GAIST Global AI Ship Traffic V5 and Great Lakes

Yea there was about 10 in a row but all the same. At least they could have added some basic box colliders and a landable pad. It’s a tease!

Great to hear that you will add landable ships and rigs!

Are you going to make sure that your rigs don’t double up with existing ones and rather replace the default ones? That would be great!

That should be the idea :smiley:


If you have the OrbX Great Britain North then that adds an Oil Rig Graveyard in Cromarty Firth which seems like the right area for what you saw.

Yeah that sounds like it then. Hope they update it for landing on!

Thanks for the reply :+1:

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@hnielsen791 Where do we go to discuss support issues as Microsoft don’t like us to do it here?

I would imagine it’s fine here, because it’s freeware and not another business doing their business in Microsoft’s business, if that makes sense. :grin:

EDIT: please check out CasualClick’s answer below.

Peer or user-to-user support is fine. Technical support between the manufacturer and users that goes very deep (it’s treated on a case-by-case basis) is not. Answering a common question? We’ll let that go. Start posting log files and doing analysis - nope. Please see the Pinned Post atop each of the Third Party Subforums.

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I think my support issue will be considered deep and cause a violation then. So I need to know where to go to discuss it.

You can try at in the thread on the project Henrik Nielsen's Global AI Ship Traffic for MSFS - Page 77 - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community
but remember it is freeware, so there is limits to the support… with 150.000 downloads we rely on the community to do a lot of the support. Personally I won’t be much available the next week - this weekend attending a weeding, next week full focus on my day time job. But many issues have been solved with the help of the community.


Today we reached the next milestone :slight_smile: Implemented offshore-rigs around the world based on real world position data.


Well done Team, this will be superb. :+1:


oh and i forgot to add: All helipads on the rigs will be landable^^


Any expected timeframe for release? Yes I’m impatient :grin:

when it is done^^ we do not work with timeframes at all, when it is done it is done :slight_smile:


GAIST doesn’t work for me after the SU11 update. When I load an airport the blue bar at the bottom goes about a quarter of the way then freezes. The CPU and GPU are not showing any activity.

I went so far as to remove everything except GAIST from the community folder and it still happens. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any workaround?

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if you look further up the thread you will see a link to avsim thread which contains a solution


Thanks. Got it to work. Looking forward to what you, Kali and others are up to with the new update :slightly_smiling_face: The screen shots are awesome!

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Hi, Global AI Ship Traffic ( version) cost me around 20 fps, sometimes even more, over San Francisco Bay area. Is it normal?

My specs:

No - well not on my system, which is a lower spec. I don’t see any degradation at all using a locked 60fps. As a matter of interest what do you consider your normal fps to be?
Have you got Shipping turned down to 6 or less in the General Options although that should only show up as ships bumping into each other in crowded areas.