Finally In The Air - That Was Fun!

Well, I’m still waiting on my rudder pedals and knobster (end of the week), but I got all my integrations and configurations done so I figured I would just turn on taxi rudder assist and assign toe brakes to one of the Alpha buttons and finally get into the skies.

Did 4 touch and goes at CYTS with the last being bang on the money. Then filed a flight plan from CYTS to CNE4.

Everything went pretty smooth aside from missing the approach and preforming a go-around but lined it up nicely on the second attempt.

Graphics / scenery were amazing and buttery smooth at an average of 63FPS. TrackIR was perfect and added some awesome immersion.

Was nice to use the whole ultrawide monitor for windshield and have the touch panels with Air Manager for my gauges and the other running Navigraph.

I did notice the trim wheel is hypersensitive and I deffinetly need to work on my heading and altitude steadiness.

Other then that, I’d say a successful first day out in the 152!

While getting everything ready I also completed the Vatsim P1 training via VATSTAR and passed the P1 exam. Time to get some practice in and then do the practice flights with instructor. Looking forward to getting on the VATSIM network.


Awesome :clap:
Enjoy :sunglasses:


What is a knobster? I have never heard of a control called that before.


Functional know for rotating dials in the sim.

Instead of using the mouse / cursor. Touch on a touch panel to engage then sue the knob to tune.

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I learn something every day. Odd name but looks useful.


Glad to see another PC simmer coming on board…welcome!

And the Knobster looks interesting!


Great to hear positive posts, i very new to the forum, hoping to come and have a laugh and share good times and tips etc, but so far lots of very negative posts about lots of things, so thanks for this post, made me happy to be here and know other people are actually enjoying this!!!
Have fun flying, myt see u in vatsim at some stage😎


Feel like I need this now


I will admit, the negative posts had me worried once I got everything setup that I may be in for allot of problems and disappointment.

And while I am just starting out, performance / stability and graphics wise. It was a flawless 2 hours.

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Im slowly realizing, some posts are just not worth getting into, the more i look, the better the content i find!!
Im enjoying this more n more


Once you have your AM screens set up with your instruments and radios, you’ll find using that and the Knobster far quicker and easier (due to the dual encoder) than using the Logitech radio panel.

In case you need a suggestion with your 152’s instrument layout, this is how I have my C152 panels set up.

Main instruments:

Radio stack / secondary instruments:

(cabin air / heat valves are only there for show. They’re INOP)


Thanks my man!

I was going to message you and ask how you had yours laid out, I was just using the stock AM ones for the time being.

The other question I was going to ask you is where you set the Primer / Fuel shutoff items you created. (as in where on the panels do you put them).

I tried to lay them out as close to the actual layout in the cockpit as possible. You can’t get it right on, but that’s close enough, I think.

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Looks great to me, and elimates mouse requirements which is the goal!

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BTW, my parking brake and the throttle / mixture levers are from payware panels. The throttle and mixture are from the C172 panel, and the brake is from the Baron panel.

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And in any case, glad that you have this all set up and working so well and finally enjoying it. You’ve pumped a lot of money into this setup. Glad to see you’re finally getting use and enjoyment out of it. It only gets better from here.

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Sounds good… got a picture? I’d like to see what it looks like with the panels

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I’ll take a better one tonight now that everythign is configured, this was just during testing last week.


I’ll have to pick your brain later on and get this setup :slight_smile:

No problem dude. Always glad to help when I can.

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