I am happy to see that much freeware is being shared already.
But honestly, can we make freeware not equally present to payware in the store?
Over all that years in different sims i am really got tired of that “gray market attitude”, that old completely manual process to gather freeware: “download this->extract that->copy into…”
Can we please rethink this process? Could we please have an automated installation process also for freeware? With a simple interface to enable anyone to get freeware into the marketplace? And a category as a shelf for all that airports, planes, ingame games
I really don’t like it to change so many things in the installation folders manually, every longterm simmer knows what it means when you play around with lots of freeware elements, at some point it brings the performance down, cause one of it is not installed properly or interferes with the others.
With a freeware shelf MS could secure that no one plays around in the sim installation folders and can helpfully scan the provided freeware for potential technical risks and yeah scan not only for our beloved corona virus (like google play protect does it with its content e.g.) I know even more work for you guys, but way more comfort for simmers and a lower entry barrier for casual gamers…
Maybe a working rating function within the marketplace so everyone can see and sort the freeware to see what the most liked/relevants are.
As always, THANK YOU guys! Keep the head and the blue side up!