Happy birthday Flight simulator 2020! ๐ŸŽ‰

Happy birthday MSFS!!! Please, people who want to complain go to respective threads about issues you are experiencing, I am sure there are already places for that. This one is for celebrating joy and showing love to the sim. :gift: :tada: :airplane: :small_airplane: :flight_departure:


Happy birthday FS2020 and thank you Asobo๐Ÿ™


I am temporarily closing this topic to allow us to review the numerous flags that it has attracted.

Thanks for your understanding


This topic is being re-opened after a review of the posts and flags. We are asking that you please respect the views of others and the sentiment of this topic. We are all entitled to our views and we know that a lot of folks have not been happy with the way the Sim has turned out. However there are people who are happy with it and would like to celebrate a bit. There are many topics on the forums where people have expressed their frustrations and disappointments with the sim so if you are unhappy then there are places here to express that.

Just to be very clear if the general direction of this topic does go downhill then we will be forced to close it permanently.

Thanks again for your understanding and your patience while the topic was closed


A very, very happy birthday to everyone at Microsoft and Asobo who has contributed to this revolutionary Flight Simulator! This has been a remarkable and memorable year for everyone. Thanks a zillion that you are putting your life in this product for us to enjoy!

I saw someone asking for a present for the simming community. Well, normally WE would be the ones to give the birthdayee a present, woudnโ€™t we? But if Asobo is in a good mood AND to make it not too expensive, maybe this could be an inspiration?


Your GhostlyFrend
What? I donโ€™t even need an airplane, what was I thinking?


I just canโ€™t believe itโ€™s been a year. Where has the time gone?

Loved all my flying, yes even when the autopilot decided to ditch at the end of a 3 hour flight.

Also canโ€™t believe that itโ€™ll be 40 years of Microsoft flight simulator next year.

Thanks Asobo and Microsoft!


Belated happy birthday to this wonderful flight sim

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Happy Birthday.


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Happy Birthday Flight Simulator, cheers and all the best in the coming year.

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Happy birthday MSFS20!

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Happy Birthday :slight_smile: hoping for more Birthdays Partys :partying_face:

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY you all!!:confetti_ball::confetti_ball::partying_face::partying_face::tada::tada:

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Happy birthday! Hereโ€™s looking forward to the next year, and what it brings.

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Well, maybe if ppl stop slagging off the sim/game and the team behind it โ€ฆ

Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MSFS, thanks for this great experience. :birthday::birthday::tada:


One year with greatest VFR flights on a sim ever!
The 1st of many years!
Long life!

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