Freelook with mouse causes controls to freeze after SU5

How about they just fix it correctly?

My center mouse button doesn’t do anything except zoom (scrolling).


Check your control options settings - default should have that enabled, though it is easy enough to fix


Doing a visual approach requires constant moving of the view to line up. Especially in base to final. Any time I’m changing the view, I end up having an aircraft that is doing the opposite of what I need it to do because of the frozen controls. This needs to be fixed!

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See my previous post - I use middle mouse button (MMB) to enable freelook, so moving the mouse moves the view. Especially useful when taxiing, or on a downwind leg.

Simply click MMB, and look around. To cancel it I use the right mouse button (RMB).

Didn’t they say it would be fixed in SU10? None of this is in the SU10 beta. Such a serious bug and no fix for a whole year! (And no, I don’t want that annoying toggle workaround, it should just work as intended)


If this was introduced with the Xbox compatibility, now there’s a question if Asobo are even able to fix it or this behaviour is just a part of the design now.

I’m just gonna keep posting, every time time I see a patch and no fix.It’s literally such an insult to every single person that doesn’t use an ir tracker.


I missed the Q&A stream a few hours ago… and nobody else asked about it in the open session…
so yeah, that’s that. If it doesn’t even get there then we should wait for Sim update 20.

I asked on the chat, they didn’t forward it to the devs. They also told me prior to the stream that it wouldn’t get addressed because it was not part of the SU10. So, yeah…

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thanks for trying. I’m betting this is not gonna get fixed this year.

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The bug got a huge number of votes, but Asobo still. SU10 is coming out soon, but nothing changes. Asobo, ow!


This bug was fixed at least in It still comes up in “bug-logged”. Isn’t there some way for these fixed bug topics to be moved to an archive? Or maybe they did and sorry if I missed that.

It still doesn’t work for me. Bug is still there.


This bug is 100% not fixed, and not even addressed. Not sure where you got that idea?


If by fix you mean ignored then yes, it’s fixed.


Definitely not fixed here…

Hi. I’m a newbie here. How can we vote on this issue? Thanks.

There is a Vote button on top.

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I can see the problem now. It may be a limitation of the hardware - how many different variables can be handled simultanously on the USB. While panning around the view I can still move control surfaces, but the view panning looks jerky, like the system can’t handle both inputs quickly enough. But what’s more annoying is the total lockout of flight controls while your cursor is in the VFR map or any of the other separate windows in FS.
It’s odd that with the cursor in a non-FS program onscreen, like LittleNavMap, Vpilot, etc, then the controls still work as they should. Asobo didn’t care to make the controls work - at all - while using their own secondary windows.

Same here, since many months. I use the scroll wheel button but you have to press it twice to go out of it. Quite annoying.