Hello, I’ve been having some trouble getting my graphics settings right. I was hoping some of you guys/gals with the same hardware could post what your settings are so I could try them. I have most settings on Ultra, but I’m seeing a lot of scenery popping while rendering, scenery spikes, stutters etc.
My complete specs are in my summary, but basically I have an i9-10900K CPU @ 5.0GHz and an RTX 3090 GPU (457.30 drivers). I’m using an ASUS Tuf Gaming VG289Q monitor with 3840x2160 resolution.
There’s a ton of other posts on this subject, search for them and you’ll hopefully find some. I have 3080 with i9-9900k on 4k HDR and just have everything on ultra.
Just don’t put your render scale above 100%. Leave that at 100.
Start at Ultra and see how it performs. You can then start tweaking things downward from there is you’re not seeing performance you’re happy with. But word of caution, you won’t be seeing stupid high frame rates. If you can maintain over 30 consistently, you’re golden.
I did search and no there aren’t a ton of posts on what I asked. I was looking for specific settings. Saying “everything on ultra” is not specific settings. I appreciate your contribution.
Give 5 different people the same level of hardware, they’ll use the same settings, and they’ll all get different results. They’ll be ballpark close, but all different.
You have hardware that should be able to run 4K Ultra at decent frame rates. Like everything max’ed out. Have you tried that? What results do you get?
It won’t let me post all the screenshots of my settings in one post, but below are my settings. The primary issue I’m seeing is the scenery popping as it’s being rendered.
I had that issue as well with far lower specs than you (Ryzen 2700X + 2080). THat and melty looking buildings. I turned off my rolling cache and both problems are cleared right up. I turn it back on, that the problem is back.
If you have fast internet, I would recommend trying that to see if it helps
Find your UserCfg.opt file and edit it in notepad. You’ll find it in the same folder where your flight plan files get saved by default. CHange the line that says:
2 things to keep in mind if you edit the UserCfg.opt file manually
You’ll have to restart your sim for changes to take effect
if you make any changes to your graphics in game, it will overwrite your manual changes for LoDFactor, as 2.00000 is the max it will allow you to set from that menu.
You can also try setting both terrain and object to LoDFactor 4.000000. The one that should draw stuff in farther is the ObjectsLoD.
You may also want to look at this mod that will draw in trees much farther away. Just carefully read the instructions before installing it.
OP is complaining about stuttering and you go and suggest this? Man ohh man… Wrong advice. This setting will cause stutters as it heavily loads the CPU, causing you to become main thread limited. To achieve smoothness in this sim, you MUST be GPU limited at all times. This way the CPU is able to provide the data to the GPU at a constant steady pace. Increase your GPU settings until you become GPU limited, ensuring that you are never main thread limited. It is a fine balance.
The UserCfg.opt mod did not present any noticeable difference for me. The Vegetation Draw Distance Fix however did show an improvement in the scenery popping while rendering. I used the 50-75 with default tree sizes and I’m very pleased with the results?
On another note, what’s up with the scenery spikes? I just saw in the “Bugs” section that it was “complete.” Doesn’t look like it…