FS2024 CTD when adjusting Tobii Eye Tracker curves

same here, CTD after attempting to set sensibility and dont work

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The head tracking doesn’t even work for me

yup same. I’ve disabled Tobii for now

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Same here - actually bought a Tobii just for 2024 as it was advertised as being supported. Hopefully can be fixed soon.


I have the same issue, straight CTD when going into hardware settings

I have exactly the same issue. MSFS2024 does not display sliders for adjusting Tobii sensitivities. Crashes program instead.

Me too CTDS out the wazoo.There are also graphics issues when landing on water and sounds are reversed,louder in cockpit and more quiet outside.Shum mishtake?This sim has more bugs than flies on a cow in summer…

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also the my Tobii eyetracker is working with default settings, I am not able to adjust the hardware settings for the Tobii Eye Tracker 5.
Whenever opening the settings-ican, the system freases until I get a CTD.
This problem was already present in the TechAlpha.

Is this known already or might this something only on my system?



This is the thing that annoys me the most. They were featuring the Tobii in their marketing only last week and must have been doing so in the full knowledge that it didn’t flipping (except I don’t mean flipping!) work in the sim. That’s borderline fraud.


Do you mean the Tobii is actually working for you in the sim? For me (and many others) only the eye tracking is working - the head tracking is completely broken. Can you confirm what you are experiencing?


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MS needs to fix the bug, but note that you can install Opentrack and use its adjustments to get usable head tracking while we wait for the fix. Used it yesterday and it worked pretty well.

I’m getting the same crash. I didn’t get in the alpha.

I have managed to get head tracking working with Opentrack so until this is sorted by Asobo or Tobii i guess i will be using that.

Yes, I should have been more specific.
Only eyetracking works with a big latensy and small itensity - like I think were simulator to the default setting for “eye-tracking” in 2020.
Head-tracking is not working at this point.
Guess I was too happy to have something functional so that I forgot to specify.

It would be great to not only have the buck fixed, but also be able to lean.
This I really missed in msfs2020.


Regarding the Opentrack workaround, is there an OpenTrack profil somewhere that mimic my Tobii?
For example, In MSFS2024, with OpenTrack, when I turn my head left, this movement is associated with a slight movement to the right. MSFS2020 didn’t reacted the same way.

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Tobii actually posted instructions on how to set up OpenTrack properly with MSFS 2024:

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I know. And that’s the only reason I’ve installed OpenTrack. Tobii provided a workaround to setup OpenTrack and make - at least - head tracking enable. But the behavior (movement, combinaison of movement) is totally different what it is with the embedded Tobii implementation in MSFS2020.

Any chance that Tobii’s professionals dev provide an OpenTrack profile (curves…) that mimic they own driver in MSFS2020, but for MSFS2024?


I use OpenTrack couple of weeks now with MSFS2020 and start using with MSFS2024 from the beginning and when I use I have not any single problem with Tobii. I recommend using OpenTrack now, working very well. Just ignore Tobii settings in the sim.

This is the video I use to set up: https://youtu.be/9vwCL08bO6c

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