External view: how do I cancel the instruments?

I am still a bit confused about external views…in the external view, how is it possible NOT to have the instruments (Heading, airspeed, engine, fuel, etc.) appaering? what command should I use? I managed to cancel it but now it re-appeared, I do not know why…

also, is it possible to select only some of them (airspeed, altitude) appearing and not all of them?

I hope it is clear.

Thanks for help.

You can change it in the settings!

Go to settings General…Camera…Scroll down to Instrument Heads Up Display.(HUD)…You have on or off choice.No other that I can see.Good to use when wanting to take snap shots.Hope that helps.

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There is also a mod available that allows the toggle the HUD on the fly by pressing the Backspace key.

See https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/uimod-i-want-to-introduce-my-mods-to-you/294531

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Thanks a lot !!! That’s exactly what i was looking for…you made my day !!!