Dreadful performance

Wow, 45fps in FHD with a 9 years old CPU?! That’s impressive! It seems FS2020 is more dependant on number of cores/threads than I thought. If your CPU is able to handle it and you get no “limited by main thread” message then it’s only because you’ve got 8 threads. Looks like you did the right investment in i7 years ago.

What settings are you using? High?

Regarding clouds they indeed look much better than my ultra clouds. As you said - the edges are unnatural, so looking forward to I stall this driver

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Hello ChaiManNova

You do not lack reason. It is and will be the best simulator, and it is normal that it requires a good computer to move it smoothly. I only ask, if possible, to optimize or improve those parts that do have low fps. It cannot be that inside the cockpit of the a320 for example, you have barely 30-40 fps with the computer I have, because for that then it is better not to have carried out a simulation of this quality, preferring to lose quality to gain performance.

The community has shown, that by investigating a little they have managed to upload 15-19 fps with some modifications in the a320 / 747/787 airplanes, this is the kind of thing I ask, if they can make the fps go up more by doing certain techniques, than do them, we will all win

Of course, even if they do not say it officially, it looks like the simulator came out earlier than expected, and therefore still requires many updates, improvements, fixes, etc., and it is good to take into account that without a fluid simulator with high equipment, the enjoyment can be frustrating. For me, such a simulator should be worth 500 or more euros.

I know that they will improve and raise the fps, we are only at the root, but read us and take us into account. The new nvidia 3000 do not know if they will go up much, I do not know if it is a matter of more computational power or better techniques in the simulator. But until now, during its development there was the maximum 2080 IT to be able to test, and I say that they will do a simulation according to current technology

Sorry about the wall of text but I felt it was pertinent to the problem.

I replaced a faulty AC outlet my PC was plugged into. I thought all my Sim problems were over, however, that was not the case.

Within 24 hours I realized I still had issues. I still had plenty of EXE crashes during the game loading process, particularly when it was time for the game to load the airport you take off from. It got to the point where I could not get past that screen.

After some investigation I discovered that my CPU temps were running hotter on this title than any other title I have. I have older hardware and this is a powerful new game so actually this is not too surprising.

So, as my next step, I decided to see if I could bring down my CPU temps, in hopes that it would improve game stability.

I went into Bios and discovered that their was indeed room for improvement with regard to CPU fan settings. The fan was set on a rather modest CPU fan curve that appears to have been insufficient for this game/Sim. Instead of trying the other fan curves available I decided to set the CPU fan manually instead. I cranked it up.

So, I went back into the game to check performance. I discovered that my CPU core temps ( all four ) came down from an average of 83 degrees Celsius to 72 degrees Celsius with the new fan setting.

I decided to put the game through it’s paces. I reloaded the game and let it get all the way to the point where I was able to lift off from the runway, then I exited the game and did the same thing again. I did this 10 times without an EXE crash. Then I flew around in the game for about 3 to 4 hours, also without an EXE crash. I also had no CTD crashes or crashes of any other sort. My CPU temps stayed at 72 degrees, on average, throughout the testing.

Video performance, in general, seemed somehow smoother after the fan adjustment. But it was subtle and I could be wrong about that.

During my testing I did have about 5 or 6 times where the video froze, But, the game did not crash and it began working again on it’s own.

This is MUCH better performance than I was getting before. I can actually play the game now.

As I mentioned before I have older hardware ( except for my GPU ). I have an I 7 3770K ( not Oc’d ), 8 gigs of Ram, a 1080Ti ( not Oc’d ), and a Samsung 860 SSD.

I used a software utility to monitor CPU core temps.

I hope things stay this way, If they don’t I will try and remember to come back and post here.

Good Luck to everyone :slight_smile:


Yes, my settings are high. Ultra for buildings, grasses, clouds, textures and trees. Low for shadows. 100 for rendering. If I fly very low between the buildings in the city of Vancouver I get some stuttering but nothing from around 1000’ even while trying to induce stutters by wing rocking and rolling. Airlines will give me stutters however, with GA I am good to go! If MS can solve the stuttering with airliners, I will be doing really well. Charles.

Yeah its pretty bad when your rig meets all the recommended specs and has an issue playing it. They need to fix this or people are going to lose interest pretty quickly. I have two outstanding issues and they still have not answered them. So far F- for customer service. Hope you are reading this MSFT

I am worried that when a fix is provided for higher specification machines like yours, a change may not be compatible with my lowly i7-2600K which is doing very well at the moment. Charles.

I don’t think it’s the driver that’s responsible, I may be wrong. I found an interesting post which shows that post-processing is enabled by ASOBO within a configuration file. The advise is to set to zero some of the post-processing effects. Here, I will give you the link …


After following the advice from the link above, everything especially towards the horizon looks much smoother and less shimmery. It should be noted that I am using Nvidia Freestyle for post-processing and did not realise that post-processing had been forced by a configuration file set by ASOBO. I was probably getting a conflict between the two.

I believe the author from the above link made his post to show how cloud edges can be improved.


Hey @TheAviator3506, have you tried the Highonsnow Glass Cockpit fix? I’m getting between 15-19FPS extra on the Airliners after reducing the CPU drain of those glass cockpit instruments, irrespective of what frame rate your monitor is running on (this has reportedly better performance in this fix compared to some existing frame rate tweaks out there).

Hi, and thank you for your reply. Yes, I have tried the frame rate fix for the glass instruments however, I prefer smooth updates to my instruments. For the time being, I am avoiding the airliners as the GA aircraft are fun to fly, (at least the ones I have tried). I do like private jets and wish Gulfstream would allow someone to model the very elegant G4! Keep safe. BRGDS. Charles

I am getting smooth updates with this fix and others appear to be getting much better performance with no visual impact on the instruments. I found the game unusable prior to that as it was taxing the CPU hard due to those instruments not being optimised.

Highonsnow, pls can you provide me with the link to this file because there are several in circulation. I may not have the best optimised version. There are three different file versions available on one website. BRGDS. Charles.

OK, I think I have found it :smiley: Charles

Hi, I have the same CPU I7 3770k with a GTX 1080, 16GB DDR3 2133Mhz. Unless you have a good reason to stay on stock clocks, I suggest to OC all that as it’s really easy and you will have 0 risk if you stay light. For example I never touch voltage. I n bios I just changed the core multiplier to 44 so I run at 4,4Ghz turbo speed (vs 3,9), and changed the bios cpu fan control to be at 100% sooner, the GTX 1080 is, thank to MSI Afterburner, Oc too at 2100Mhz for core (+150) and 5400Mhz for its MEM (+400), with a fan change to run at 100% after 74 degres. The DDR3 is sold for 2133 but I chosen 2400Mhz in Bios and all work fine. I really see a big difference in MSFS and in general for all games . I’m really happy with my good old machine. Just my 2c :wink:

Edit : I forget to say I have a good refresh fan for my cpu, a Noctua NH-U12P SE2 which help to keep temps under 82 degres.

Some people are getting significant step-up’s in performance by using Nvidia driver 452.22, it’s a Nvidia hot-fix driver that has no published fixes for the current 452.06 driver. It’s best to use the DDU tool to remove an older driver so you can have a thoroughly clean environment for a new driver install. I never use Windows to uninstall a display driver. Make sure that your current installed driver has not been rolled back to an older version, Windows can do that behind your back without you noticing. Certainly, a driver re-install gave me better performance. You will notice that some people report a significant improvement in performance while others get nothing. It’s all very strange! Charles

Hi Charles,

This is the original thread for the fix (just updated a few minutes ago with a new release of the fix, v0.1.03 September 9th 2020)

OK, many thanks for your link and work. Will take a look tomorrow. BRGDS. Charles.

Thanks man for this patch.

I’ve had numerous performance issues and had no idea why. I’ve applied this patch and I can now fly in G1000 planes at a constant 40fps :smile:

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Brilliant, I’m glad it’s working well for you!

Fix for those who are facing CTD’s on installing/mid flight, main menu. CTDs Temporary Fix (Awaiting Patch)

i7-9700k, RTX2070 Super, 16gb ram 3200mhz.
Horrible stuttering when approaching any airport, almost crashes on approach.
Have tried with and without overclock. No fix even with low settings.

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