Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600

I think it may be a bug with how msfs handles turboprop physics ! I tried this in the king air also and with nearly max throttle it will also move with props “feathered” I do not own another payware turboprop to test there though.

And this is after they “improved” how the sim handles prop physics.

Wait does this version of the aircraft have completely made up systems ?

I saw your posts mentioning visual things that should not be there or mismatch or re missing and also missing or poorly implemented systems but are you saying they ADDED stuff that does not exist in the real aircraft systems wise (other than the obvious simulator quality of life stuff like the indicator of thrust lever position on the PFD)

I am very interested in knowing what the aircraft systems in the sim can do that is not a thing on the real aircraft perhaps even more so than what it can not do because that is very odd adding systems that don’t exist especially from a programing point of view.

In referring to DTO, it does work but its very poorly coded. It plots the direct line as soon as you select the WP you are going to, before you execute the change. Doesnt draw a curved turn onto the path, even the basic GNS 450 can do that. Seriously needs work…


I downloaded it for the 600, from a website called PDFCoffee.

I have not put a link here, don’t want the blame for viruses etc. My virus software scanned it and found no issue though.

I’ll preface this by saying: this is conjecture

Hans Hartmann has already clearly reused code from the CRJ in the ATR, which was copied from a Prepar3d version of the same plane.

  • ATR has the same weird VNAV bugs as the CRJ
  • ATR has the same nose-up movement on takeoff as the CRJ
  • ATR has the same weird EFB as the CRJ (though the CRJ’s actually loads fuel and pax)

The datapoints within the flight model may be different, and the FMS is definitely different, but there are some shared idiosyncrasies between them that are undeniable.


I have to say my first initial impression was that it was very CRJ like. Obviously it’s different, but the overall experience is very similar to the CRJ.

Yes, it is. See here…


Never purchased the CRJ (not my kind of aircraft) but that is interesting regarding the vnav does the one in the CRJ also have no smoothing whatsoever and is abrupt ?

As for the nose up behavior I m sure another aircraft that I do own had that issue on release also it seems the trim setting is a little off.

As for the EFB when compared to the FBW or FENIX EFB everything else feels weird or incomplete to me.

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Not a little. but a LOT. Maybe a CG thing. I tried even 0,5 less trim up than recomended and if lift´s by itselfe around 100Kt.

Why would you assume that the ND should plot a curved line with a course change? The GNS450 is a completely different system from a completely different manufacturer. I have watched several videos from “Fly with Magnar” taken in a real ATR cockpit in flight, and that seems to be correct when doing a DTO.

The ND will show curves for RF legs (when part of a procedure) and for holding patterns, but not for enroute course changes.

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Do you mean “Systems 42/72 - 600” or something else? How many pages does it have?

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This is one of the most irritating bugs of all, in my opinion. Actually, it’s a combination of ‘can’t-turn-this-aircraft-around’ bugs that make it irritating.

I attempted another 2 sector flight last night. To get around the inability to start engine 2 after shutting down (due to lack of CHG and voltage dropping), I just left the aircraft in hotel mode on the ramp. But that’s not where the fun ends… other strange things happen when you try to turn the plane around.

I am able to enter in new fuel / payload from the (lame) MSFS toolbar (why we can’t do this from the tablet or MCDU is beyond me). But long pressing the LSKs on the weights page of the MCDU doesn’t bring in the new values. You can enter them manually, but I’m not sure if this has much effect. When I go to the PERF page to confirm the vspeeds, I am unable to reset them. The box just says something like perf data confirmed and I can’t change it. No huge deal, I guess since the speeds are pretty similar since the weights were about the same, but still… The Vspeeds should be re-set-able.

Other oddness - setting the AP modes for the second leg caused the left tape (where the vertical deviation is shown) to turn brown and flash… and the vertical deviation bar from the first flight was still there… I managed to get it to clear by mashing a bunch of different AP modes and seeing them display on the FMA, but I couldn’t tell you how I did it… the tan bar went away, but the vertical deviation bar remained.

I actually did manage to complete the second leg, but there seems to be something very wrong about how the systems don’t reset themselves properly after the first leg. I’m not a real-world ATR pilot, so maybe I’m not doing something I should be doing - but I have been following the checklists to the letter. And things just seem to be in an odd state when starting subsequent sectors.


Yes it was the systems one it has 180 pages

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Anyone experiencing CTD’s with the ATR in VR? It happens to me all the time with the ATR, in an otherwise quite stable system. The other aircraft where I experience a lot of CTD’s is the CRJ. I am using directx 11, nvidia driver 531.29.

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Can someone please drop an ATR repaint tutorial, using blender makes me extremely confuddled.

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I am currently at FL20, TAT -10, SAT -20, TAS 272, GS 297, TQ 65.3% with a tailwind of about 28 knots.

Not a pilot IRL so I don’t know if this is spot on or close enough to be accurate according to the chart you posted.

I don’t know the difference between ISA and TAT/SAT. What is KG/H/ENG?

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I’m sorry, it’s FL200. ATR76, current weight is 45,915 lbs.

At first I was disappointed with the ATR. However, after watching videos and spending a lot more time with the ATR, I am really, really liking it. Granted I am not a real pilot (I do have about 3 hrs of real flight time tho, lol). The climb rate sucks and not being able to capture an ILS are the only problems I am having. Well, except for the FO’s MCDU not working. Not being a real ATR pilot is probably a good thing as if I was an ATR pilot I would notice everything wrong with it. But I’m not so I have been enjoying the ATR quite a bit. I think one of the main reasons I was unhappy at first is because of my impatience. I somewhat expected to jump right in and fly without understanding much. I usually fly GA. I do hope that they continue to update the ATR with fixes and especially a cargo version. I don’t know why cargo versions are usually always forgotten about. Fingers crossed though.


Aren’t they both working?

Working for me.