Drone camera rolls left very slowly left with no user input

Well spotted! Fingers crossed, but I’d imagine too close to SU7 to reasonably expect a fix by then even if they pursued it - but maybe by end of year?

Same here. This bug is from SU5 and not yet fixed

So will this drone-roll be fixed later today … or not.

This little goose is so excited to find out.

I don’t know… maybe I’m starting to suffer from “Stockholm Syndrome” but I think I might miss it when they do fix it :frowning:

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It seems I had nothing to worry about - bug not fixed.

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Well … this little goose would say they fixed 70-80% of the bug.

Yes, the drone still rolls left … but a loooooot less. So IMHO it is waaaaay better then in the past month.

I think I saw some remark that they fixed some calculation precision stuff … and this suggests that the artifact is a result of rounding errors (in some matrix operations I guess). I always rolls left … never right.

Not perfect … but at least we can “keep a small part of our beloved bug” for a little longer (forever?). Stockholm must be a nice city … I heard :wink:

(and actually I think there was some “drone roll” since the very beginning … but it might have had a different “bias” or reason back a year ago)

Unfortunately I didn’t see any difference in my default flying (A32NX FBW) HOWEVER when I swapped to a Cessna 172 doing a VFR tour of the Black Hills of South Dakota (including the Devil’s Monument - I’ve visited, it is stunning countryside, highly recommended) yes it seemed to hardly be noticeable.

I wonder if that helps point the finger of suspicion as to what is happening? Is it a rounding error in terms of distance flown? Or might it be a rounding error based on a speed calculation??? (Higher speed => more roll, Slow speed => less roll, no speed => no roll).

To test that I might jump in an F18 and “fly it like I stole it” and see what happens to roll rate :slight_smile:

Hmm … I guess you are right. The movement of the aircraft might also impact this, as its “translation” also affects the drone. And that impact might have a different characteristic.

I did my test with the aircraft still parked at the gate … and so the aircraft movement was zero.

My drone speed, however, was like “Mach 6” (I guess) … and even then the drone roll was very minimal. But I have yet to try the same when the aircraft is moving.

Ok … @WebSanity … after flying a few different aircraft I would confirm your observation.

Drone roll did not change during flight in GOTY.

I will retest the “aircraft parked” scenario in different locations to see if want I saw in my first test can be observed in all locations.

For anybody testing/trying to fix this please note that in the current version of the sim (game of year edition) I found that you see the effect at its worst the more you pitch the drone view down. If you just translate the drone horizontally and vertically the drone rolls a tiny amount, but if you point it “nose down” it rolls a lot faster. If you take that to its conclusion and point the drone looking directly down looking at your aircraft from above then the effect is that the aircraft you are looking at YAWS in the view over time. Hope that helps any people looking to debug/a hint at where the rounding error (if it is one?) exists.

This bug is not fixed … but something changed in GOTY.

As @WebSanity pointed out the drone still rolls left if used while the aircraft is flying. I see the same thing during flights.

However … I retried this:

  • Take my H145 into hover … to not move the aircraft … to to stay away from the ground in order to not “crash” due to the 3D terrain getting pushed out of the cash (another bug which has been around for over a year now)
  • Point drone cam upwards
  • Moved at super-goosy-mega-sonic speed around my Hawaii islands for some minutes

… interesting … the drone cam did roll very slightly to the right.

It clearly looks like a rounding error in the concatenated matrix transforms which get applied. IMHO the main “bug” is that this cam movement is based on continues forward-backward matrix multiplications. Rounding errors will always occur.

Now what really is “puzzling” is the aircraft movement impact. It seems like that 3D matrix is having the biggest impact on the roll.

same here with the latest updates! Very irritating problem and makes showcase unusable if I want a set constant view to record. Upvote.

Aaaand… it’s sill not fixed after the update (Jan 6th, 2022) :cry:

jup … I can confirm … “Drone roll left” will continue to be “a thing”.

… I just tried “Drone roll” when the cam is pointing upward into the sky … and … well … it does roll right then.

That seems “different”. I am pretty sure I tried that in previous release too and there a “right roll” was not as quickly visible as now.

Pointing the cam downwards results in the “normal” left roll.

When I reset the cam to 100% horizontal … then it stays there (just as it used to in previous releases)

Happy 2022 fellow camera roll compatriots :slight_smile:

The latest release seemed an odd one - mostly urgent fixes in there; let’s hope in the next release there are some chunkier things - including a fix for this!

I despise the way that MS SEEM to triage issues based on a social voting system (although I hope deep down they just use that as ONE input into their planning) , but one way to get this to move up the priority list is to get more people to vote for it (or maybe if people aren’t voting for it we’re in a tiny minority and MS are right to deal with other issues first; although offering something in the sim that is so badly bugged is pretty weak). I just don’t understand how “YouTubers” aren’t pushing the issue - surely it will muck up their streams at some point?

Basically we need to stir up some interest and get more people to vote for this IF they see it as a problem.

We live in hope…

I really hope they stop fixing bugs based on votes soon. This should happen when most of the big issues are fixed. I think using votes is a bad way to prioritize bugs. Many of the small issues like these are probably fixed within an hour but because they don’t have many votes they will maybe never be fixed.

Happy WU Australia … to all Drone Cam Rollers!

I just watched the official video for that world update … and after more then half a year of cam rolleritis I guess this little goose has an eye for a horizon tilted “left side up”.

Now I do not know if it is just me or if the official video has countless footage where the horizon is tilted “left side up”?

… at least I have not spotted a part of the clip where it has been rolled to “right side up”.

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#drone #drone-cam #pc #camera

Microsoft Store version

Normal Mod

If you are in drone view and stays there for some time, camera keeps on tilting. Why it is not stable.

Latest build.

I just voted for this. Just like you say, it happens when I have been using the drone camera for a while and when I have not been using ROLL DRONE LEFT and ROLL DRONE RIGHT. My workaround is to use RESET DRONE ROLL which is mapped to the keyboard space bar and this gets rid of the tilting instantly.

After a year and a half of not using the drone camera, I mapped a dozen drone functions to my 3D Extreme joystick yesterday so I can “fly” the drone easily now. Better late than never.