Ground texture - Low resolution - Internet incorrect Bandwidth

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Drück dir die Daumen!!! :+1:t2:

Ist halt nach Routermodel unterschiedlich. Hab ne FritzBox 6591.

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PLEASE FIX in patch 3. PLEASE! :slight_smile:

The melted buildings and triangles are so not MS FS 2020 quality.

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unfortunately nothing changed here… hope its fixed in next patch

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So what is the fix so far for horrible ground resolution ?? I can’t read through entire thread :frowning:


Personnaly i changed the “UserCfg.opt” with

		LoDFactor 3.000000

…but I had to disable Rolling Cache to be able to fly with (I think the cache is memory eater)

Glad to have a 500mbps connection :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine does not show the NAT settings and below only up to the network setting and it shows “managed”. On Win10 pro. Did all the teredo fix steps.

EDIT: Ok I got teredo running now and my ground textures are still garbage. Like absolutely unusable garbage. I can barely make out runways from the ground around them. But I guess Asobo did acknowledge the problem since Patch 2 so I guess thats it. Just have to wait. Hopefully they fixed it with the Japan World Update on Tuesday.

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I just stopped zooming in for now, and enjoy it as much as I can (and I am still enjoying it a lot).

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As a matter of settling debate regarding this issue, I think it will be considerably more constructive and useful if, whenever possible, we produces before and after patch 2 (or even patch 1) screenshots if you still happens to have older screenshots left. Lucky as it, I’ve got some left that I’m trying to replicate.

If we just say things like “the game looked way better before patch” this is just a mere statement… To which degree? How much of it could just be a mere feeling? With screenshots comparison, you can’t deny the truth whether it’s worst, same or better. This way, this thread will have even more of an impact.

My rig: I7 4790K OC@4.6Ghz, 16GB DDR3, SSD, GTX 1070
Everything set to ultra, 1080p, render scaling 100

Starting with a photogrammetric view of Florence, Italy

screenshot from 27th of August

screenshot from 28th september

screenshot from 27th of August

screenshot from 28th september

6th of September

28th of September

I don’t know just how much of the LODs will precisely loads the same each time since it’s somewhat dynamic, but seems to me like LODs degrades closer than they used to (look top left of the screenshots for example)

Everyone that thinks they have a better or worst quality can try and replicate this screenshot here (remember it’s 1080p though)

Hard to exactly pinpoint but it looked crispier before:

21 August

28 September

Sometimes I clearly have no differences:

the purpose of this topic i made is to try to solve the

  1. the lower resolution ground textures at which get lower and lower as aircraft altitude increase

May I ask you if Teredo functionality is working for you? You can check it by going into windows setting and searching for xbox networking, then let me know if NAT section gives you some message related to Teredo. Thank you

Yes, I did the modifications with gpedit after enabling it and teredo is working and showing NAT as open. Netsh show state under cmd confirms this.

However, each time I reboot, I have to repair teredo in Xbox networking for it to work. Oddly enough, it also seems that if I close the Xbox Networking window after verifying it works, it also seems to disconnect it so you might want to check that too.

Thank you! This fixed my connection, made the photogrametery a bit less dismal (e.g. the “bombed city look”)

Yes use the drone to take two comparable before and after shots

If IPV6 networking is already enabled on your network adapter, and your router and ISP support IPV6 pass-through (most do), then Teredo tests may fail, even if all your settings in gpedit etc. are correct. Teredo is not needed if you already have IPV6 end-to-end connectivity.

One way to test that would be to open an IPV6 test web site in your browser, such as

If you get a “10/10” under your “Readiness Score”, you do not need Teredo.

(Make sure to run the test on the same computer on which MSFS is installed).


I have IPv4 so i will have poor textures for that issue ?


I have a fiber optic 1000megabits/s connection (wired) and this is what gives me a precisely 10 minutes flight around Manhattan. Total data downloaded: 4.6GB. Averaging 8mb/s with peaks at 20mb/s.
I’m not sure if it matters, I’m on Asia server with a 36ms ping.

Ok, thank you. Unfortunately I’m on home version and the trick to enable gpedit didn’t work, so I cannot modify teredo parameters.
If someone was in my same situation and found a solution, please write your workaround here, thank you.

Finally I wasn’t going crazy. I swear I saw those blue green shading in the water, banding and stuff… so nasty.

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after you make the changes. Set the file to read only. :slight_smile: