Dreadful performance

Should mention that when Nvidia updates their drivers, sometimes they re-enable those audio drivers.

Not just thatā€¦ Windows sets that device as default on my end when that happens. I immediately notice it when the sound is utterly lacking since it then comes from the monitor instead from the 5.1. I have had that device disabled since I have it. And even then I have some audio stuttering, although by far not as bad as in that video.

Iā€™m hope this will useful for this threadā€¦

Upcoming Forum/Feedback Changes
In the Bugs & Issues category and Wishlist category, you will soon be able to upvote topics. For example, if you are experiencing a similar bug or find a bug important, you will be able to upvote someone elseā€™s post to show agreeance rather than create a duplicate post. This will help us understand the top issues facing the community.

I have seen a noticeable improvement with this. Definitely worth a try:


Here is the video I made to create a ticket on this issue


AWESOME! It GREATLY enhances framerates in glass cockpits (when not limited by GPU). My framerates almost doubled in the 787!

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I updated my Zendesk ticket with this link and a description. Iā€™m asking anyone who feels improvement to do the same, and maybe weā€™ll get a slider for that in the settings.

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Itā€™s a shame seriouslyā€¦
With your config, you should run on ULTRA settingsā€¦ WTFā€¦
Iā€™m bothered by FS2020ā€¦

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This guy should work at the Asobo office bro !
Iā€™ll try ASAP.

Doesnā€™t matter since it can go up to 5.3, which is more than enough.

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thatā€™s like a super boost of GHz, 1.6GHz of boost !! what level of water-cooling? using corsair?

Try updating your Windows build. I am on a similar machine with 32 GB Ram, everything on ultra running fineā€¦except the missing content that isā€¦

Overall i have tried all sorts and been unable to get a flyable level of performance. Has anyone managed to fix or improve the performance yet?

On my machine I initially had disk I/O at 100%. I discovered that I had insufficient Virtual Memory. I adjusted this to System Managed and things have settled down.

(This PC, properties, Advanced system setting, Advances Settings, virtual memory -change - uncheck automatic - check system managed, OK , Reboot).

System Spec - Ryzen 2200, 8G Ram, graphics RX570.

Still learning the game but generally impressed.

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Upvote this thread with the new feature.


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I can not, in the slightest complain about performance. I am on a (very) old system with an overclocked 4770k (4.5Ghz) and an ancient GTX 970.

The game is actually surprisingly well optimized. Obviously I am currently playing at 1080p. I used to play at Medium, but have now also increased some other settings to HIGH. FPS usually 35-40. Which is ā€œsubjectivelyā€ plenty and I donā€™t see performance issues in game.

I am aware that for the future when I want to play this in VR (eg. using the upcoming Reverb G2) that my system wonā€™t cut it, but so far playing itā€™s FAR better than what I expected months ago. Months ago when the game was announced I was convinced I wonā€™t even be able to play this at all with my old system. But here I am, playing this in all its glory on my old PC!

ALSO: OP left out something critical: Is the game installed on SSD?

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I do have it installed on a SSD

Not sure this guyā€™s YouTube video has gotten much attention on this forum. Heā€™s only posted once here by his identity Tritun1 and seems to just prefer to have folks visit his YouTube channel. Itā€™s a 27 minute video on adjusting Windows settings and tuning your graphics settings. He emphasizes that two folks with the exact same hardware may get wildly different performance out of the sim due to other configuration factors and donā€™t just copy someone elseā€™s settings but figure out your own from the ground up whatā€™s best for you. He has a decent discussion of the status and reliability of different Windows and sim graphics settings, explains the importance of some. I found it helpful to add to what (little) I already know. Maybe others, especially newbies like me, would find it useful, too. I have no connection with Tritun1 whatsoever.

Iā€™m consistently seeing the issue that frame rate tanks and the game keeps freezing (for up to 30s at a time) with the window focused, but the frame rate is perfectly fine and the game runs smoothly with it unfocused.

I just now play with the game unfocused, using my flight stick setup exclusively (and have successfully done so for many hours of playtime), but it would be nice to be able to use keyboard input for unbound functions without having to remember to ALT-TAB first.

My overall performance is fine, but depending on where Iā€™m flying, I get hard stutters every minute or so, where the framerate drops into the teens for a few seconds, then right back up to normal. The in-game performance monitor and Windows Task Manager both show CPU usage suddenly spiking, with all cores running at 100% while this is happening, then when the framerate goes back to normal, CPU usage goes back down into the 40-50% range where it sits most of the time. Given that it depends on where Iā€™m flying, I think it has something to do with some kind of terrain processing on the new areas itā€™s loading in in the distance. But whatever it is should not have this drastic a CPU impact as to affect the rest of the simā€™s performance so harshly. This particular issue did not occur in the alpha/beta that I recall.