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no Brief description of the issue:
After SU7 I get a freeze and have to force close the sim everytime I change to outside or cockpit view at LSZH. I tried to launch it in safe mode, I have deleted the fsdreams LSZH addon an cleared my community folder. It doesn’t matter wether I am in the Asosbo A320 or FBW. Other airports work nicely. Is there a way to reinstall LSZH since the update broke it? It really means a lot to me as LSZH is my home airport and I mostly use it. Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
select the A320 (FBW OR Asobo) and select a departure at a gate (doen’t matter wich). You can use the sim even in safe mode. Live weather on, but I even tried different dates. Then try to switch between cockpit and outside view and the sim will freeze untill you fore it to close via task manager.
PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:
Win 10
Core i9 11900kf
RTX 3080 TI
64Gb DDR4 @ 3600 Mhz
all drivers updated and no SW updates available
TCA Officer pack with Thrustmasters rudder paddle
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
My gosh i am having the same, and I thought it was a FBW A32X issue. I now have the same with an empty community folder on Asobo’s A32x.
I’m in LSZH, going to fixed cameras, and as soon as I change camera the game freezes and stops responding. +1 here and thanks for posting this!!
The same over here… And yes, it doesn’t matter if it’s with the “standard” LSZH which comes with the Sim or with the FSDreamteam version of LSZH. I’m yet to experience the same at other airports, but I haven’t spent much time in the sim after SU7…
I just loaded LSZH with the stock A320neo and I survived at least for 5 minutes at gate B39, panning the view around like crazy (which usually triggers the freeze in the CRJ and FBW). Was I just lucky or doesn’t it freeze with the stock A320neo?
Also when flying into LSZH it freezes. I flew from EDDM to LSZH right now. A few seconds after touchdown, the sim froze…
Thanks for posting this! I was wondering what had happened on my end after 3 consecutive freezes at LSZH with the FBW A320, but good to read it’s not something on my side.
Has any one found a “real” Solution to the LSZH freezes? It still happens to me… And it’s not related to command mapping, it just happens when i pan around in the cockpit.
One thing I just found out is, that lowering the graphics settings (low-end, medium) did remove the freeze. Could it be that this airport just overwhelmes certain cpu/gpu/memory configuration? I’m running a r5600x, rtx 3070 (8GB) and 32GB RAM. I actually think it might be the Level of Terrain Detail slider. Leaving it at 200 works fine, but as soon as I set it to 400 it freezes a few moments later.
Alright guys, did some more testing. My conclusion is, that anything above Level of Terrain Detail 300 increases the risk of freezes. On my PC: With 400, it takes a few seconds until it freezes, with 350 i survived around a minute and with 300 I actually managed to takeoff
I am having the same issues, not special at LSZH but everywhere. It depends on the “terrain level of detail” slider in my opinion. I always start a flight with “terrain level of detail” and “objects level of detail” slider with “0” , because i had often CTD´s when starting flight with my standard setting for this both sliders.
If everything is loaded an plane is at the gate, i move the sliders to:
terrain: 275
objects: 150
this setting worked very fine for my PC and a had a very stable system with no problems (i have been so happy )
but now, as soon as i slide the terrain slider to 275 and lower, i get the CTD.
Sometime instant, sometimes if i look around in the cockpit, sometimes at the outside view. But everytime within a view seconds to one minute maybe… no matter which airport or plane.
This evening i will try, which setting will work for me. This varies on every system for sure…
Hopefulle there will be a fix with next update… Its so frustrating…
Alright guys I have tested turning down the LOD slider to 300 (was at 400 before) and I didn’t get any freezes. Althoug it’s still very stuttery when looking around I still managed to take off out of LSZH finally again!