Checking fps in both debug overlay and Nvidia overlay, I have exactly same fps with FrameGen on/off. Not replaced any files (like nvngx_dlssg.dll etc).
Edit- Im pretty sure it worked in the beginning. Seems like the in-game debug fps counter shows fps including frame gens now (did not in 2020)?
But now FG doesn’t seem to initialize (like the small flicker I had before) and I could see fps was (nearly) doubled.
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How do you show any FPS in MSFS2024, I can’t enable developer options.I installed msi afterburner and geforce experience although I already had the latest nvdia app where you can download geforce driver and broadcaster app etc. It still doesn’t want to show for MSFS2024 a FPS N/A At first it didn’t show for other games with an overlay but all those games have built in FPS overlay.
I activated developer mode, debug, show fps.
Also the new Nvidia app shows the fps (alt-z, option on bottom).
Strange thing I believe FG worked in the beginning. If I turned it ON, my fps went up.
But it went up in both Nvidia and debug.
In ms2020 debug-fps would not show FG-frames, so turning it ON would only show in Nvidia.
So dunno if that has been changed?
But if I turn ON/OFF FG now, there is absolutly no difference in fps, neither in debug nor Nvidia-fps-counter.
Reinstalled driver, same same…
Emarassing thing is I cant find where to turn off developer mode . Where is it?
There is a Close Window option, but that doesn’t work…
Framegen is working well for me with my 4070 Ti Super. I do note that other apps on my PC can cause FS2024 to lose focus in Windows. When that occurs, frame generation is disabled. I’ve determined that Outlook is one of the biggest offenders, and flying with Outlook closed/not running makes the sim lose focus much less frequently.
@Fornax4188 You’re not crazy, I noticed the same thing but found a possible solution. I had frame gen working fine before, but decided to do the annual Windows reinstall and noticed frame gen was no longer working after installing everything.
After an hour trouble shooting thinking it was a driver issue, I think the issue might be with developer mode. If dev mode overlay is enabled, frame gen doesn’t seem to work properly. Disabling dev mode within the main Settings page got it working. I can’t explain why previously frame gen worked fine with dev mode, but who knows. It was also an earlier Nvidia driver, so perhaps that might be a cause.
TLDR: Disable dev mode, as it might prevent frame gen from working properly
I found little difference between FG on or off even with Developer mode disabled. Like you I found that changing graphic settings gives an immediate performance boost, followed by a drop back to where it started. It’s almost as if MSFS is undoing the changes you made. 2024 has a scaling option to improve performance. I found using it did nothing, so perhaps it enabled by default. And this is why performance changes are noted, then disappear as this AI feature take control. Perhaps Asobo’s server performance improvements didn’t come from their end.
Yup, Im not crazy yet
That actually worked! Great find.
Confusing thing is when we’re doing an activity the Advanced Option->Dev Mode can’t be switched. Seems to be disabled in activities.
But if you have the DevMode window already open it still shows (ie the DevMode on the top). But it seems somehow disabled, and FG is not ‘bugged’ in activities.
But in free flight DevMode can be turned on/off again - and its causing the FG issues.
Maybe DevMode makes the sim go into Windowed mode, and therefore causing FG issues(?).
Actually it’s just toggling Dev mode that provides the solution. Doesn’t matter if you start with it on or off.
Had just been mucking with my settings (again) hoping I would hit the jackpt combination this time (don’t we all). But just after adjusting my settings I had turned dev mode off. I didn’t attach any significance at the time, as I just wanted the dev mode menu gone.
Then was flying the DA40 tdi and was getting FPS approaching 2020, so 70-80 fps. I thought I must have hit that jackpot combination of settings I had been chasing since I started using 2024.
Then since I was getting such good performance I decided to try the SAAB 340. Performance tanked as soon as loaded the flight. I could see my VRAM had hit 8G, my 4060 ti’s max. I thought that perhaps the SAAB just too much for my system. Then I had my light bulb moment, as I remembered your post and that I had turned Dev mod off, just before performance improved. So I turned it on again.
BINGO. VRAM dropped instantly to 6.5gb and performance increased to 70+ FPS. So it seems that just toggling Dev mode on or off seems to force MSFS 2024 to reassess the situation and good performance returns. It was short lived until I loaded a different aircraft. But just toggling it again fixed the problem instantly.
What Asobo just have to work out is why this works and how to make whatever happened a permanent situation.
Frame gen functionality seems to be inconsistent at times. Like another user mentioned, if the main window loses focus then frame gen won’t be applied. I think this is the reason dev mode overlay was causing issues. I can see this behavior easily if frame gen is enabled (and correctly working), then pressing the Windows key on the keyboard opens the Start Menu and frame gen disables (FPS decrease by half) while the main MSFS window is not focused.
I don’t know if this is a MSFS or Nvidia quirk. I also have a sneaking suspicion most people complaing about poor performance with frame gen enabled may not realize frame gen isn’t properly working.
I’ve only done Free Flight so far, but it’s possible.