DX12 Broken Ground Tiles

Unfortunately, the problem has become worse than ever since SU14, I really have to think about what I’m doing. DX12 runs much better, the microlags on DX11 make me sick. :roll_eyes:
I’m betting everything on MS2024, but after 4 years of Asobo experience, I basically only expect the worst.

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It’s mind blowing to think Asobo first blamed NVIDIA for this issue and then almost 2 years now they don’t even mention the issue again.

And every time the question gets asked multiple times in the dev Q&A’s, they just ignore it.

This is probably the worst visual bug in MSFS right now and it’s unbelievable how it’s not getting any attention, not that the dev’s can even shed some light if they are working on it or if a fix is close.

Frame generation is useless because of this.

And to top it all, it’s a whole lot worse in SU15.

Can’t wait to see the folks that are not in the beta reactions to this.


I really want to use frame generation, but this issue is incredibly annoying to me.
4080 is capable of 4K easily and above, but the moment some VRAM gets filled all the ground textures get patches.

I just am forced to stick to DX11 this way.
Please Asobo fix this, don’t leave it for FS2024.

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I don’t think it’s even VRAM issue. I have a 4090 and still get these bugged textures.

I think it is VRAM related, cuz the higher i push my internal resolution the worse this issue gets.
VRAM usage has always been incredibly high with MSFS when DX12 is used.
It filled my entire 24GB of the 7900XTX i had as well.

I found that suddenly switching views will likely cause this problem particularly on some third party airports. Some developers have this problem more than others (e.g. cloudsurf asia simulations).

But what I found is that as along as you don’t switch views wherein the direction you’re looking at changes dramatically, the issue usually doesn’t happen. So for example, if you’re planning to switch to a wing view which faces the right from your current view in the cockpit which faces straight, ensure that you pan the camera first to the right while in cockpit view before switching to the wing view.

I see that as well. And that it is more prone to happen if VRAM is close to full. But sometimes it also happens right when the sim has finished loading in the cockpit perspective. So I guess it is a mixture of reasons leading to this phenomenon, some things might trigger it more than others though…

It still happens to me from time to time, switching from dx12 is a no no as I don’t want to give up on Frame Generation.

Could be related to the VRAM as the issue is not as frequent since I switched from a 3080 (8GB) to a 4090 (24GB) one year ago. (Though some airports eat more than 20 GB of vram with textures set on ultra)

When it happens, a quick fix is to switch to the drone and climb away from the airport until the airport texture come back.

I have this tile bug all the time, RTX4090 + 13900k + 32GB RAM.

This isn’t a VRAM issue. Even with a 4090 with half the VRAM available, this occurs all the time on the ground.

Recently got myself a 4070 and using DX12 beta in seeing this issue. Which is sad given I just paid to upgrade.

Has anyone managed to find a workaround or quick fix? - I’m going to give the shader cache clear out a go.

Not sure if it is related but I also have issues if I pan the camera around too quickly. Like a rapid head movement, then I almost go down to 1fps and the sim can’t recover from it. For this I Alt + Enter and that seems to resolve it but I’m in constant wear of panning the camera to quickly.

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It’s honestly sad that Asobo/Microsoft don’t try to fix this bug soon! The only update we have is “Improved in Fs2024”, that’s deplorable! This problem appears in standard and third-party airports, although it has dx11, I use dx12 due to the fact that Nvidia’s frame generation only works with it! Apparently this version of the simulator is in an eternal beta, and the next one will possibly be the same way. I really like Asobo/Microsoft’s work, but this bug should be addressed urgently and not just considered as: “Improved in Fs2024”.


The word “improved” is interesting. That could mean anything, but it certainly doesn’t mean “solved”.
I would bet money that the bug will move into 2024 unchanged. Just like all the other bugs. FS2024 is nothing more than old wine in a new bottle.


I had this problem with RTX3070, switched to AMD RX7800XT, still the same bug with DirectX12 on ground textures.
This bug has been in game for like past 2 years, is easy to reproduce, yet they are not even planning to fix it.


As it is simply not possible that my post was flagged by community within some minutes only and due to the fact that I do hate censorship, I write again: no, it is not related to nVIDIA only, AMD cards do also suffer from this bug and always were. Fact.


Forget it, they will delete your post. They just deleted mine.

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The problem guys is that we all talk we all complain but we have not done enough noise about it! In one of live streams answers with developer’s they have advised they find out what is the cause and working on a fix! Now I’m hardly buying this since this issue is present now since 2021 and I also hardly believe this will be sorted when MSFS 2024 will be launched, now in vanilla base game issue won’t be present as soon you start put in aftermarket airports and stuff this is were this issue will kick in! So to me and to many of us this must be sorted like yesterday! But as far we keep buying and putting money in to this project they will be focused on bringing only new stuff and other things to divert our eyes away from real deal problems such as this one!

Now SU15 promises to give us performance uplift but main question which issues have been or being dressed and which ones have been left to me as per above we not making enough statement/noise to make sure Asobo team really address the issues that make for many unplayable unpleasant gaming experience.

Now I’m not one of people that has drastic problems as my pc was upgraded to the latest and fastest but that costed quite big chunk of money!


I am hearing reports that this is currently unresolved and worse in SU15 beta… please fix this Asobo… the sim is really in need of DX12 and this is a brutal immersion killer.

They said they were aware of this issue in OCTOBER ‘22 and working on a fix……. Here we are in April ‘24. Not good enough.


Well, increasing the render scale to 200 also significantly increases the VRAM need. Although several people somehow showed that they get the issue also without maxed out VRAM, you observation is in line with mine: the fuller the VRAM, the more the issue appears.

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