G1000 no airplane icon - MSFS2024

On the G1000, aircraft not shows the correct icon on the G1000 display?
It only shows a white wheel, right?

Anyone else having this problem?


I have the same issue

Also, clicking the knob to switch between Nav1 & Nav2 don’t work. You are stuck in Nav2…on the C172 G1000 that is…haven’t tried others.

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Working Title indicates on their Discord that this is a known issue.

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How about the Nav radio issue?

Not sure. You may want to peruse the G1000 channel over there and see if the team has any updates.

See bug report:

Noticed this same issue yesterday, can’t use NAV 1

Seems that you now MUST use LOCK interactions and not LEGACY if you want to PRESS a knob. You MUST press the knob with the RIGHT mouse button while in LOCK mode.

I’m using Legacy and learned how to press the knobs. Click and HOLD left click first, then right click.

OK. I read the opposite on their Discord. I’ll give it a go


It works as you described. Thanks again,

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I think this is the bug you are referring to:

Hello everyone. I found a quick fix for the aircraft icon on the MFD.
There are two versions of the G1000, I don’t know which one the Cessna is using. But since both versions have this error, it might affect other aircraft as well.
I did a quick test and everything works as expected for me now, but I take no responsibility if something goes wrong. So make a backup of the files before you modify them!
This fix is for the Microsoft Store version. Whether it will also work for the Steam version, I cannot say. Maybe someone could test it and post it here.

Take these steps:

  1. Shut down MSFS!

  2. Find the folder where MSFS24 is installed. If you don’t remember: Open the Xbox app, right click the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and choose “Manage”, then switch to the Files tab.

  3. Open the file <FOLDER>\Limitless\Content\Packages\workingtitle-instruments-g1000\html_ui\Pages\VCockpit\Instruments\NavSystems\WTG1000\MFD\MFD.js in a text editor.

    • Find the line „class MFDNavMapPage extends MFDUiPage {“, it is the line number 15568 here.
    • Find the line starting with “}, flightPlanner: this.props.flightPlanner }” directly below.
    • Within that line change the part “MapBuilder.ownAirplaneIconOptions()” to “MapBuilder.ownAirplaneIconOptions(false)”. The whole line should read:
      }, flightPlanner: this.props.flightPlanner }, MapBuilder.ownAirplaneIconOptions(false)), { trafficSystem: this.props.tas, trafficIconOptions: {
    • Save and close the file.
  4. Open the file <FOLDER>\Limitless\Content\Packages\workingtitle-instruments-g1000\layout.json in the text editor.

    • Find the line “"path": "html_ui\\Pages\\VCockpit\\Instruments\\NavSystems\\WTG1000\\MFD\\MFD.js",”, it is the line number 24 here.
    • Add 5 to the size value. Here it was 1459661 before and is now 1459666.
    • Save and close the file. You don’t need to worry about the date value.
  5. Now do the same with the following files:

    • <FOLDER>\Limitless\Content\Packages\workingtitle-instruments-g1000-v2\html_ui\Pages\VCockpit\Instruments\NavSystems\WTG1000v2\MFD\MFD.js
    • <FOLDER>\Limitless\Content\Packages\workingtitle-instruments-g1000-v2\layout.json

Now you should see the correct icon on the MFD.

If Microsoft updates MSFS without fixing this bug, you may have to repeat the procedure.

Good flight! :small_airplane:


Great find!!

Is there any way you can provide these file for download somewhere ?

Try right clicking the knob. That lets you switch between comm 1 and 2 and nav 1 and 2.

Great! The HDG line Works Fine now too?

I’m not sure about the copyright. And if one would replace the files after Working Title updated their product, it could possibly break a lot more. So I would not like to offer a download.

What do you mean by the HDG line?