FS Re-Installation Fails With Code: 0x800701B1 on Windows / MS Store Version

After encountering one of the usual update issues with FS, I thought:

“Well, let’s just re-install the darn thing, that’s what high speed internet was invented for, right! What could go wrong?!” :man_shrugging:

Boy, was I mistaken! :man_facepalming:

  • Uninstalling FS from the Windows App Controll Panel, so far so good!
  • Re-Instaling from XBox (or Windows Store): Nope, error code: 0x800701B1
  • Spending hours searching and doing literally everything Google can come up with, and lot’s more: No, nothing helps
  • Contacting FS support: No solution
  • Contacting Microsoft support: No solution

And that’s the end of the story it seems, no happy ending in sight!

No more FS for me, it seems. :wave: :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

Fun fact: I can install any other games/apps just fine from Xbox and Windows Store. Just not the Flight Simulator.

Let this be a warning to you: Never ever uninstall FS 2020! It might curse your computer!

Somewhere in those various instructions it may have instructed you to turn off your third party firewall. After a month of frustration, I almost accidentally discovered that turning off my firewall was not enough. I removed it entirely and activated the Windows 10 firewall. The program downloaded after that.

Just something else to try if you have a third-party firewall.

Thanks, but I have no 3rd party firewall installed. No 3rd party virus sanner either, but I still turned both off, did not help, unfortunately.

It seems most of the error troubleshooting on this code appear to be hardware related. Some are relatively straight-forward (i.e., tried install to external drive not fast enough for r/w process, incorrect/corrupt drivers) all the way to esoteric (two year thread where someone discovered a particular brand of secondary drive controller was not playing well with Windows).

Are you trying to install it to an internal or external drive, just out of curiosity?

Thanks for the suggestion, these are all internal SSD drives.

The error code in fact stands for “A device that does not exist was specified” and therefore I did run file system checks on all my drives (result: all is fine).

Also, installing other games apart from FS works fine, which pretty much rules out bad drives I would say.

There must be something specific to FS, maybe some setting left over pointing to a now invalid location.

I even tried tracing the Windows Store installation with Process Monitor, that is how desperate I have become. :slight_smile:

Installing as Administrator? For MS-Store version, the default install path is encrypted and may require additional rights.

Sounds like worth a try, but I see no way to run the XBox App or the App Store as Administrator: Right click and “Run as Admin” is not available, and the .exe files are somehow protected in the folder “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps” (I can see them as Admin, but not run them).

I wonder if the Steam version also uses all these horrible Microsoft Xbox and Windows Store facilities…

I’m on Steam.


  1. Still needs XBox Gaming App and Gaming Services.
  2. MS-Installer takes over after launching from the Steam Client (or shortcut).

Key Differentials:

  1. I avoid the complicated Update/Interaction between MS-Store, XBox App, as well as login state etc.
  2. I can install both the base Game Files (~1.6GB) and Official Packages (~110 GB) in custom folder paths, as long as those paths are inside Steam Library Paths (defined in the Steam Client).
  3. I can get to all those files (Base plus Packages) freely without additional authentication and remove, update, change attributes etc.

Caveat: There is NO integrity checking function with the Steam version. Steam’s “Verify Files” would normally do what the MS-Store’s Repair - do a data and file integrity check, and re-install/update broken/missing files. Steam instead blows away the entire installation and hands it back to the MS-Installer. That’s because the MS-Installer in both versions is the paramount method to install and configre the sim. Many Steam users in the early days (and some still to this day) discover this the hard way.

check SAN policy

In windows search bar type CMD
Right click on it and select run as administrator

Copy the command below and paste into cmd (right click to paste)


Press Enter

Copy the command below and paste into cmd (right click to paste)


Press Enter


Also run msfs as administrator

Thanks for the infos, very helpfull!

Maybe I will shell out some additional €€€ for the Stream version when it is on sale…

Thanks @TenPatrol , “Online All” is my SAN policy.

I can not run MSFS as admin because it is not installed: I de-installed MSFS and now the Windows Store (or the XBox App) will not install it again, that is the problem.

I can install other apps and games from the Store or XBox, just not MSFS (installation fails, “Code: 0x800701B1”).

Update OS (windows) to the latest version - also check optional updates.

Update all apps via microsoft store app.

Thanks, but I already did all the usual suggestions one can find on Google, including updating and reinstalling everything (expect reinstalling Windows).

I’ve started to receive the 0x800701b1 error as well. I’m finding that if attempt to run the application from the menu bar without admin permissions, I receive the error message. If I run it from either MS Store or XBox app, I don’t have the admin option and I get the error message. What’s bugging me right now is I purchased the Premium Deluxe edition. The store and the XBox app show I own this version, but when I launch from the menu bar with admin permissions, I only have the standard aircraft, plus the two I’ve purchased. Go to Content Manager, I see the extra airplanes are installed and up-to-date, but I can’t access them. Strange. I didn’t have these issues until a Windows update yesterday. I’m going to try reverting Windows back when I have a chance, and see if that resolves any of this on my machine.

You should also try resetting the Xbox app, Gaming Services, and MSStore from the Apps and Features menu, under Advanced Options in each case.

Check the notes here : 0x800701b1 during launch (Update: It has returned) - Community Support / Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

“I was finally able to work around it on Sunday by turning off my wifi during the initial xbox game services UI splash screen and then enabling it once the actual game launched. However, I’d really like to have it fully fixed and not have to do these extra steps. (This also worked for the Forza users above)”

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Hi there,

it seems that this is exactly the issues that i am facing now. Deinstalled MSFS and tried to reinstall it to a fresh SSD gives me exactly the same error code. Most of the things i found on the internet did not work.

Did any of you find a solution to this issue?

