM, right? :smiley:

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I’ve bookmarked this post, I will take a look tomorrow evening and see if it needs to be moved back.

No, I am the Nyx (Viliana) guy from Eve Online.



OP doesn’t explicitly cover my point, but it was close enough to not open a seperate thread. :slight_smile:
Plus, it sure isn’t about the missing sens page, as this thread was opened way before that occured.

Thank you for the information. I understand the technical difficulties and appreciate your efforts. I think it might be a good idea to scan the topmost voted issues ahead of any development snapshot and see if there are obvious redundancies. If so, imho they should be taken into account even if there might be multiple votes by some users involved.

This right there! :point_up:t2: And cross-posting in multiple threads of a cut-and-paste.

Thanks for the response Nyx. I did some checking on the discourse voting plugin. According to documentation there was a bug in earlier versions that was preventing vote merging. That was fixed in commit on Jul 30, 2018.

There was also a feature enhancement that supports showing the total number of votes that were moved after the thread was merged. That was added to code In Oct 7, 2019.

I also read that the addon will delete votes during the merge, if the same user has voted in both threads to prevent duplicate vote counts.

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Correct, that is what I read when I went looking as well. But the early tests we did (apparently) indicated otherwise, so I want to double check.

Edit I love github

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I applaud Microsoft/Asobo for publishing this roadmap. The transparency is great and gives users an idea as to what is coming down the pipe. However, showing the previous two months is not very useful. How about dropping one month in the past and adding another in the future? While I am a great supporter of the “one page rule”, I do think a little more detail could be provided in the chart.