Yes that very same NDB! 349.5 on approach chart for R27. Navigraph summarised at 350 but I couldn’t pick it up on 349 or 350.
The KR87 doesn’t support .5 kHz increments, backed up by the official docs.
That’s what I thought, but does that mean that these particular NDB’s just can’t be picked up on this aircraft avionics? ie I can’t just round up or round down to nearest khz.
Unsure how the sim code handles it, from reading even in the real thing it’s hit and miss where that works as well.
Some helpful links
Edit: had the KAP 140 link in error
KAP-150 Manual
Silver Crown Plus Manual (KR 87 is page 41 of the manual, page 45 of the PDF)
That’s a KAP-150, not -140 in the V35. Check my post further up for the correct manuals.
Bah, copied the wrong link on mobile, let me fix that up.
About how many gallons per hour does this burn through? Is there a manual?
it’s depend weather and altitude i guess. if 7k give you best wind condition than 6 or 8 wherever it is will about 23 23 22 22 21 22 20 21 if passengers from nepal lol. i guess most of piston aircraft way in game any way. push max in green zone or below any other type of limiter. and climb with add some gas, lean some mixture and drop some rpm. and there you find best way at max throttle. when ground speed will max that’s will best cruise alt/speed. after you found it. you by this way found mp/prop position at any altitude. because that’s highest alt/speed at full throttle + optimal leaning and proping will exactly show you mp/prop cruise… i’m artist and i see that way lol
This is a known sim bug. There are a few threads related to this on this forum. IRL the 0.5 Is not needed because the signal has a wide enough bandwidth that you can tune either side of the frequency and still pick up the station. It’s why many ADF receivers omit the 0.5 selection.
The sim needs to receive a 0.5 station if you are tuned to the next whole frequency above or below the published one.
Ok this makes sense now. Thanks. I’m guessning its just a very low priority bug fix in the grand sceme of things. Seems like it would be a relatively easy fix to implement. Will go check out and vote on a thread if I find it.
It works fine in Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, all my buttons work, trimming, etc, great plane. The autopilot disconnected a couple of times, the A/P is buggy in most of Asobos lineup, I wish they pay attention to it.
~13-ish gph. Can vary though based on engine power settings, environmental considerations, etc. 13 is What I usually shoot for during cruise.
Do cowl flaps affect anything? I’ve not noticed any changes to temps or anything, but maybe I’m missing something.
You’ll gain a few knots pulling them in at cruise. More noticable on the G36, and for that plane even more so when using Robert Young’s Turbo mod.
Gotcha, thanks. I’ve been closing them in cruise but hadn’t been watching airspeed, so I’ll keep an eye out. Even if it’s only minimal.
Hi, I tried this approach today and I wasn’t able to pick up the transmitter either, if anyone has had success at EGGP I’d be interested to hear
From replies above, it is a FS bug. 0.5kHz steps IRL can be picked up to a degree by rounding up/down to nearest whole number. In sim they can’t be as that is no modelled or needs a fix. I’ve found a few NDB’s around UK that have 0.5kHz step, so it can be a bit annoying to say the least.
Any collision mesh issues that plague many 3rd party airplanes?
My standard Honeycomb Alpha rudder trim seems to work with this aircraft, yet I’m unable to see any rubber trim controls, bug? I can see the trim controls on the yoke stem is for aileron