Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

Batteries Not Included. Separate Purchase Required. Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment and retailer-fit accessories that may not be available in all markets.

Why stand on ceremony? If it’s confusing a significant number of people you stand to gain goodwill, and the only sales lost are those that weren’t intended.

//42 FreedomFox / Fox2 Complete ≠ //42 Campout Utility

Those are disclaimers, not bullet points.

Tens of thousands of copies sold and, 2 confused posts, 1 support ticket that we refunded out of courtesy. I hardly call this “significant” confusion or something worthy of a complete rebranding.

//42 FreedomFox / Fox2 Complete ≠ //42 Campout Utility

Regardless of my stance, we still fully outline what’s included In the first words written on every, single, product we sell.

I’m not about to list: YOU DON’T GET CAMPOUT UTILITY OR 747 IMMERSION OR (22 OTHER PRODUCTS WE SELL). Let’s be real.

//42 FreedomFox / Fox2 Complete ≠ //42 Campout Utility

This will be my final comment on the matter.


I’m not getting the confusion here. 2 separate products, by 2 separate developers. There’s no onus on EITHER dev to differentiate between both products when neither dev is affiliated with each other. There is an infinite number of products on the market outside of flight simming, that are similar to other likeminded products. It would be like Sony putting a disclaimer on one of their TVs, that says “Please note, this is not an LG TV”.

It’s actually the same developer, but it doesn’t matter.

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Ah, ok. My mistake. But still, having now seen how both products are marketed, I don’t see how there could be any confusion.

I don’t find it confusing myself. And since the developers aren’t fielding regular requests from people confused by the marketplace categories, then it doesn’t matter. I’d imagine if they were, they’d probably signpost it a little more prominently if only to avoid the headache.

Either way, //42 is one of the better developers for the sim, and there’s nothing inaccurate about their listings.


My only point was I saw on the discord that the new Campout was coming to the Xbox and was delayed and I received an update a few days later and (admittedly) did not read and purchased the campsite even though I already had it from the Freedom Fox/Fox 2 package. YES I MADE A MISTAKE. I didn’t expect//42 to refund me something from the marketplace as your site specifically states that you prefer to purchase outside of marketplace for this type of situation. Just wish MS/Asobo would respond when a ticket was created within a couple minutes of purchase realizing they have purchased something that is already owned due to their system of linking package vs stand alone products.
This is 100% an Xbox X marketplace issue NOT A //42 issue.
I will back //42 in this position and in NO WAY blame them or their staff for this to be clear.
I don’t regret the extra support to them either as it has not been addressed by MS/Asobo. IMO //42 is top notch dev so it’s money well spent.


Updated FreedomFox today via marketplace on Xbox, the hangar from FFOX is completely missing. Anyone else?

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We’ve had a few reports of this and we’re looking into it!

Thank you! Otherwise very nice update, had lots of fun last night searching for the “secret” bush strip :wink:

Still on my top go to aircraft! To anyone thinking of getting the fox 2 only vs the FreedomFox/Fox 2 package GET THE PACKAGE!!!
100% worth it!!


Have they fixed the stall behaviour where it unrealistically dropped a wing? I’ve been reading about this as a negative point. I’m waiting off on buying until this is fixed.

Also, does the airplane use the CFD and new propellor physics?


Yes to new prop, no to CFD, according to…

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Thank you!

I don’t think you would be disappointed in the fox. //42 really did a great job on this and they keep developing for the sim, I highly doubt they will be leaving this alone. I’m with you on the wing dip, it was annoying at first but I don’t find it a problem anymore

Can anybody tell me if the PMS GTN integration in the Kitfox includes WTT mode?

So far it does not, you can check yourself on pms50’s website by going to the compatible aircraft list.

We added yesterday:
Aircraft (


I bought the package through microsoft flight simulator marketplace and had the hanger to begin with but has gone away with the latest updates. I tried uninstalling the kit fox package and rebooting the computer and reinstalling the kit fox package with no luck on the hanger.

I bought the package through microsoft flight simulator marketplace and had the hanger to begin with but has gone away with the latest updates. I tried uninstalling the kit fox package and rebooting the computer and reinstalling the kit fox package with no luck on the hanger.