Expert Series I: ATR 42-600 / 72-600

Haven’t found a workaround for this bug: When using the MSFS ATR tune a VOR. While tracking inbound the CDI will move in relation to the aircraft’s position on course. After overflying VOR and flying AWAY from the station the CDI will remain pegged in full deflection even when on the aircraft is on course.

ok, thank you :+1:

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It would be great to have an official statement from Asobo/Hans/MS about the status of the ATR and a potential patch as it has been a week since release and the most we have had are rumors though youtubers being in contact with Hans about a patch in the works.


This is very important to give official status to bug reports and make the community comfortable. Excelent idea…


If I turn off “Justifiably Enraged Consumer” mode and turn on “I Play MSFS to Laugh at Bugs” mode, then I enjoy the ATR also. For instance, this happened just minutes ago and I found it hilaroius :smiley:

As you can see, the NP% shows the prop turning, there are no warning messages, and the plane has flown 200 miles so far with perfectly symmetrical thrust and both engines sounding the same. I only noticed the right prop wasn’t turning when I took a look outside to see if I was still iced up (which happens, and has bad effects, so I’ll give the plane that).

And hilariously, the right MCDU was born locked up. I entered the flightplan on the left one, never touching the right one. And the route had neither airways nor waypoints to enter. The departure field had no SID so I just went direct to the 1st waypoint of a STAR. The left MCDU didn’t have any problems. But when I tried to have the FPLN on 1 side and PROG on the other, I discovered the right side was locked up. Why? I have no idea. And to make it all even funnier, once again, the MFD map locked up for no reason, which I think is related to MCDU lock-up.

Oh, and get this… Managed speed would never get out of the magenta 170 for climb at TOC, nor anywhere else along the way back down, and LNAV started chasing its tail. And once on the ground at DFW, idle power wasn’t enough to keep the electrical system happy so the lights kept going out unless I taxied slightly above idle. Shades of the An-2’s ■■■■■■ electrical system :wink:
Seriously, I’m still snickering in happy remembrance of this flight :smiley:

I did notice, however, that the ATR’s nav data, despite saying it’s using MSFS’s, just doesn’t. I was flying from KMAF Rwy 10 to KDFW ILS13R with the VKTRY2 STAR. If you select this STAR on the World Map, you get a long transition starting way back at HNKER. This doesn’t exist in the ATR’s database. So the “VFR Map” shows your path looping way to the north through HNKER, WLLTR, RUGGR, GLOKK, etc., before getting to VKTRY but the ATR just goes direct to VKTRY. I can’t decide if this is funny or just pathetic :slight_smile:


The crazy part is that (for me at least) one flight will go flawlessly and the next will have all kinds of weird issues.

Just noticed the aircraft can taxi perfectly fine without any of the props spinning while in hotel mode which gave me a good laugh as programming that to not happen is really not that hard at all.

I definitely think Asobo rushed this one out the door and I am hoping that it is fixed and patched because if most of these stupid bugs were fixed my enjoyment of this add on would definitely be much higher.


Flew that NDB/loc 21 approach into Donegal tonight and it worked fine. Tuned the loc freq in nav1, course 205, switched source to vils1, and pressed NAV to arm the loc mode. In HDG mode set an intercept course and it captured the loc ok. FMA showed LOC in green. Could also have pressed APR and had the same result I think.

Other interesting thing - the Donegal waypoint (NDB) CFN was NOT IN THE DATABASE of the ATR (72). ■■■?


For DTO hit the soft key next to the waypoint you want and then EXEC.

If you hit DTO again you can even set ABEAM for DTO and a third press will give you Airports nearby.

Important thing is EXEC after you’ve made your selection.

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Thanks muchos. I’m used to Garmins where you click the waypoint first, then hit Direct To. It’s the other way around in this.

That is not a good definition of “expert level” and would imply that every airplane in the Marketplace is actually an “expert level” plane… at least.
Even the worst plane with the most bizarre flight model and full of errors and oversights can be flown by an “expert” in fact. A novice or less experienced pilot would of cause fail to handle and fly such a plane.


Oh that is good news. I’ll take another look. Thanks.

It’s strange how some work and some don’t. Hopefully it can be fixed with a simple database update.

Edit: same issue into BGKK from BIAR. The NDB 377.0 didn’t work in the ATR. It might be worth trying in another aircraft. I’m not sure how they’ve coded the FMS but it seems some are missing from the database.

Not super important but after looking at real pictures of the atrs I noticed the real aircraft looks different, the front of the plane.


This is not Asobo plane. (:

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Asobo are the publisher and seller so accountable for the item.

Microsoft, not Asobo.


Interesting obvservations and a few genuine bugs there.
Strangely the FMS isn’t always dead on the copilot side while on the ground. Seems to be so once airbourne. I’ve given up trying to use it tbh.
The speed thing at TOC changes if you change the power management to CRZ from CLB. It should change automatically at TOC, but the power mode is changed manually.
I have sometimes seen it stick on 170KTS though especially with the ‘std’ pressure bug that exists because the aircraft thinks it’s still climbing to target ALT.
Also, in “auto” speed target mode (magenta 170KTS in CLB) when it does achieve target ALT I see it change to 245KTS in CRZ (too high and never achievable). The aircraft tops out at 220KTS in CRZ for me.


Lol - correct - but Asobo are directly contracted on the product and supply the dev resources. Either way - a statement from the publisher would be nice.

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Are you sure? The publisher is Microsoft, not Asobo. What is the role of Asobo according to your knowledge?

Target speed does auto change IF target ALT is reached, but with the ‘std’ pressure bug we have it often isn’t reached (2-300 ft short) so target speed sticks at 170KTS which I think is what is happening in this case.
Interesting to know about power mode though.