F22 Bredok3d? BUYER BEWARE

I’m not a fanboy…like you, I purchased the Typhoon and didn’t like it, so I won’t be buying his future products. The difference is I now know his products are not aimed at me. I don’t bear a grudge because I purchased the Typhoon without reading any reviews, on a whim while waiting for the DC Designs F15 to release. I am sure there are quite a few people out there who enjoy flying it though. Each to their own…and ‘caveat emptor’…


It is not a matter of personal taste.
It is not what he is saying to be.An F22 for example…With Airbus avionics and unknown flight model etc etc.
It’s just a money grabber for people who don’t have access to other vendors like we the pc users have.
That’s why i was curious that i didn’t see it in Sim Market.
This means that his is banned for a reason.No matter what some fanboys with zero aviation knowledge are saying.
We are trying to protect them and they come in hot


This developer, like any developer, has the right to release their product. In fact they continue doing so unperturbed.

And that’s where it ends.

If the product is poor, they do not have the right to release without receiving criticism. Even very pointed criticism. And the product is among the poorest in the whole industry, so much that it borders on the false advertisement, which is certainly contemptible.

If anyone here likes Bredok3d products’ (for reasons I cannot fathom) that’s great for them. No one denies them the right to purchase said products.

But let’s not pretend that those who consistently expose this developer’s lack of respect for any sort of quality standard (and ultimately for their customers) do something in any shape or form bad.

Since the marketplace definitely doesn’t do enough to warn less knowledgeable customers about what they’re ending up buying, vocal criticism on public platforms like the forums is immensely helpful in warning people who want to buy something even remotely resembling an F-22 (or any other aircraft they make) that they aren’t going to get what they want with this developer’s products.

Saving people money that would be badly spent is definitely something worthy of praise.

Again, if anyone knows what this product is and they still want to spend that money, great. More power to you. But you shouldn’t expect others to stay quiet and not try to help those who aren’t aware of what this is.


Very very well said :ok_hand::clinking_glasses:

an F22 with a Garmin :joy:

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Pity the marketplace does not have higher (or some) standards.


It literally can’t. There’s no objective way to define those “standards.”

The only standard they have (and the only objective one) is that products don’t break the sim and don’t break Microsoft’s servers.

Beyond that, it’s the customers’ own responsibility to educate themselves on what they’re buying, while other customers have the power to (laudably) help with said education with information about these products.

Of course, there’s also reviewers, but I can’t honestly blame those reviewers who don’t waste their time with this stuff, because there are so many products out there that have at least the chance to be good, and those certainly deserve the spotlight more. So public feedback is even more important.


Hear! Hear! Well put :+1:

Just loaded up the sim now and browsing the jet section, the Market Place really isn’t fit for purpose… @DEAN01973 wonderful F-15’s ; 3.3/5
This jokers laughably bad Raptor ; 3.2/5

The mind boggles, it really does and I wonder how long before this post is flagged too, we’re doing this forum a favour by warning unsuspecting newbies with more money than sense to do some research before opening your wallet, now I’ve said that I’m not gonna bother anymore, if people want to spend their hard earned on trash then be my guest :grinning:


That’s how it works already. Well I’m not sure if 3 is the threshold, but it’s not just 1 flag, and the moderators don’t do it manually.

For 20 bucks no way that’s an embarrassment! Maybe 5 bucks at the most . These kind of dlc need to go in a bargain bin catagory or something like that .

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I would not even install these for free, the quality and the visuals are absolute ridiculous compared to the default Asobo planes and good DLC like PMDG and Carenado.
Even for FSX freeware standards the quality is so poor that in no way this thing would have found a way into my FSX aircraft folder…


When I first saw it on the MSFS store the initial picture looked awful, cheap and as I dived deeper couldn’t believe how bad it looked. I am also glad I know about this forum, informed minds will hopefully make the best decisions…but if they don’t enjoy and have fun…I guess :smiley:

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What is the context of your opinion of this plane?

Meaning do you only have the free Hornet and the $20 F-22 as your only experience?

I can’t imagine someone owns an F-14 or F-15 or F-16 or(Top Mach) F-22 and they still would have high praise for the $20 F-22.

It’s okay if you don’t have other planes, but it would make sense.


See this topic on how flagging works:

See this CoC guideline about moderation:

:small_blue_diamond: Discussing Moderator Actions

The Microsoft Flight Simulator forums is not the place to discuss disciplinary or moderator actions taken on an account, including your own. Please DM the moderators if you wish to discuss actions.

If you have further questions why your post was flagged, DM @moderators. Do not post in the forum.

Keep the topic, on-topic.


I believe its understandable that people will not always look up reviews for aircraft. Personally I do, however some people are completely unaware that reviews for aircraft are made, or that an entire community exists for flight simming even. Its like buying DLC for games, its almost never googling it, but taking what the developers say and believing it. For the marketplace a good amount of people might read the developers description, but more importantly they just look at the pictures.

Also, I must believe that a good amount of people are completely unaware that products might come from 3rd party developers, rather than just Asobo, and so they often believe they’ll get the same quality aircraft when buying it from the marketplace. The flight sim ecconomy can be pretty unclear. When I attempt to explain to people that some aircraft might cost 90 dollars, they don’t understand why that would ever be the case for “just some DLC”.

I think that that is the largest issue with the marketplace, so much lack of transparency, and so people who are completely unaware, or buying for the first time don’t understand their other options to purchase, or the wide varriety in quality of aircraft. The marketplace is very flawed, and there are so many things that could be used to fix that. Some SMALL things can be used to completely fix it, or atleast better it. it might be just as simple as having real user reviews or even a better refund system. Bredok3d has realized they can thrive off of the marketplace because people on the marketplace don’t talk, can’t talk, and are totally unaware of other purchasing sites. Simmarket was a part of the “greater flight sim community” and so thus people in the community can actually review and warn other users.


The Garmin is stupid. Probably approved for novice pilots who are familiar with it. It needs the gold tinted canopy glass. The textures are okay when not zoomed in. Those weird bumpy textures on the nose are to help it blend. I only saw 1 video of TMS F22. Its texture is flat across the body. Not how it should look. I believe that is only for the freeware beta-esk version to incentivize the payed one on release which looks better. Makes me wonder if it can come to the market now with this here. Maybe somebody from Bredok will see this thread at some point?

This thing absolutely needs auto trim. Bredok, It is unstable and does require it to fly. Nobody will judge you if you are able to just use the F18s. Its decent. This is sort of essential for aerobatics. Something the F22 is supposed to be top tier with. If you plan on making money, make some of these changes.

Pity the marketplace doesn’t have some sort of trial period, even it was only 2 hours flying time. I am sure that would be enough time for most people to realise this is junk.


It doesn’t even need to be two hours. They already have the hangar feature built in and if you were able to go into that with an aircraft “demo” that would be a pretty fair way to test an aircraft. I really wish Asobo implemented something alike this.


The Bredock Eurofighter flight model is pretty far from “well done” - in fact “pure fantasy” would be a better description.


We can see now,who support those products.Those who “know” about flight models🤦‍♂️