Extremely slow download speeds in content manager

A post was merged into an existing topic: EXTREMELY slow and fluctuating download speeds

Trying to download the Caribbean World Update. Getting 1 to 1.5 Mbps download speed. Line speed is 500Mbps. This problem did not occur in the past.

What a surprise. My base sim update downloaded at ~50-150 Mbits/s now the download of the carribean scenery in the marketplace is at ~1-2 Mbits/s. Im so fed up with this. No news at all on a resolution from MS or Asobo.

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Hello @sthackrey,

The issue of slow download speeds was directly addressed by Martial during yesterday’s Developer Livestream. You can watch the video here (relevant section about download speeds starts at 18:17).



sim’s great, file hosting has never been great but currently its just insufferable / prevents accessibility.

“Working on it” is not a resolution unfortunately. It was reported as a problem such a long time ago and its still not fixed. I am surprised it is causing so many issues when other platforms dont have this problem. I hope they get it fixed soon. It is incredibly frustrating in this day and age. I have never seen such low download speeds since I was a teenager back in the 90s hahah.


To be fair, while the content manager said it’s downloading at 2mbit/s most of the time the actual download must be faster.

Downloading the 11 GB of the World Update took about two hours for me, while it only would have managed to get 1.8 GB had it really been that slow the whole time. The real download rate was probable an average of 12 - 14 Mbit/s. Still just a fraction of my modest bandwidth, but not as bad as it looked.

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11 hours. 100mbit.

I think this is

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Very slow, 2 Mbps speed. Unfair.

What bothers me is that obviously Asobo cannot reproduce the problem all the time. How difficult can it be that one of the Asobo folks uses his XBox (or PC) at his home or visit an (outside of Asobo) friend and be able to see the issue all the time and repeatable?
It’s a bit like other problems with FS2020 and specifically XBox that they seem not to able to see repeatedly and reproducible. They do not seem to be able to set somebody up outside the Asobo “guarded sphere” who could demo most of the existing bugs and shortcomings with ease.


I’m downloading now the Caribbean world update at 2 Mbits/s.

On same time a speedtest showing another result (2300 Mbps)


in generally I would say yes to that because the in-game downloader computes also the de-compressing time as “download-speed” ( which is 0 then ) and so the avg speed goes down, but unfortunality thats not the case what happens here for the bug report.

Since weeks ( may months ) is downloading of patches and also new bought add-ons like a pain. The avg. is , as many users here reported in range of 2-3mbit. Thats seems independent of day-time, routers re-connect, etc. . Its also very strange that all users report the same “max range” , because in case of any network limitations I would expect a range from 0 to max mbit
 But thats not realy the case, the range is “2-3” OR “max”. The only exception is that I’ve see in some hours of downloading with 2-3mbit some short spikes in which the download goes to max speed ( in my case currently 250mbit ) for may be 15-30 seconds. And thats it
 May be it depends on the how the files to download are distributed on the servers.

hours and hours 2

rare short time spikes

For me is it more a bug-report against that herotic ms-platforms, and not against the game itself ( whats us not helps :wink: ). The category ( edit: more exact the tag ) in forum is “ms-store”, but I as a “Steam” user, are affected in same way because the content will in each case downloaded from the ms platforms.


The number shown in the content manager is pretty accurate, although it shows an average from the past 10-20 seconds. So when you see the speed gradually accelerating or decelerating, in reality it’s usually an almost instant change.

But while the file download sits at 2-3 Mb for most of the time, it accelerates after a while to full bandwidth, and that is when most data gets downloaded. Unfortunately with each new file the slow cycle repeats.

Here it starts every package at around 200MBit/s and after a few seconds it will throttle down to about 2MBit/s. Once the end of the current package is reached it throttles back up to almost 400MBit/s. So the overall time might not be true to the 2 MBit/s but this throttling is definitely a bug on either end, sim or server.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

The problem can sometimes be mitigated by connecting to a different country via VPN. Today I was first connected to a German ISP with about 2-3Mbit/s (while receiving full 250MBit/s downloads on other sites). When I switched to a London-based VPN server my download rates improved to an average of about 130MBit/s. The actual download speed was fluctuating between an occasional 30MBit low and 180MBit max.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Your mileage may vary on that one. I’ve been using the sim since release, and I have never seen it go over about 250Mbps. Currently I have 1Gbps broadband, and since that upgrade I’ve only ever seen it get to about ~200Mbps, and even then that’s for very brief periods. 99.9% of the time it sits in the 2-3Mbps range, for long periods of time.

You may want to check the speed in Windows task manager. MSFS progress bar averages speeds from the last 10-20 seconds so it may not even catch the short bursts of activity.

I’ve measured it with both my firewall’s management tool, and using Windows PerfMon.

What I see are islands of activity, and then prolonged lulls where there is around 2Mbps throughput.

The sim for sure catches bursts of “speed” quicker than 10-20 seconds, though not as responsive as external tools.

It’s quite clear the downloads are hitting some QoS threshold, or other traffic management limit. The reason they haven’t fixed it is it is most likely by design, and there is probably not a lot the MSFS team can do to change this. Those that are responsible probably looked at the evidence, saw the potentially hundreds of thousands of users coming in on patch days, and decided this was the only way to give everyone a fair shake of the stick.

They might be applying these measures across the board, which is why we see pretty dreadful performance even on non-patch days.

By comparison, I downloaded Enshrouded from Steam at a leisurely 890Mbps, so in the background I could have downloaded from MSFS, and not even noticed a performance drop.

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It is for 4 days in a row now, slow. But like 2Mb/s only. While I have an 8Gbs/s fiber at home connected via cat7a cable. Anyway, i see the complaint also on Facebook etc around. Seems to be an issue in Europe at least. When I use my VPN to connect via America, for example. It is fast, like amazing fast. But back to Europe, slow again.

Sad thing, because I just upgraded my PC with the 4090 card and a Samsung 990 4TB m.2 SSD.

No fly time for now.

Btw, speed test and other services and website’s do work well as expected.

Note that Microsoft and Xbox seem to have some DNS oddities where they list multiple IPv4 and multiple IPv6 addresses for each domain, and sometimes you get routed through Amsterdam or Sydney, Australia between Portland and Seattle. :wink:

I don’t know for sure if this is what’s affecting peoples’ downloads, but if it’s downloading one file at a time, or one chunk of a file at a time, and reconnecting, it might be sometimes changing which IP address it comes up with and sending some of your downloads through Sydney where they’re getting bottlenecked on bandwidth.