I saw they were old. And CYVR has had a whole new terminal installed since then. I didn’t see anything newer. If charts are included with any add on scenery, I’ve never seen that. I have a good number of add on airports.
I don’t know what the real charts cost, or a subscription to one of the services that let’s you download and print charts, that may be your best option. There is a book store near YVR that specializes in training and tech books for aviation and I suspect they could supply you with any needed chart. The costs my not be trivial, I’ve never looked into that. Let me know what you find. It’d be cool to have charts for CYVR and other BC airports.
Well I’m from Germany, just bought it since I love Vancouver since I’ve been there.
The area is beautiful, offers mountains and plains, the weather is very dynamic… All great for a hub to fly out from
Anyway, I’ll see if I maybe will try out Navigraph, but I feel for mostly GA flying it’s overkill.
Some countries offer their charts for free, US charts you partially get from skyvector as well…
I took a look at Skyvector and it must know where I’m browsing from, it had a link to CYVR on the first page. And it has an IFR and VFR chart that look beautiful to my untrained, non expert eyes.
Yes, Vancouver and BC and WA in the US are fantastic places to fly in MSFS. In real life too when it’s not raining! Great bush flying and there’s a ton of add on airports for BC from the larger ones with paid add ons and tons of smaller aerodromes and strips. Check out this conversation and the link in it if those free airstrips sound appealing.
I’m not looking for enroute charts, since that is what skyvector natively shows. But the Approach plates, SID, STAR, transitions and ground charts are missing.
For US airports you can go to the airport’s details and there you find PDFs to download with that information.
Anyhow, If someone here knows a free source for the charts, it would be helpful.
Just a quick question on performance:
With the sim patch yesterday Vancouver got so much smoother, but I have a reproducible issue:
When approaching 08R just about 100ft AGL I get 2-3 short stutters.
My guess is that at this point the sim is loading a new LOD for the terminal which is unfortunate at this time.
My settings are on Ultra preset and it runs very smooth other than these 2-3 short stutters.
Can anyone confirm?
Also another issue I noticed: When departing and getting 08L assigned by ingame ATC and I select the “select another runway for takeoff” option, there is none available. So I can’t request 08R instead.
During approach, this works to switch to the other parallel runway.
Not sure if that’s a MSFS issue or with the scenery. I noticed I never get 08R assigned for takeoff.
Another weirdness with the runways:
Simply start a flight with clear skies preset and select 08L or 26R as spawn position.
You’ll end up spawning on 31 or 13 instead
Not sure what’s going on with the nav data there but never experienced it on other airports, at least if you explicitly select a runway to spawn on.
At the risk of stating the obvious, have you had the same runway issues when flying without any CYVR mods, or better yet without anything in your Community folder? Have you reported and or heard from SimStudios about it?
I reported both runway issues when I noticed and they want to look into it.
They seem to do some tricks and part of it was unintentionally ported from the P3D version of their airport (that’s what support said). So I wait for feedback.
Funny, I was just talking to them and mentioned you mentioned this. They say it’s the way it is by design and at the advice and consultations with those in the know about the common practices at VYR, but they say since people want full selection of runways that will come in an update before too long.
Regarding the runways not being selectable when talking to ingame ATC:
For the P3D version of the airport, we set RWY 08R-26L as Takeoff only and 08L-26R as Landing only. Runway 13-31 was deactivated as it’s almost never used. This was done following advice from an air traffic controller at CYVR as this is usually how the airport operates. It seems that this got translated to MSFS when the airport layout was converted. This could be changed, but unfortunately, because of the way MSFS works, this would require a reinstall of the product.
From what I see in MSFS, real traffic AI lands on both runways for me, so I don’t see that their intended “real world” runway assignment logic really has an effect.
The only impact I see is that I myself cannot select any other runway than I got assigned by ATC.
And regarding the issue that I spawn on another runway than I selected in the world map (reproducible in Clear Skies preset):
Now, as for selecting a runway and getting spawned to a different one - I would have to check this out. As I said, 31-13 is deactivated for both takeoff and landings to avoid AI traffic issues. I will check why are you getting spawned there.
There was no further feedback.
Since I usually don’t spawn on the runway, I don’t care about this second issue.
But anyway, usually I ignore ingame ATC as well since it is utterly broken in terms of taxi instructions, vectoring for arrivals etc.
Yes, I have the same problem. Regardless of what runways I plan for departure (with dark and cold). ATC always gives me clear for take off only for Rwy 31 or 13 afterwards.
I usually get sent to 08L/26R which is across the whole airport. Maybe it’s dependent on the weather - try Clear Skies and see which runway you get.
But I suggest you report your issue to support as well so they get a bigger picture who is affected and in which way.
I have always checked for the real wind directions and also real time arrival and departure direction in-sim, and also by flightradar24, flightaware and windfinder… before I plan for my flight with A320neo. And as said, I always got clearance for 31 and 13 only (which I find very uncomfortable for A320neo with t/o weight).
As I said, just try out Clear Skies preset to have a well-defined scenario.
Doing such tests with live weather is pretty hard since it’s not reproducible…
But based on the info from support you should never be directed for takeoff or land on 13/31 at all.
So this has been pretty consistent for me since I got the product the day of release. A frequent flight I like to do is from CYEG-CYVR, the entire flight I am anywhere from 30-45 FPS but when I am on short final for 08R I get a drop to 20-25, and then it degrades to 15 FPS as I roll on landing, turn off the taxiway and approach the terminal. I typically have no performance trouble starting at CYVR but always flying into it I take a big performance hit.
It’s funny. I specifically made this post to celebrate this add on I greatly appreciate and acknowledge the developers for the fine work. And here we are a month later pretty much every single reply has been people complaining the night lights aren’t the right shade, or performance or these runway matters. Not saying these are not valid issues, just sayin’, why this thread?? There is another thread specifically about performance issues, lets talk the performance issues in there. I enjoy talking to all you fine folks and don’t mind trying to help figure things out or find solutions or even b—h and moan some. But can you guys please make a thread specifically for the runway issues?
Does ANYONE want to talk about enjoying this airport, talk about some of the many little details that make it cool? Share some images of it looking great, etc, etc. That really what I hoped this thread would be like. And it’s not been that at all. It’s become a catch all for anything and everything people want to fix or just complain about. Anyone want to talk about their seaplane adventures around the area?? Real or in sim!
Regarding the ATC/Runway issues. I don’t want to go posting things said to me in a private message, but for those wanting to use whatever runway you want, there may be changes in that behavior in the next update. Contact FSimStudios to get more info. Email them, make a ticket on the support site, contact them on Facebook.
There’s a whole group JUST for this MSFS FSimStudios products and it’s got two threads in it right now. Folks, use the group, not just this thread!
Well it’s pretty common that the first threads about an addon get to be a discussion about anything related to it.
I like the airport and really enjoy flying from/to it. But a thread just about the positive sides of it will quickly end up silent.
For me it’s running fine, 30-40fps in the whole area and I didn’t notice anything significant in fps drop.
Maybe the ground aircraft, vehicles and workers might be a problem, try to turn them down to see if it helps.
The new handcrafted LFMN is far worse on my fps.
No CTDs for me in that area (but I get them in Europe pretty randomly).
Try uninstalling the addon and see if they still happen, if they are reproducible.
They made the specific FSimStudios group after this thread was created, so it made sense at one point. But I had an intention for this thread and it’s been highjacked from that to a degree. It sets a tone. People are less likely to interject a random fun thought or share something they enjoyed when there’s a big old huge discussion about nothing but people’s complaints and problems. There is a whole group specifically for FSS Van and Kelowna at this time, since those are their only current MSFS products. And if this thread fell silent because no one wanted to talk about what they enjoyed and appreciated, fine. At least it would sit and be a place for that if someone randomly, rarely made such a post.
Anyways, I won’t try stopping anyone for talking about whatever they want to in this thread, I’m inviting, encouraging making specific threads for related issues and making use of this group. It’s just easier. Searching and finding solutions in the future is easier if various issues aren’t interspersed and entangled and under a Subject that gives no clue the various topics discussed under that one thread. Anyways, that’s my thoughts on the matter.