Guimbal Cabri G2

If you weren’t supposed to lean your engine, then why would the manufacturer build in a mixture control lever in the first place?


Seems reasonable to me

Well I just took her up in the Alps, and literally the only way I could get over the mountains was to lean it to about 50%. If there is another way, please tell, as I’m not seeing it.

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Just checked the Guimbal Cabri G2 is shown as 12500 ft for service ceiling from Guimbal manufacturer specs and doing the mentioned way, make me to be able to climb to around 14000 ft in MSFS, with take-off from 4CA1 and landing on KLAX
I think 50% is nearly the limit though on ground the engine is able to accept very low fuel flow in MSFS

From :
where we find this link for specs :

In other words, you’re not supposed to be flying it in the Alps.

On the overhead. Next to the Rotor Brake.

Then we discovered a bug. The G2 does not want to fly at 9000’ in the mixture-rich position. The handbook of the G2 does not even give a lean procedure before take-off.

Regarding G2 mixture, I logged a bug:

I logged it in good faith since it goes against my piston engine fixed-wing leaning knowledge and experience of flying at high altitudes. However, I saw on other forums with real helicopter pilots that some type of helicopter is not to be leaned.

Let MS/Asobo consult with Guimbal to give us the most educated answer.

For now, until we get an answer or fix, a workaround is to lean the G2 like a C172.

I, at first, wasn’t a huge fan of the “tiny” helicopter, but mein got, this thing is a blast to fly! I just hope the 407 gets fixed and we get some great 3rd party Rotorcraft with the new FM in the coming weeks.

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There shouldn’t be a need for any consultation. The information you need to fly the helicopter is in the POH. If it mentions leaning the mixture there then it’s ok if not then no. Not every aircraft is operated the same that’s why we have the FM/POH.

That’s the thing. The official POH of the G2 does not mention leaning. They only say full rich for start and use the mixture to cut the engine. The in-between is missing.

I am going to lean my G2 until the exhaust pipes are white. :wink: You won’t see the difference between the snow on the Alps and my G2’s exhaust.

Spoil Sport :stuck_out_tongue:

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The photo is just showing how you should NOT enter the Alps. Stay at the base. Because you cannot lean, do not enter.



Hey you’re free to do whatever unrealistic thing you want in your game. If you want to mod the Cabri so you can fly it to orbit, I’m not going to stop you.

I just prefer to operate within real world constraints. For me it increases the realism.


Flying in the Alps is not unrealistic. Not leaning a piston engine for high altitudes is unrealistic i.m.o. Was it unrealistic for a real pilot in a Eurocopter AS350 to land on top of Mt Everest. He did it because he can. I want to land at 10000’ in a sim game because I can. Someone must just hold my :beer:

The real-world constraints are not clear in the G2. The manual does not refer to not leaning. The real G2 pilots did not comment on this yet. All I have seen yet is that Micha Gelb (Pilot Yellow) published a video about power in the mountains. He considers 6000’ to be the safe altitude in the mountains due to the G2’s power. But sadly he did not show if he is using the mixture lever or not.

I would prefer MS and Guimbal to comment on this, or at least an RL pilot to put light on the mixture setting of the G2 piston engine.

That’s why I filed the bug so that MS investigates, decides if it is a bug or an undocumented feature of the G2, and returns with a fix or good answer.

You were correct the unlimited fuel had reset along with a lot more setting

Thank you

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As I stated, the mixture is not leaned.

I am a helicopter pilot and I have flown the Cabri.


Thanks for the time explaining this on the bug post. Will continue there with the topic.