Flysimware Cessna 414A

The Altitude Alerter display brightness is not controlled by any of the dimmers. One dimmer does control post lights in the surrounding area but they only really have an effect on the bezel.

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Have you reported this in their discord? That could be very helpful to include in a next release.

It’s in one of the threads, yes. But not an official “bug” thread. It just came up when someone mentioned the AP couldn’t fly an ILS well, and I was certain I knew what the issue was as we’ve seen it before with the Twin Otter, and the Islander.

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I noticed I can no longer open the Ipod on my C414. Just downloaded and installed latest version.
Does anyone else have the same issue?

Can’t make it show or it won’t turn on?

There has just been an update on the discord from the dev on why the PID values are all defaults. It certainly took me by surprise after everything I’ve read here but I’ve never personally messed with them in the sim but I know a few of you have.

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I just replied. His answer makes sense, but he reports the wrong section. He lists [AUTOPILOT] having values the plane maker creates, but the section I was specifically referring to is [STICKANDRUDDER]. Perhaps the plane maker writes out all those default values, but from reading the SDK, I believe the intent is for the third party developer to come up with their own values, not accept the defaults.

Thx for taking this to their Discord. How sure are you that changing the values does indeed change the behaviour? Have you tried some extremes? I’m not an expert, but it seems he is suggesting that the values are not applicable/used?

100% certain these are the issue. It’s not a plane performance problem, its the AP isn’t being allowed to do what it needs to do, or it is too constrained, however you would like to describe it.

If at any given power you can hand fly the ILS, then the flight model probably isn’t the issue. If you can hand fly the ILS on slope at 80kts, but the AP falls out of the sky, the AP is the issue.

I have approached EGLC ILS27 on a 5.5 degree slope at 80kts, and 120kts i.e. idle power, and full power, and in both instances the AP will maintain the slope. Try that with the SDK defaults. You will either plummet into the ground, or pitch up until you stall.

Just like the Islander does.

It was interesting to read that the plane maker spits out these default values, but it does kind of make sense. It has to start somewhere. But the developer has to tweak those values by hand, as per the SDK instructions, which is going to be a tough one to argue against:

AI Config Definition “This section controls the copilot and autopilot behavior for the AI of the aircraft. Manual editing of these values is strongly suggested instead of letting the sim use the default values so that the AI behavior is more in-line with the aircraft being used.”

I ran a script to identify SDK default values in the ai.cfg file on all of the planes I have. And the only ones that had those default values, at the time, were the BBS BN2P Islander, and the Aerosoft Twin Otter, and now the Flysimware 414.

And by no coincidence whatsoever all three have/had AP issues with ILS approaches.


I have never once had an issue with the Otter on ILS or the Islander and both planes serve as a stock template for my test bed here.

I have actually asked about this inconsistency before and why some planes work for some and not for others. My Kodiak to this day still won’t shoot an ILS but apparently it works for everyone else yet here my two go to planes don’t work for you. So strange.

Then when we talk about Kodi with the dev we end up talking about PIDS and then I ask CCM about PIDS and he says yeah try my mod it flies ILS fine in the KODI. So I am so confused as to why some planes don’t work and some do and some have so many issues and others don’t.

I have not tried that approach in the 414 but so far I have had no issues with the 414 using the pms750 either and some have reported all kinds of issues in this config. Baffles me at times this sim.

If you are on descent, try alternating between idle, and full power. You will find the AP cannot keep up. The Islander does the exact same thing.

Now try that same thing in the Asobo default 172. The AP will have no problems keeping to the slope. The difference is one plane has SDK default AP PID’s, the other does not.

In essence, if it works for you, you have simply found a speed at which the AP can perform as you expect it to. But if conditions mean you have to go beyond that for some reason, the AP will fail you.

I haven’t tested this, but try an engine out landing at 79-80kits.


Ok that makes a bit more sense to me I will try that.

Doesn’t the stock KODI use stock AP PIDS? If not then why don’t they use the stock PIDS? I always hear we need more PIDS like a bad star trek episode :rofl:

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I will have a quick search for the email I posted a few months back for where I compared several aircraft’s ai.cfg files, and I think the Kodiak was on there.

So I just downloaded the latest Kodiak version, and extracted its “ai.cfg”. The three values are:

pitchPID = 2, 0.1, 10, 1, 100
rollPID = 3.0, 0.1, 1, 8, 100
headingPID = 1.5, 0.01, 1, 0.2, 1

As a reminder, the SDK defaults are:

pitchPID = 1.0, 0.01, 2.0, 0.6, 5.0
rollPID = 1.0, 0.001, 1.0, 0.5, 8.0
headingPID = 1.0, 0.01, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0

So SWS are not using the SDK defaults. If it is having ILS issues they might not have tweaked these as well as they could. It’s been ages since I’ve flown the Kodiak, so I can’t say for sure.

It’s quite important to get these right. Imagine you are on final, and you are at one of those runways like Madeira where this is a big drop off just before the threshold. Everything’s going great, but then all of sudden your VS plummets as you hit a sinker. You apply more power, perhaps even briefly full power to control you descent. But the AP can’t cope so the nose pitches up, risking a stall.

I haven’t tested at which speed the 414 will fly at unmodified, but I would imagine you might find a sweet spot where it seems to hold the slope. It could be 100kts for all I know. But that might not be the speed you want, and adjusting above or below this will illustrate the AP issue.

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Well that makes WAY more sense to me looking at the numbers. Again I am baffled the KODIAK has way more PIDS than stock SDK and should be able to land on a pin.

Yet here my default plane is able to do a simple approach yet my KODI won’t. However with your example it makes more sense when adding variables like applying max power and how the AP has to react to each approach.

I tried really hard with the Asobo 172 to upset the AP on final. My throttle was like one of those Star Trek teleporter panels! :slight_smile: No matter how much abuse I threw at it, the AP kept to the slope easily.

I know the 414 is a WIP as far as flight model is concerned, so I guess there is only so much we can test. But for the record, according to the POH, 94kts @ 6750lbs MTOW is the approach speed.

I can’t say I have tested that, but I look forward to it. :slight_smile:

It might also be worth looking at “glideslopePID”.

PID to adjust the vertical speed to stay on the target glide slope using copilot and/or autopilot controls.

Input is the angular deviation from the slope, output is the pitch control input adjustment.

Default is: 5.52, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 60.0

EDIT: I just read the changelog for 2.1.1, specifically the VOR2 being disabled previously. So that explains why I couldn’t get it to work, flip flopping between VOR’s, and NAV1/2. :slight_smile:

I couldn’t care any less how long it’s in Beta. I’m 100% positive it’s still in Beta because you’re not done yet. The fact I can still fly the plane while I’m waiting for you folk to finish it is a total bonus that I absolutely appreciate. Thank you. Keep on rockin’ it. Finish it when it’s ready.


Just to clarify, I am not associated with the developers or FlySimWare in any way. I am just an average guy that figured it would be good to relay the info from Discord since not everyone here uses that platform. At any rate, hopefully they see your positive comment and I wholeheartedly agree that they can take as long as they need to work on this as it is a fantastic aircraft already!


More good stuff from the developers with a sneak peek video of upcoming new features.


Thats looking real good!!! Cant wait for that!! Just on holiday, is there a simbrief profile for this yet?

There is something still kinda weird having physical passengers in the plane but surely I’ll get used to that but the copilot, would there be an option to have the weight there but not show the copilot

This may be a silly question but, are you able to use your pilot avatars, or does this plane come with “pre-built” avatars like in the Carenado planes?