Guess where?

It’s Mamus solar farms :slight_smile:

Well done, I have been 3 times over Vietnam, and even now knowing the country, I could not find it !
:clap: :clap: :clap:


That’s not actually how I found it. After the clue, I searched Google Images for “square fort aerial” and “square castle aerial” with the word “thailand”. Then changed to “vietnam” with the same other keywords and this came up (bottom right image) :smiley:

Took about 2 mins hahah :smiley:


Where is it ?

I’m not telling you that - that’s not the game rules!
Oh, you mean the mod… :stuck_out_tongue:


Ahh ■■■■■■. I would have picked this one immediately. I was operating there for some years. Well done.


Time for a clue it seems? :slight_smile:

My clue comes in the form of another picture - this is from the large town near that I was hoping you would guess.

Now, you get bonus points for mentioning instead the SMALLER town (probably village, really) nearest to the solar farm of the original image… if you can identify this town here it’s not far away:

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The nearest village is Moclinejo, Spain.
That was a tricky one but thanks to your hint it was possible.
My initial hunch was Greece and then Spain. I actually searched the area around Malaga but further inland. In hindsight I should have examined your screenshot more carefully as now I can see there’s a tiny bit of water on the left. Anyway, that was fun.

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Well done!! Full points to you, Sir!

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Next one:


I reckon that could be near Lofoten

Different part of the world. Different ocean.

Or the Aleutian Islands

It’s not in the Aleutian Islands, but it’s on the Ring of Fire. That should narrow it down somewhat.

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Looks like one of many outcroppings along the west of of Vancouver Island, or Haida Gwaii

It‘s not in Canada.

Russia? That bit of land poking out toward Japan from the north-east.

(Hah, I say “bit of land” but it’s actually the size of the UK! Flipping Russia is so huuugeee!)

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Vulcan Snou, Bystryy Strait, Broliv Snoi, Brat Tschirpojew


No, it‘s not Kamchatka, but you‘re getting closer.

Yes, you got it.
Amazing how green that island is. At least in the sim.

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