Dreadful performance

Ryzen 9 3900x 32gb ddr4 3200mhz here and most of my 12/24 cores are below 6% usage. In 2020 this should not be a thing anymore…

I have the very same thing. Game is smooth other than regular 2 to 5 secondes drops to 10-12 fps whenever, it seems, some parts of scenery loads during flight.

However, on most approaches/final (and only there) I get massive stuttering where it goes as much as making sounds stutters too, sometimes even crashing the game. This phenomena only appears on final. As soon as I’m landed, performance goes back to normal with the airports corresponding FPS (like when cold and dark or departure). That’s odd!

There are a lot of drop in the global GPU usage. And drops create lag in the game. For exemple when you change camera, or when you move in the cockpit.I monitor my specs during my flights and the problem is still there and only on this game.

This is the most likely cause tbh. I haven’t tested turning off all online function but it makes sense. It’s ok in Beta because limited amount of people are “downloading” streams. Once it’s in the wild, imagine, 10 billion miles flown. How would the servers cope with this insane traffic?

What I’ve tested though it extreme manual caching. I cached the whole Toronto Area on high, 7GBs worth. And the whole KSFO on high, 21GBs. The KSFO still hiccups as my CPU is bottlenecking but Toronto’s smooth with the manual cache. Load times are drastically different too with Toronto loading much quicker with manual cache. Without the cache it’d load about the same everywhere, UK, Tokyo, etc. But with the manual it loads way faster. KSFO is insane, even with cache, it’s over 1 minute staring at the screen.

Everything’s on SSD btw.

With your streaming theory though, wouldn’t it make sense that if you’re flying over 300 kts low to the ground could make this way worst? Like a jet perhaps? I don’t fly jets yet so.

See what’s crazy is this exact GPU graph spikes and drops happened during the unpatched launch of red dead 2 on DX12. On Vulcan it was smooth as butter. I just tried RDR2 after haven’t played for 3 months and it’s still the same after countless patch. The Vulcan graph is smooth while the DX graph spikes like hell. Couple that with streaming textures I dunno bro, sadface.

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Im Flying at 50 FPS (all green) and Suddenly the FPS drops to 10 (red) generating a violent stuttering and soon they go back up to 50 and return to normal, this happens very often during the flight and at any height and on any plane (using Hind - End setting )

I7-9700 K
32 RAM 3000 MHZ
OC to 4.8 Ghz
Maximum Power performance in Nvidia Panel and W10 is set.
FPS development all green graphic


My spec:
3570K @ 4.4
on SSD
Max power just like you. Even set the Win10 gpu scheduling and prog profile. <- This made the menu runs at 527fps. In game not so much difference.

However, I found a peculiar thing about the devmode fps counter.
Vsync on, 60 – red/flashes green green green green
Vsync off, 60 – red/flashes green green green green
Vsync on, 30 – all green
Vsync off, 30 – all green. <-- this makes no sense naw mean? Because the minute you turn Vsync off, the 30 60 option is greyed out. Yet, if it greys at 30, all green (limited by GPU), if it greys on 60, red green. (Limited by mainthread when red)

Something funky is going on in the back.

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Same specs.

Same problem.

I hope the next update addresses this.

why do I often got the MSFS freezes or not responding? I have this issue since I downloaded its contents, until I play the game now.
The Windows Task Manager shows that flightsimulator.exe is not responding, so I have to click End Task and relaunch the sim again.
When it happens? It happens randomly, but always does.
I’m still using i7 4770K, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 Super, SSD, updated Windows 10 version 2004, updated Nvidia graphic driver.
And also, the audio sounds stuttering/lagging.
Any solution? Thanks before…

i5-4760k is clearly not enough to run FSim. (Un)fortunately, this game is meant to be played with really high-end components. I don’t think that a Intel of series 5 of 4th generation is sufficient to make it run properly. The game is ahead of its time and we have to deal with it, not everyone can handle it.

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It is ahead of it’s time, the “Crysis of our time” if you will.

That said, the main reason people are getting heavy stuttering even when turning settings down is because the game doesn’t use modern CPUs very well, it only leverages 4 cores heavily. So you’ve got the main game loop, terrain data streaming, terrain generation, instruments, AI, UI and many other things all competing over 4 cores and FINALLY pushing frames to the GPU, which results in stutter.

The community has also found some inefficient stuff going on in the instruments code wasting precious CPU cycles: Highonsnow Glass Cockpit 15-19 FPS boost on Airliners and 10-21 FPS on GA Aircraft . This sort of thing is less of a problem if it were running in a separate thread (CPU core) and not blocking the main thread, blocking frames being pushed to the GPU.

This is why you see people getting 50%-60% GPU util and 25-30% overall CPU util (but 4 cores pegged and running hot). The best way to get the game running smoother right now is NOT to throw more money at your GPU, but to get the game onto the 4 fastest CPU cores money can buy.

This may change if they patch the game at some point to use the CPU more efficiently, which may or may not be easy depending on the engine.

Edit: I am confident they will eventually fix this. Why? They have to for the Xbox release to work. On the console side, the new Xbox series S console CPU specs are already set in stone: 8-core AMD Zen 2 CPU @ 3.6GHz (3.4GHz with SMT). That’s a pretty good midrange CPU and the game would run poorly on it at the moment.


Intel 7th gen i7 unlocked seems to be plagued with performance issues. Thank God I don’t have the i7 7XXXK CPU!
A friend who does told me of his successful work-around; update your MOBO BIOS, then use AI tweak to sync all cores, increase the multiple (not the multiplier which should be at 100) to , say 45, 46, 47, or 48 (water cooling is a MUST at high freq’s!). After getting your BIOS to the most current, make sure your RAM speed is correctly read. If it isn’t, set it manually, then re-boot. THEN enable XMP - NOT BEFORE or during the AI tweaking. Grab CPUZ and look at your specs. Do they seem “odd”? YouTube is loaded with OC advice for Intel i7 6th, 7th etc… gen on ZxxxK series MOBO’s. Tune in to several of them. There’s a LOT to be gained.

I’m running an i7 7700… kinda glad I didn’t buy a “K” version back then! It’s not running too bad for me. Yeah it stutters a tad whilst it streams>processes>writes to rolling cache, but it’s otherwise fine.

On predictable flight paths such as IFR approaches, the system should buffer ahead and use some of the RAM that is not being utilized on 32 Gig RAM systems. Most of the stutters is the sim loading in scenery. For those of us with slow connections, this can be agonizing.

But, I want to add to MS that this is a fantastic Sim, please squash the various bugs and it will be unbeatable.

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I agree, the limiter value grayed seems a bug AFAIK. It’s obvious that you want to limit your fps specifically if vsync is disabled. What I didn’t know and you discovered it’s that the limit value is active even when grayed because the vsync is off, funky as you said :wink:
That’s why I have vsync off in game (and I need to check what is the fps limit value grayed but I think it’s 60 by default) and turned fps limiter at 60 in my NVidia CP for this specific game. I don’t have any screen tearing even at lower fps than 60 which is positively weird.

Fyi I have also a i7 3770 OC 4,4Ghz and a GTX1080 OC. Pretty happy with performance as I have 60fps anywhere and 40 minimum in big photogrammetry cities (1080p). Obviously with the patch giving more fps for glass cockpit plane (320 neo, etc.).

Edit: IMHO and experience you should never run without a limiter (vsync, fps limiter in game or outside,etc.). it allow your cpu and gpu to get some fresh air and not run at full speed for nothing (E.g. loading screen, menu, etc.).

Same issue. Its like the sim begs for hypethreading. I run an i5 8400 with no hyperthreading support with just 6 threads think that’s one of the main issues to the stuttering. I think the issue is affecting CPUs with 4ct/4t 6c/6t 8c/8t.

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A lot of people in the same boat, hope fix it in the update of september.

Basically same system here and I’m seeing the same thing. This was not happening prior to the latest update.

I just noticed something on my end with the 9700K. I was overclocking slightly. 5.0. I removed that so that it only turbo boosts to default. That all but made the stuttering spikes go away with no reduction in frames in the sim. Running my cpu stock and it boosts to 4.6 4.7ish on average in the sim. Are you overclocking yours at all?

Yeah dude, I run it at 1440p tho :frowning: but with the glass cockpit mod I get comfortably 45 fps at the majority of sites so that’s ok. I think we MUST have vsync on tbh, learned from RDR2 + DX, without vsync DX chokes like hell.