Freedom Fox (Trent Palmer's Kitfox) by developer Parallel 42

I’d rather pretend I’m his pilot buddy and he let me fly his plane.
If they can’t put KitFox why not FreedomFox? or nothing at all.

The signature is there to remind you that Trent himself signed off on the aircraft. He flew it, gave us his comments and we tuned it into what he believes to be a realistic rendition of his aircraft.

That being said, the texture is easy to edit. Feel free to put the Kitfox logo in there if you prefer or wait for the community to do it.

We encourage modding with this aircraft, there is an entire section about it in the aircraft manager.


You managed to nab the 42nd reply in the thread. Coincidence? I think not.


It aint!


Nice interview. 24th of December sounds good to me!

Releases tomorrow (21 December)
USD $30, includes 2 aircraft, a mod manager, a scenery!


Tomorrow is Christmas already?? :slight_smile:

Great news! My Alpha and Bravo turned up - now this, happy Christmas to me! :smiley:

Hey Keven,

Does it come with a POH?

It does not, we provide the checklist that Trent gave us.

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Using alpha for an airplane with a stick would be a sin :slight_smile: I personally use joystick for airplanes that have a stick and alpha for airplanes with a yoke. It really does make a difference. I find a stick much more useful in lighter and more manuverable airplanes and alpha is very precise for heavier and slower airplanes.


Where can we find this? I looked on Orbx and didn’t see it there.

Perhaps not yet released?

Yeah, I think I jumped the gun a little bit.

Haha, yeah - read that interview too. I also have the Airbus TCA. Looking at investing in the Warthog with extensions for the Kitfox though.

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It’s on the site now, as coming soon :

Releases at 11:42am this morning!


In what timezone, specifically?

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It’s out, yay! Interesting way to install and configure this package as well. Looks pretty neat.


It’s out yea! #FreedomFox by Parallel 42 - OFFICIAL TRAILER - YouTube