Famous Flyer III: Beechcraft Bonanza V35

Any news regarding the attitude indicator? Hardly moving when pitching up or down… =( Yeah,Ive already mumbled about this…but its sooo frustrating.

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You might want to read this. Leaning Procedures - Sweet Aviation

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Very interesting thanks. Not a pilot so I’ve never quiet got my head around the leaning thing. Will give it a go next time. I like the black art type discussion ion that article, sums it up nicely.

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Was a sim pilot since 1994. Got myself a Commercial License around 98, now retired as i have Parkinsonism. Counting the days until i cannot hold the joystick anymore… MSFS 2020 keeps me sane.


I have to agree. A few niggles here, and there, like the wrong fuel tank size though unusable appears correct, but a fun plane to fly for sure.

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I’m on Beta and responds really well with it.

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Sorry to hear that glad you are able to carry over that experience to FS, I can confirm that FS is a great way to transport you to a different place mentally. Really enjoying that aspect. Was away from flight simming for 20 years, glad to be back and see the quantum improvements thay have taken place technologically.

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Keep flying…Keep learning… Time for some IFR Flight for me. Happy Landings Everyone


Battery switch on my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke does not operate the battery?

Anybody else confirm?


Batt started working on it’s own.

With SU10 Beta these file are available.

I wish the Carenado V35 would have these files available.

It will depend on the contract that MS / Asobo has with the original developer. It’s not uncommon for a developer of software to only licence it to their customer on condition that it isn’t modified in any way. MS/Asobo can make a decision to unlock their own code so they can do it for core products. They could agree with developers of Famous Flyers / Local Legends to do the same but unless they specifically foresaw this (which frankly they could and should have done, given the terrific work already done on the A320, C152 and B747), I can imagine each supplier has different contracts and MS/Asobo lawyers will all be wagging their fingers and saying don’t you dare unless you get your supply agreements changed.

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Alt, battery and avionics working with my Bravo. Try click with mouse, if it doesn’t move you’ve got a conflict binding.

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Hello! I keep getting a bouncing camera while flying. This is happening without any addon loaded or app or anything… I even turned off my tobii eye tracker. The issue is that the camera doesn’t stay quiet, it moves quickly from left to right several times… This is very annoying.

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That doesn’t even look like the behaviour of FSRealistic. I’ve not seen that myself.

Could be that you set your viewpoint to high (it is pretty high in your video!) and that the view is bouncing off the boundaries of the cockpit due to camera shake because of that. Try switchting off “Camera Shake” in the MSFS options or lowering your viewpoint.

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It’s pretty good!

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Try disabling ‘head collission’ (or whatever it’s called) under camera.

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Anybody know of a Little Nav Map aircraft performance profile?

Here’s an odd thing;

I went into the Dev Mode ‘aircraft selector’ and I can’t find it anywhere.

I’m using the Mission Changer app for bushtrips and in the aircraft selection dropdown list it is not there either.

Another 2 1/2 hrs in the V35 tonigh. Loving this aircraft. Finally worked out the V/S and ALT ARM stuff and now the fuel mixture and prop rpm etc for fuel optimised cruising. Could easily squeak 3hrs on a full tank now. Thanks for all the tips. One ? maybe not specific to this aircraft but what do you do if you encounter an NDB with a 0.5 frequ at the end. The ADF in this aircraft only does whole Hz so doesn’t pick it up?? Is this right?

Some screengrabs from tonight.

North Wales/Snowdonia


Over the lake district


Flew into EGGP tonight in the V35, using Little Nav map, I also noticed the xxx.5 could set it on the radio either, Maybe somebody can explain

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