Exploring the world in the Beechcraft Bonanza

Leg 19 Bovanenkovo to Krasnoselkup, Siberia, Russia

DAY9_10.PLN (2.9 KB)

9-9 BovanenKovo USDB 8:02 AM
9-9 Alykel UOOO 10:38 AM
9-9 Valek UOOW 10:54 AM

9-9 Valek UOOW 9:21 PM
9-9 Snezhnogorsk UOIC 10:31 PM
9-9 Igarka UOII 10:59 PM
9-9 Svetlogorsk UOIG 11:24 PM
9-10 Krasnoselkup USDP 12:34 AM

Flight time: 6:05 6 stops

The detail level is still low but there is something to see now. Tadebyayakha

Not much to see of Reka Tename, pretty skies

Norilsk, dark again already

Continuing on from Norilsk at dawn, nice town

Putoranskiy Gosudarstvennyy Prirodnyy Zapovednik

Weird green tint on the sat images

This is what it really looks like

Landing at Snezhnogorsk, a path cleared in the forest.



Purplish mountain at Svetlogorsk

Stopping at Krasnoselkup, another isolated town along the Taz river