in other games, such errors are patched out every day …
maybe microsoft will give us a surprise on 27th
Surprise! Alpha version of game.
Now it’s damage control time to hide bad reviews about it all over the internet to include steam…
Well thats a surprise right? lol
Gosh dang you folks are entertaining as heck.
Sorry and thanks
Thats what I said
if the 80GB patch is confirmed, I have to make strategic decisions. my internet does not have warp speed yet
i hope community manager see this post lol
Here come the complaints again…
Surely that is a dollar for the first month and 14.99 thereafter?
Check out the P3d forum on AVsim. Folks are complaining about the new version for the past couple months. Still many are unsatisfied. And P3d V5 costs more that MS2020 and has been around a lot longer.
So whats the point? Initial issues of Software often have bugs. At least we get to play with it and hope that it will be fixed, rather than wait for the perfect version. Many, many games and software put out patches all the time.
Still it is pretty lousy that the larger airliners barely work, so I’m not totally excusing MS. Those planes should have way more functionality.
I’ve found that the G1000 in GA planes works. There are pages missing, and a few errors in buttons, but the basic functionality is there and I’ve had no problems with the auto-pilot also.
Guys this is NOT accurate. The OP is wrong.
It is NOT an 80gb patch.
Actually, we can do more than become prey so thankfully that is not all we can do. We can post on YouTube, we can make sandwiches, we can go to sleep, we can try shooting an ILS with the various aircraft, we can try to find the missing winds in the US Live weather system, we can set the altitude in the Baron, OH WAIT sorry I forgot some of those were only that we can WISH TOO!
Per the August 20th Development Update the next Development Update is planned for August 27th. This is when you can expect a release date to be communicated for the patch.
In other words, they are finalizing that patch and expect to be in a position to announce a date on August 27th. I know this has been mentioned above, but wanted to clear up some confusion.
lol i like this answer
woh thank you ,so was fake news
Hopefully it’s not a mandatory update and you are allowed to update when ready. The alpha had mandatory updates. You could not play the sim until you updated.
I’d like to wait and see, before I update.
Do I need to backup my controller settings ?
Where are they located, by the way?