Garmin G3000/5000 Issues and Support

CasualClick is correct on AP/NAV course line intercept.

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Radar needs to be turned on in I believe 2 menu locations instead of the 1 from before the update. If you canā€™t find them let me know and Iā€™ll track them down.

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TBM 930, AOA, when flying flight level shouldnā€™t the needle be lined up with the middle tick mark not level with the bottom of the guage?

No one is propogating any incorrect information, you only have to read this forum to confirm this, we would have preferred to have a stable simulator before any complex avionics were introduced and given this as an optional choice update rather than forced to accept it, so we are better prepared as it does have a steep learning curve.

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Just FYI, In the 930, neither avoidance system (TCAS and ADS-B) requires your weather radar to be turned on. One system uses transponder interrogations to develop data and the other uses satellite-broadcast information to get the data.

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The sim is much more stable than it was as recently as last fall, and we have more advanced default avionics on top of that. Itā€™s not a strict either-or tradeoff. WT has done some of the best development work in the sim to-date, and it was an excellent decision for MS to bring them on board as a first party dev, full stop.

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Again, the work Working Title delivered is not in conflict with the other parallel work to improve and innovate the simā€™s various workstreams.

Youā€™re probably not aware that in order to deliver improvements to ATC and AI, it is required that the Flight Planning Logic inside the sim be revamped from Asobo legacy code. In order to that,all the Flight Management Systems must be revamped first - hence Working Titleā€™s delivery schedule to address the majority of FMS used by the stock aircraft. Once thatā€™s complete, then the core sim Flight Planning Logic can be fixed and revamped. Only then can dependent services such as ATC and AI be revamped. There is an entire chain of milestones required to deliver those larger changes you refer to. This is one of those beginning steps.There would be no point to delivering an enhanced FMS and then make it optional, when the Flight Planning module in the core sim would receive the same treatment. This is a simulator whose Product Vision is to get very close to reality, in alignment with the franchiseā€™s history.


No, the tick represents 0.6 AOA, or roughly what you should see at final approach speeds and configuration.

Hello all,

I searched in the forums but didnā€™t see if anyone else was experiencing the same issue. I jumped into the longitude for the first time since the new AAU1. After inputting my flight plan, I noticed the baro is not setting correctly. See picture.

The elevation is 1278 for KOKC but as you can see, the baro doesnā€™t match the METAR.

Any suggestions?

Thanks Bishop398 for the follow-up.

Tnx a lot, Habu2u2! My traffic altitude setting was on 'absolute". I will try ā€œrelativeā€ next time :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m still trying to understand what the ā€˜sync mapā€™ option does and what the pop menu to select mfd or pfd with left/right options??
Does this have to do with controlling what information screen is shown on what displays in cockpit?
With split screens on all displays Iā€™m trying to figure all this outā€¦anyone know?

Really basic question just to understand the lay of the land so to speakā€¦

Assuming an ILS flight plan created from the world map, prior to AAU1, we never really needed to pay attention to our flight plan because any ā€œholesā€ were automatically ā€œfilled inā€. Now we do have to pay attention to our flight plan because somewhere in there it might say something like ā€œheading 360ā€ or something to indicate that at that waypoint we have to manually get to the next waypoint by flying a certain heading. Or on takeoff whereby it used to find the magenta line no matter where you were upon activating AP and NAV, now there might be a ā€œholeā€ where the start of the magenta line is somewhere else that has to be navigated to (Direct -To >) and the plane wonā€™t start navigating until you reach close to that point

Is this correct so far?

I can confirm the last point mentioned is correct as you explained.

Departure procedures (and built-in system guardrails in the real avionics) donā€™t allow Autopilot enablement until 400ā€™ AGL. Some require a handflown departure on those Manual Sequence legs. These are the Procedure Leg Types that were obfuscated by the legacy Community Mod because the Flight Planning logic wasnā€™t fully AIRAC compliant.

Those of us who lived through the Asobo G1000 to NXi evolution and didnā€™t know a thing about Instrument Flight Rules worked our way through it. Likely we were the same cadre that was chomping at the bit for this Beta to enter Public Access phase because after having tasted NXi, we couldnā€™t wait for the same experience on G3000 to come any faster.

Itā€™s going to be a struggle for a lot of folks - I get that. If you didnā€™t know any better, the legacy mods operated in ways that reinforced unrealistic behaviors - NAV Mode Arming is a perfect example. Anyone who was only exposed to legacy Community Mods was used to pressing NAV while AP Coupled, and the plane happily but unrealistically immediately intercepted to get on the active leg.


Any luck with sorting this out. I flew the Longitude earlier tonight. KTEB TO KIAD. Thats Northern New Jersey to Washington Dulles. Created a plan in MSFS world map. Everything looked great. Started the Longitude up and i had probably 8 extra waypoints that took me near the NY/Canadian border, had a handful of circle patterns in it and then back on course. Had to delete them manually. Loaded a 2nd flight later on and again it added waypoints and took me completely off course. I gave up.

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And further to your point CasualClickā€¦itā€™s the difference between flying game mode vs. simulator modeā€¦and itā€™s a world apart!

In the Longitude I prefer to create the flight plan from cold and dark in the cockpit, just setting the departure gate in the world map.

Could someone tell me how I set the cruise altitude for the flight in the flight plan.

Thank you

That is tho point, I made the same experience.

Yes. These types of scenarios can happen.
Before takeoff you should check your flightplan and validate everything is in order and how you need it to be.
Since you just want to go straight to the point you might want to remove all MANSEQ legs or HOLDs etc.
If the flightpath doesnā€™t connect to your departing runway you could just go DIRECT to the next leg you want to go to by clicking that leg and press the D-> (after takeoff)