Garmin G3000/5000 Issues and Support

Okay Bishop! It finally sunk in and figured out what you were saying. I kept wondering what that has to do with the new Garmin rather than it just new, more realistic routing. When I tried routing on a plane with the old screens, it hit me. Thanks. My flight knowledge prior to playing MSFS was a million + miles in the passengers’ cabins.

I’m on a long flight (rare for me) now to see if the AP holds course into final approach.

Now, if the ATC would stop telling me to take this 31,000 ceiling plane to 32,000…

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Wind speed and direction was displayed on the map screen in the old system. Where is it with the new Garmin?

I have posted a this elsewhere on the forum - (in the poll thread I think) but found this thread afterwards, so posted here as well…please remove the other post if necessary - thank you.

I like the updated screens on the Daher - I figured out most of them pretty well after an hour or so’s use. However, all three flights I have done (low altitude IRF) work just fine until the Approach where the GPS lines don’t update from white to pink, and nothing updates at all.
I wondered if I was supposed to initiate the approach manually?
Previously, the nav system would update after hitting each waypoint and on we go to the next…

Bug or lack of knowledge??

(PC user) My PC is not good - but the nav system worked just fine before the update…

TBM… I used to do this for ILS, but now I have to do… what?

I used to…

Be able to press APR which would show “ON” while Nav showed “Off”. The TBM would then (most of the time) capture the glide slope some miles out


APR button does nothing it seems. Always shows OFF (tool tip or whatever).

So obviously something isn’t quite right here. Are TBM users capturing glide slopes successfully post AAU1? And how?

I’ve seen several videos already where the approach mode is demonstrated. It is working properly. You must be missing something.

A link to one of those videos would be cool. Lots of CJ4 vids but I haven’t seen one AAU1 TBM specific vid on the new system.

Never understood the logic of taking the time to post that there is an answer, I have it, but I’m not sharing it.

This system works identically to the G1000 NXi as far as approach mode autopilot is concerned, so while there may not be videos yet specifically for the AAU1 TBM there should be quite a few for the NXi.

Basically, all the autopilot mode information you need is located on the top of the PFD. Modes that are only armed will appear in white, and modes that are active will appear in green.

When you hit APPR, provided that you’re in the approach segment of your flight plan (or you have an ILS/LOC tuned and are in range with the nav source selected to the right nav radio), you will see GS appear in white, which indicates that glideslope vertical guidance is armed. If you’re presently following the GPS in nav mode, then you may also see LOC in white, which indicates that localizer lateral guidance is armed.

If you already have the loc/ILS selected as the nav source and you are within lateral capture range of the ILS/LOC, then LOC will turn green (for active) and it will begin tracking laterally. If you are not within capture range, then LOC will stay white until you are and you will continue along your previously selected lateral guidance mode, which will be in green.

Similarly for vertical guidance, as long as GS is armed in white, glideslope vertical guidance will capture when you come within capture distance of the glideslope from below. The system will not capture the glideslope from above. Once captured, your previous vertical mode will disappear and will be replaced with GS in green.

I would recommend using the autopilot mode annunciation panel at the top of the PFD and not the tooltips, as the autopilot modes are much more complex than just on or off and those may distract you from valuable information.

Hope that helps some. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for being supportive in the Community Support forum following OP’s “Feel free to post your questiions and issues”. Your entire post was incredibly helpful and insightful and now I have enough information to do some useful searches.

Helping each other to help ourselves. Isn’t that why any forum exists? Otherwise a single page with “Google it” would be all that’s needed. Rant over.

Thank you for your help. Very appreciative.


So now that the new updated Garmin G3000 is real world accurate…we can now actually use the official:
G3000® Integrated Avionics System Pilot’s Guide

That long flight I mentioned before was completed. The approach and ILS was certainly different from the TBM flights I knew a few days ago. It is going to take practice and more work for each flight in the future. Thanks again for your help.

I’ve flown in/out of CYTZ…is runway 08 ILS still mis-aligned, ligning you up too far to the left [north]?

CORRECTION:ligning you up too far to the right [south]

As for the new update…yes there are few minor tweaks to do but all in all well done!

I am having issues to the point engine 2 shuts down alot of yellow errors and warnings. This update has really created alot of issues as the item was stable before. AI behaviour flying plane not consistent as well. Missed approaches… alot of bugs defects missing ATC calls. Auto assist would not kick in. Sorry if i posted here… just sharing my frustrations that the update executed has not worked to plan.


but not with all options from real device of course due maybe not inside sim implemented still.

I love new real system :smiley: I did tests yesterday and set VECTORS after ARR procedure to ILS app rwy final. I’ve little bit overshooted ILS localizer signal and after set APR aircarft started move toward but after while I’ve noticed that aircarft still turns without following localizer :smiley: Yes, due outside of required range of localizer signal my APR option was disabled and I need do manual HDG corrections to have finally in ILS :smiley: very good functionality. On other side Minimums callout working as expected :wink:

What a beautiful update! Just had several amazing flights in TBM after a long time flying PMDG 737… Still, can’t see no traffic on radar (PFD or MFD). What am I doing wrong?


A bit of help please.

I started cold and dark in the Longitude and a entered my flight plan into the Garmin. Obtained IFR clearance, pushed back, started up and requested taxi clearance.

There were the following warnings on the PFD : NO TAKEOFF and NO STANDBY DATA. When I taxied to the runway and obtained take off clearance I lined up on the runway after having set the flaps. The NO TAKEOFF turned red, which I ignored, and the take off went with out a hitch.

How do I clear the NO TAKEOFF warning, what had I missed?

Happy flying.

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Page 26 of the Longitude handbook says that No Takeoff warning means “Conditions for takeoff listed in the pre-flight synoptic page have not been appropriately met and takeoff is prohibited.”

The pre-flight synoptic page is under “Aircraft Systems” in the Garmin MFD. My guess is your trim setting was not properly set for takeoff, but it could have been one of a few different things.

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Thank you for your quick response and the link, I’ll take a look.

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Happy to help! On the No Standby Data warning, I suspect that could’ve been because you may have had the Standby Power switch set to “off.” That may also trigger a No Takeoff warning, but I’d have to check and see to confirm.

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When working on checklist the following cant be found after you hit eye-button:
Propeller Areas, ITT, Ng, Oil PRESS/TEMP, Automatic Starter

The Autopilot did not work at all. Selecting Nav the plane flies in a neverending circle. Using the course manually the plane wont follow it. Asking the plane to ascend or descend it wont follow. And yes i hit the ap button at first. As far as i see the ap did not work.
Has it to do with new update?
And why did the eye-button at checklist very often did not work i mean what is that checklist for if it wont show me where the next button to hit is?