Famous Flyer 8: Cessna T207A

One of the aviation world’s most legendary light civil utility models is now available for Microsoft Flight Simulator pilots.

Read more about the aircraft here: https://www.flightsimulator.com/famous-flyer-08-cessna-t207a

Please use this thread to post your impressions about feedback about the Cessna T207A. If you have any bugs related to this plane to report, please create a new thread in the Bug Reporting Hub section of the forum with the tag


Based on the trailer the plane looks very promising! Can’t wait to try it out later :smile:

Cheers and happy holidays! :christmas_tree:


Heads up folks, it sports a single GNS530, no other Nav/Com. While I get that the mission here is strictly VFR, some may miss that other radio so caveat emptor.

I’m going to take it cross country on a route that I flew this morning in Carenado’s 182RG II for comparison. Should be just fine and good fun, will report back later.

I’m still waiting for the Cessna 206! Going to pass. Kodiak will fill the spot.


Model looks really good, and I think it flies pretty well.

One thing I didn’t like is it doesn’t come with the tablet that all other Carenado products usually come with, so no visual candy like static elements, hiding pilot and copilot or opening doors conveniently through the tablet. I don’t know why they didn’t include it in the 207, feels like going back in terms of features.

I’d like to see one eventually, these features and things like showing/hiding cargo or pax are now pretty standard with other developers, so I don’t see why Carenado can’t include this in their newest product.

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It has to be said, this is made by Carendo, but produced for Microsoft. Similar planes that Carenado have done like that (V35, Twin Beech) are also a little more sparse than their own products.


TDS750? I’m guessing not.


Just tried the 207. Like the way it handles when hand flying. When on autopilot, the roll rate is VERY slow however.
Since I have flown the 207 IRL only manually when I was a kid, I do not know what the roll rate on autopilot is supposed to be. Maybe a pilot with recent IRL experience in the 207 could chime in here.

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You kind of beat me to it. I’m looking at in the marketplace and I’m wondering what was the point, could they not have picked something more interesting…maybe something to go with the European city update released at the same time?

The stock Caravan could may be do a better job even with the glass cockpit.

It seems to be case of offer more choice vs better quality. What does this offer over the stock Cessna 152, even that has dual NAV as it’s a PPL trainer. Just doesn’t seem worth the development effort.

I do like the different interiors but not something I’m going play with much after the first few flights. And I’m sorry “Xbox” branded boxes is too much advertising for Microsoft for my liking, If we are going to fly that around maybe they should pay us to fly the aircraft.

It’s a Asobo/Caranado aircraft so we can’t expect much in the way of systems depth but for me I’d rather save my £12 and just continue flying the WBSim/JBL Cessna 152. From the cockpit it just looks better based on the pics.

Not a bug persay there seems to be a very big click spot for the parking brake,

when i click around the red dot [added for context] it will toggle the parking brake, I checked to see if i had lens correction on by mistake but thats turned off


Too bad it doesn’t come with the turbine version… The skydiving variant would be spot on with it.

Nope that would require a community addon which is not supported on Xbox and Asobo wants to keep a level playing field on the two platforms I guess.

T207A Stationair 8 II, first impression: Station wagon of the air, as the name suggests. To haul lots of folks or stuff in the high country and/or high density altitudes, this beast is your friend. I can see flying this model out west in the Rockies when I would otherwise choose the Seneca V or 414AW for their turbochargers. Now if the mission is giving chutists a lift or hauling bulky freight, those twins are perhaps not a first choice! Simmers with Jet-A deep pockets may prefer the Kodiak for this work but the Stationair will get the job done a little slower. If this sounds like a dress rehearsal for FS2024 with its missions orientation in mind, well then there you go, run your own FBO! Role playing aside, I would need to fly the 207 a while to get used to the different sight picture, especially on final. Cheers!


The models Carenado makes for Microsoft never have the tablets like the ones they publish themselves, for whatever reason.

I hope Carenado does the 206 as they have for previous sims and includes a float version.

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Edit: Was confused.

Can’t wait to get flying and delivering those Xbox Series X in the cargo hold just in time for Christmas! :package: :christmas_tree: :santa: :laughing:


Just the separate aircraft add-ons, not the Famous Flyer editions.


Never mind…


My observations after a day 1 test flight:


  • Beautiful visual model, inside and out

  • Openable doors, windows, skydiving hatch with engine sound changes when opened

  • Optimised for FPS, didn’t drop below 99% monitor refresh rate

  • Easy predictable flight model for takeoff and landing (once trimmed correctly)

  • Easy start up sequence for anyone familiar with Cessna single engine pistons


  • Elevator trim set nose down by default, needs neutralizing prior to takeoff

  • Autopilot dives to VS -1500fpm every time it is engaged and does respond to VS adjustments
    EDIT: (Reloading the sim and selecting a different varient (Cargo), I had no trouble with the AP. Potentially a gremlin left over from flying directly after installing the mod)

  • Turbocharger does not provide sea level power to critical altitude as noted in this thread: Inaccurate Mixture Behavior on Turbocharged Piston Engines (Mixture is incorrectly required to be leaned to increase performance with climb in altitude)