Embraer 110 Cargo - Cruise Altitude


I’m spending more time with the nextgen Embraer 110 and was wondering, which cruising altitude the cargo version would typically use. As the aircraft is non-pressurized, the pax version, according to this thread would typically be around 10.000 feet. Would this also apply for the cargo version or would the pilots use oxygen masks and go higher to avoid weather and reduce fuel consumption? Or is it more of a “it depends”?

Thank you!

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Take a look into the pilots_operating_handbook_emb110p
Page 7-93 say someting about oxygen.

There was an optional O2 system (as mentioned in the post above), but it doesn’t seem our version of the aircraft has it.

Thank you both for you answers. So I guess without any oxygen system one would stay at around 10.000 feet with the cargo version as well.

Edit: Just looked at Flightaware and there is currently a cargo EMB110 on route which was always between 7k and 10k feet for the last flights.

That looks bumpy! :smiley:

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Chat GPT says FL250 is the highest it can go

Edit: Wikipedia too

I’d assume those times are in hour:minutes?