Full G1000 control now with Mobiflight

Is RealSimGear better with compatibility? I can see that the solution here is relatively inexpensive if you have some tablets lying around. I like the 15” screens that brlowe1965 used though. Nice and large and easy to read.

RealSimGear actually work with MSFS directly unlike Simionic. Press the buttons and it activates the functions within the sim. They’re not completely compatible atm yet. There are still issues they’re in the process of ironing out due to the state of the SDK. Most functions work from what I understand, but they’re still ironing out some kinks.

And agreed. 15" screens would be nice. If you have the money, then they’ll look amazing I’m sure. But I have a 10" iPad 5th gen and an older 10" Android. I have no issues reading those at all. I do prefer the sharpness, colour and size (different aspect ratios) of the iPad, even though I prefer Android overall for a tablet.

I have a beefy system but not Beast Mode. i7 7700K 4.2 GHz not overclocked, 32GB Ram, 2080Ti mostly never overclocked. I drive a 21 inch 1080p Touch Screen a Dell 32inch at 2560 X1440. I just got a portable 15.6 touch screen connected by USB-C running 1080P also. All drives are SSB or M2 except the backup drives, I run FS2020 at close to Ultra Settings and get 36-42FPS in normal operation. With both G1000 panels popped out I see a drop of 3-5 frames per second. I see no stutter of jitter in normal operations on any panel.

Thanks for the info! I’m still learning the “manual” way of flying in msfs 2020 with vfr. When I get to the point I feel more confident, I’ll take a look at instrument flying and the g1000. The solution shown in this thread seems the way to go. Thanks for the explanations.

I Just got a 15.6 inch portable touchscreen that sits right in front of my keyboard running the PFD and I have to say I fricking Love IT! My MFD is on the other touchscreen monitor. I have one Knobster that can control ALL knobs across both Touch Panels. I will be building an Arduino Encoder setup to drive as many inputs as are available, For a start though, one only then we’ll look from there… I have a plan in mind for a spring build. :wink:

Definitely stay with that plan as much as you can!!! :+1:

@Crunchmeister71 Hi, you said you use Spacedesk. Is Spacedesk capable to connect with two iPads at the same time? I use Duet actually and Duet can only handle one at the moment.

I don’t see why not. Your computer runs the server. You tablets (or phone, laptop, etc) runs the clients.

Try it out. It’s free.

So you use it for two devices? 1 Android and 1 iPad on which you run air manager?

I run air manager on my PC. I have the G1000 bezels preset to open each on its own tablet. Then I pop my G1000 displays out of MSFS, resize them to fit the space in the Air Manager bezels, and I’m golden.

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No you do not need a knobster for each panel. I just built one from parts I had for $35.

How do you get the popped out G1000 screens onto your tablets?

I use SpaceDesk to use the tablets as wireless monitors.

Good morning,

Do you have a link From your parts Do you have to take?

Pls send that link

many thx

Thank you. That is really cool. I will also try out Spacedesk instead of Duet.

■■■■, I got really excited until I realized you needed additional hardware.

Hi, this looks like a great project. :slight_smile: One question: is it necessary to pop out the PDF and MFD-windows or is it enough to run the bezels in AirManager if one is interested in just manipulating the buttons and dials (and not loose FPS)?

You just need the bezel, no need to pop out the instruments

This won’t work with the Working Title G1000 mod, just to make all aware.

what not working with g1000 Mod?

I take both and working with the Mod, but the knobs make Problems with spacedesk on the old ipad.

Pls let me know what not working
