Helicopters are a must

Great!! All we need now is the version with pontoons on it… And a giant great white shark mod to recreate Jaws-2!

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Congratulations on all the work so far. It is not something I will use yet, but your continuous work and dedication are truly appreciated.


I don’t see why it is so hard or why it needs to be rushed as other sims have very good helicopters and don’t have the billion dollar resources of Microsoft.

Well very interesting that we now have 3rd party devs doing helicopters but ASOBO have done nothing and I doubt they have even started to do anything as they roll out useless world updates.

1> Carenado never made helicopters. I think you Speaking od CeraSim which has been mum on the subject no matter how many emails I send them.

I brought an amazing AS 350 B1 Ecureuil helicopter video. The recording was made in Hungary. The pilot makes a very nice turn.
The Ecureuil helicopter has a wonderful sound. :slight_smile:

I’ll just like to share this post (Screenshot by me) from the dev team in projects discord-channel:

" Destroyer121 wrote:Today, our H-135 has passed a huge milestone: It is now the most downloaded add-on released for MSFS, with over 64 Thousand downloads. This is absolutely mind boggling, we never expected it to get so popular! Thanks to everyone here and elsewhere who have helped us along the way. We are not done yet, of course. We have so many things we want to do, and we are exited to share them with you all. For those who want to check the helicopter out: Airbus H135 Helicopter Project • Microsoft Flight Simulator ."

I think that’s quite impressive and shows the importance of helis in MSFS.

(the most recent builds can be downloaded from the discord channel too… which happens like every other day)


Yep, I have been blown away by the popularity of this helicopter!

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Yeah I’m waiting until version 1.xx before downloading it… I don’t want to always re-download every single time there’s update.

a question : how is it simulated ?.. like GTA5 or a real helicopter simulation like in DCS ?

My whish is not a best-looking add-on. I wish me a simulation… My dream is to have the e.g. HUEY from DCS within this game and can focus on more civilan missions.

Unfortunately, this is a helicopter game category. 3 D external model inaccurate, cockpit very poor quality. Flight dynamics are like a drone. It has nothing to do with the helicopter … I laugh at it …

Important information for Asobo, however, is the great need for helicopters. A lot of people are looking for me, waiting for the helicopters. Unfortunately, the developer isn’t talking about it … I don’t know when they’ll start work. I am worried…

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Release is scheduled for 2022. We don’t actually need to know whey they will start working. We just need them to fulfill their promise.

Until then, I will be happily enjoying other options in the market.


Its visual world is the best, most beautiful in Flight Simulator. The other simulators have horribly poor visuals. I’m waiting for the helicopters to appear in Flight Simulator. I trust to start development, Beta testing in 2021 …

WIth all due respect: What they have accomplished in a bit like more then a month is remarkable… and I don’t know which version/build you downloaded and tested… but like I said, they upload a new build on discord like every other day… and nearly weekly I guess on fligthsim.to and there are always tweeks etc.

You can switch between basic, advanced and xbox flight modes and sure: It’s not close to 100%, but they are always making steps… what else can we expect?
And frankly: Seems like they’ve put more work in the heli development than from official side.

Regarding your critique on the interior model etc: Totally… but check out the discord channel, what Tonypezz created and posted there (animations are done too and devs can use it).

Work by Tonypezz


And I don’t see why this project and the people who downloaded and like it can’t be useful for your FourHaddock2427 (and our) goal, that Asobo starts working on helicopters earlier. 16.000 downloads… just imagine just 1.000 people of those would give this thread a vote… would be the highest wish on the wishlist.

Those people who downloaded this mod over 16.000 times… they are the target audience, they want helicopters in the sim and that’s a statement. And the more people do so and e.g. vote on this thread, the more our goal is backed up :wink:


They have been making progress, yes. It’s remarkable and if anything it shows 2 things:

  1. There is a market/community that is eager to get helicopters (which we already knew there was but it’s growing due to the visibility of the new sim).

  2. It shows exactly why is it that Asobo needs to take their time and do flight dynamics properly. We need developers to have the ability to make good helicopters without having to make their own flight dynamics engine. As much as I love the initiative and passion, I really don’t want all helicopters to be like this project.

I’m rather curious to see how the Bell 47 will come out.


I think that would be wonderful, if the devteam would put a link in their mod description and would promote that on their channel etc. Totally! And they don’t seem to be averse to that… my impression :slight_smile:

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@Destoyer1218016 would that be an option and could you take this in you dev round to discuss? :smiley: :slight_smile:

Like I said: This list could look different: https://msfs-cdn.azureedge.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/MicrosoftTeams-image-10.jpg ^^

I don’t think it would make a difference, though. It won’t shorten the time needed to finish the bases and do the rest.

Yep, I am posting this in our server, hopefully they will vote on this. I’ll also get this onto our flightsim.to page.
I agree with Sergio, I don’t think that this will make any/a large impact. Asobo has so many issues they have to fix, and helicopters are probably pretty low on their list of priorities.