FSLTL - FS Live Traffic Liveries is live!

Good. We’re all trying to get to the bottom of this, it’s a lot easier if this is a constructive discussion rather than an argument.

Can I just check, in the config file did you also scroll down until you see the variants under FLTSIM and set the line isAirTraffic = 1 to isAirTraffic = 0?

In doing so I see no sim generated Live Traffic at all as mentioned above.

I agree
No I didn’t I just changed the Asobo generic =1 to 0
I think I did it on the business jets but none of the others
Some one further up the thread said to do that but I didn’t and still see no traffic unles I inject FSLTL of course

Ok. Well as it stands I see no sim generated live traffic with RealTime Traffic turned on, only what FSLTL has injected.

I’m doing a flight now so will see if I start to get landings etc.


I’m doing a flight too , happy landings let me know how you get on
I will let you know too :blush:

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Confirming a few things:

  1. I see traffic with slider set to 0 and Live traffic enabled before I start the FSLTL injector. I am not seeing any generic models. I did set icao_generic to 0.
  2. I see some initial landings but after the initial wave I am seeing no landings, so we certainly still have a problem.
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I didn’t see any landings (although I was flying between 2 reasonably quiet airports) but having Real World Traffic enabled alongside FSLTL was murdering my performance to the tune of about 25-30%.

I’m going back to standalone FSLTL & AIG and hope that today’s beta release fixes the issues.


Ok, still flying what version FSLTL are you running I’m on 1.2.1

Check little nav map it takes time for them to arrive but they do
Also what airport are you at?

Sorry, what beta release are you referring to?

There was an announcment last night, that there will be another BETA starting (today?) To fix issues that came with SU11.

Go to the announcement section, there you will find all the details.


Thanx, didn’t see that.
I just wonder what will get screwed up this time…

I just had a steam update. saying the xbox driver (what) was updated. I am supposed to restart my pc now…lets see if it has somethign to do with msfs. I was not in the su11 beta

I’m on the latest one.

I tried again a bit later on and did start to hear arriving traffic but never actually saw anything land.

I’m gonna take another look and leave it running for a bit

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I joined the beta , never done that before
Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover::man_facepalming:t2:

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you chose the right one to start the journey :wink:

No major changes expected on this one, so it shouldnt cause too much trouble.

And if you still like to go back, you can always revert back to stable version.

Good Luck with the Beta!

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I don’t see any traffic on the ground or otherwise when I sent real-time online traffic ON in the sim (without using the FSLTL injector). But…when I fire up the FSLTL injector I only see proper liveries. So I wonder if some other mod I installed/uninstalled left something that is causing this? For me, no matter what I do I cannot get real-time traffic (MSFS setting) to do anything. BTW, I made the aircraft.cfg changes.

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Thanks , I think I need it
Best wishes, thanks for your kind words

I set each of the generic planes to Icao_generic = 0. I now don’t see any traffic of any kind using the built in live traffic setting. When I set just 2 and 4 engine airliners to 0, I see way too many private jets and ga planes. Either I’m missing something here or this is no good for me. I might as well just stick with FS traffic even though it’s not working correctly with SU11.

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Do them for the others too, then you should have an empty airport
The inject FSLTL

I thought the whole point of setting the generic’s to 0, was so you would see traffic without the generic liveries using only the built in live traffic setting. If I’m going to use the FSLTL injector then I might as well turn live traffic off. I don’t get it.