Famous Flyer 07: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2

Yes, the plane is a bit of a mess. But i’ve come to like it in the end.
I use reverse regularly… it doesnt work for you?
Note, i’m on PC


Not at all. It keeps pulling forward like an idle. Now maybe there’s a switch I haven’t found… But just pulling the throttle back into reverse does nothing.

You may have a competing binding somewhere given you say you have an issue with the throttle jumping around.

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Actually it hasn’t done that since my first flight, but there appears to be no difference in what the engines/props do between reverse and idle.

I just checked… APPARENTLY it would seem that you have found yourself a bug. The first time it doesnt work. The second time it does. If i go back to idle… then hit reverse again, and it works. I’ve never come across that before… good eye!

Does your update make the plane faster? its one of the things that i’d like to be fixed the most…
— EDIT ----
actually… scratch that… i already installed it… let me know if you want feedback

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Constructive feedback is always welcomed.
But as for performance…I am very limited on what I can do without access to the encrypted files.
I have been working with Pilot with MU-2 experience and what you have is as close to the MU-2K we could get.
I will be releasing a update later this week trying to correct the EGT gauge performance. I am also trying to tune down the runway performance a little. But my flight dynamics knowledge is limited and “we” have been working rather blindly thanks to the unwillingness of the developer to help.

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Ok. First of all, thank you for devoting your time for the benefit of all the community.
Here we go…
Its faster. Thats better, we all wanted that. But the acceleration seems excessive now (this thing climbs like the SaturnV moon rocket) so its a bit too much.

On the plus side, I am seeing easily 30ktas higher cruise speeds which is exactly what i wanted. And the takoff is also much better (its no longer glued to the runway) and that was something that bothered me a lot.

On the down side, excessive acceleration, and the propeller braking effect seems to be all but gone. That was nice to have. Now its hard to slow down! it comes down like a meteor. Also, now the high taxi speeds seem to be a bit faster still.

I think the “slow plane” situation we were having, might have been related to excessive drag rather than insufficient power. Acceleration and climb performance seemed logical to me. It was the cruise speeds that were a bit of a let down.

Ah ha! I did notice it was way off, but I didn’t comment as I didn’t know if it was broken previously and was too lazy to remove the mod and try it lol

Thanks btw, I left a review on the mod. It does fly MUCH better now. I also noticed the fuel usage gauges are way off as compared to the PMS50 GPS. It says the plane is using about 50-60% more fuel than the plane’s gauges report. I have not yet flown long enough to prove which is correct, but I haven’t known the GPS to be incorrect as yet.

I’ll give it another look today probably. I did try it multiple times and never got the plane to do anything but pull forward the moment I release the brakes.

Guys, I am trying my best to correct developers issues.
Please understand I am knowledge limited on tweaking flight dynamics. I have actually come to a brick wall and might NOT be able to deliver on your expectations.
If you have the ability to tweak the different flight dynamics files and come up with an acceptable result please please share and send them to me so I can include them in an update as well as give anyone credit for their work.
Also please continue to send buglist to Zendesk, maybe they will read/listen and correct many obvious issues.

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No need to clarify. We are lucky to be able to enjoy your work.

Correction on my last. The taxi speed IS very much improved. Meaning, it is now slower. So… good stuff. The REVERSE speed however, is insane! it now shoots back at full speed haha… its crazy!

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Please don’t worry! Not trying to be critical of any fix, just listing things I find. I certainly can’t fix any of it myself so I’d feel a fool to be overly critical of anyone elses fixes.

Indeed. I agree 100%.

They’ll probably ignore it. Some of the P-51’s are still broken and I’m doubtful at least some of them even know it despite the bug lists.

did you get the reverse working?

No. I just tried it again for a screenshot. This is what I have.

It quickly will attain 30+ kts going forward while in reverse setting.

Interesting. Something is defintely up with the reverse because although i thought it was working fine, thanks to you i found that i have to do it 2 times for it to engage (real life behaviour?.. doesnt sound right…)

you are on pc right?
if you feel like it… try it exactly the way i do it.
With the plane not moving. F1 to ensure you are at idle, and then press and hold F2. And repeat 2 times.

And maybe remove Jimsgold3565 mod just for the purpose of this test, in case something’s up with that

Ok, no, that didn’t work, but when I drag the throttle back with the mouse, it does go into reverse. Based on the look, I thought my throttle was bringing them all the way to the bottom, but they were not QUITE on the bottom. As soon as I pull them out of reverse the aircraft surges forward again though (on an idle). But thanks! It’s helpful knowing that I CAN reverse them now.

Sitting here, they are well below “Start” and shouldn’t be pulling forward though I would think?

ah!.. thats good to know…it was so weird because i use reverse all the time… i even use it while airborne when i’m coming in a little too hot (ehem!)

regarding the position of the levers remember that the LEADING edge of the lever is the one that commands… so put the leading edge of the lever on the position of what you want to do

That’s good to know. I was unsure on that too.

They were so far down I didn’t realize they weren’t ALL the way down, but I see how the top of the lever is still above the reverse notch.

This might be a silly question, but I’ve never tried to adjust the throttle. On (I think) every single plane I have, pull it all the way back just puts it into idle.Could I adjust it slightly so that when I pull it all the way back it does go into reverse? Would that affect all other aircraft? I’m not real excited about having a different profile for each aircraft. (or any, really), so I think I know the answer to this but… :slight_smile:

Im not really sure… id have to check that… but are you sure its a good idea? i wouldnt want the reverse to engage accidentally at a bad moment… like short final or when flaring… you would slam into the ground like a brick