Famous Flyer 07: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2

Thanks @BragRaindrop933 Yep tried all three of those. Getting ready to reinstall…

The extra GNS 530 mod thing seems to be an issue for some people from what I’ve read on this forum. Not sure why. I’d also switch out any other GPS related mods too just in case. Although I have the PMSGTN750(latest version) installed and the WT GNS530 still boots up ok every time.
Definitely worth a go at a reinstall too just in case.

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Yeah I am thinking it is a mod that’s conflicting. Thank God for MSFS Addons Linker.

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I couldn’t live without it now.

If any one is interested, I just uploaded to flightsim.to a rather large zipped file that contains 6 separate folders of which one of them attempts to improve performance.
Hope it helps all who need it. Good luck.

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Agreed! Have been looking for an interior mod - Asobo one looks like end of life and designer didn’t know when to stop.

Yeah… it sure seems like someone went to the closest Mu-2 they could find and photographed it, scanned it, Lidar’d it… whatever…
Unfortunately, it looks like in this case it was an abandoned aircraft, most surely not in flying condition. To prove my point, check out the plexiglass closely… besides the scratches, you can see kind of a “wet rag” dirt… it looks like the plane was covered in dust, and someone hastily wiped a wet rag over the windows. Catch my drift? i wish they had taken the time to find a better one to model after. This is, like you said, an end-of-life example. And lets not forget that this is a PAID addon…

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I love the MU-2! It was worth every penny. I plan to log a lot of hours with this beauty.


At the least that’s fantastic attn to detail when modeling!


Can you tell me if it has a Hobbs meter so you can see said hours? That’s been the main thing holding me back - the screenshots look like it doesn’t and the MS/Asobo releases have been leaving them out lately - too often for my taste. But it looks like a plane I’d enjoy.

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Yes, it is counting your total hours. It’s on the right side of the cockpit panel


That seems relatively obvious. I’m entirely unsure how I missed that. Thank you!

It does have an hour meter although it died on me once. Then it was fine again. I dont know, maybe i messed something up.

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this is very interesting, you are missing a couple of things i have in the area I marked below. why is that? the ap feed select, an old-timey com3 frequency selector and i cant remember what else… do you know?? im very curious

I just used the first picture I found on the net where you can see the meter. The picture seems to be from the release period, before Ini fixed some things in the cockpit

oh! that explains it…

Oh boy, this thing is a mess, isn’t it?

What I found in my first 30 min of flying…

  • You can’t enter passenger weight for the passenger variant.
  • The throttles are a mess and flicker back and forth at some positions.
  • The plane has a lot of idle forward power but virtually no takeoff power. But then lots of power once it’s off the ground.
  • The plane won’t go into reverse even if the throttles are set to reverse.

Am I missing something on how to get the aircraft to reverse? I know taking off is a longstanding problem.

Might I suggest you go over to Flightsim.to
Search for a MU-2 file under the name Cosmos.
I put together some files in an attempt to fix some flight issues.



I created a bug report for this issue last month, please add your vote:

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I did! Apparently I’m the only one… That gives me little hope. Plus there’s the whole idea “We’re only going to fix bugs that people vote on.”

Like someone somewhere else pointed out, imagine a car manufacture telling you “Well, we don’t have any votes yet, but when we do, we’ll take a look!” when you bring your car in with a broken part.