Helicopters are a must

They are necessary like airliners. You can fly even there would be only C172 but large parts would be missing. Maybe we could rephrase it helicopters are necessary in MSFS so we would not need others simulators for them . MSFS have superb sceneries and graphics, so flying slow and low with helicopter would be awesome.


Who shat in your cornflakes @FourHaddock2427? There’s no need for that. Please wind your neck in and try and keep it respectful.

Don’t get me wrong, the addition of helis would be great, but just because you really, really want them doesn’t in any way make them a necessity.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Asobo seem to have quite a bit on their plate already, in making the game live up its current scope. Commanding them (through the use of language like ‘must’) to broaden that scope right now, feels, to me at least, like a failure to read the room.

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It’s a philosophical question what’s a must.
The whole sim isn’t a must. The only must is to breathe. But even to breathe you can stop, so the only must is to die.

They’re a necessity because it’s a FLIGHT sim, not just an AIRPLANE/AEROPLANE sim.

Helicopters play a massive role in aviation, they are a key resource in every modern military, they are crucial in rendering aid in disaster relief, they are used heavily for medivac and SAR, they are important for the construction of tall structures, they are used in the civilian sector to fly and land in places where airplanes cant, and they have been a staple of aviation for over 70 years. There have been pilots that, grew up, flew helicopters for their entire flying careers, and died of old age, there have been traditions formed, memories made, thousands upon thousands of hours logged…

They deserve to be part of a FLIGHT sim just as much as an airplane does.


There are 26,000 to 39,000 airliners in the world (varies by source)

World wide there are around 60,000 to 70,000 operational helicopters…

Both are a significant part of aviation, yet only one appears in the sim, thrice mind you. (A320, 747, 787).


I think you’ve fundamentally misunderstood the points I’m making. I’m not disagreeing about what you’re requesting, my grumbles are about the how and the timing of it.

I presume the whole point of this wish list thread is to persuade the community to vote for adding helicopters to the sim. Perhaps I’m an outlier on this, but I’m just not comfortable voting for any feature request that’s posed as “X is a must”. To me, it just sounds kinda rude and demanding. Why not just title it “Helicopters”?

But let’s put my personal sensibilities aside, hypothetically let’s say the rest of the community is all like “Shut up TrowserOwner, helicopters are totally a must!” and vote it up to the top of the wish list. Do you actually want Asobo’s Dev Manager to be like “Alice, Bob, Charlie, quit that debugger, stop fixing that AP, put down that G1000 manual. The community has voted, we need get to the choppers, now!”? (Yes, you should be reading that in an Austrian accent).

If we want Asobo to listen to the community and act on its wishes, I think we bare some responsibility for what we wish for. As the old adage goes, be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. Developer time is a finite resource. If you want Asobo’s focus to shift to adding helicopters what are you prepared to give up in return?


I never said they should shift away from bug fixing. The game released, people were promised things that ended up being bugged, they are within their rights to fix those bugs and make good on their promise of a functional experience.

Bug fixing and stability improvements come first IMO. But I’m adamant that the game should have been released with Helicopters, they should have been something that was in the release criteria as they are integral to the culture and history that is aviation. Hell FSX had not just airplanes, but helicopters, ultralights and gliders too. It basically covered all bases.

At this point, right behind bug fixes and stability improvements, I absolutely think the priority should be the introduction of other platforms such as Helicopters and Gliders given they werent present on release.

Having a multitude of available platforms is a staple of modern flight simulation, Xplane has helicopters and gliders, P3D does too, so does FSX, DCS has helicopters, even FS2004 has gliders and ultralights. FS2020 is the outlier in this category, and in this case that’s a bad thing.

The main difference to the predecessors of the FS 2020 is that the development was largely completed when it was released and only a few bug fixes were implemented. The FS 2020 is only at the very beginning of development. Microsoft speaks of up to 10 years until it is completed! So what we need is patience !!
The question is not if, but when the helicopters will come.


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I brought a video with a real classic helicopter. Hughes / Mcdonnell Douglas MD 500E :heart: is one of the most popular helicopters. Enjoy the flight of pilot pleasure … I hope we can fly with the type in the simulator soon …


You voted for this right? If you believe that voting on wishlist items will influence what Asobo’s focus will be (which you must do, or why bother voting), then a vote for adding helicopters is a vote against spending time bug fixing. Which is fine, but I think you need to face up to that fact.

Anyway, I guess this whole conversation is pointless if you’re intransigent about helicopters being an addition that should have come sometime after launch. You might want to have a read about MVPs though. Good to chat, hope you have a good week.

Actually, scratch what I said above about votes, that’s not actually true is it. I forgot that Asobo split bug votes from feature votes, and treat them separately. Apologies, my bad.

DCS WORLD has a dead world and unfortunately a limited map of the area!

In a DCS simulator, the flight dynamics and physics of the helicopter are good. The flight dynamics and physics of the UH1 helicopter are the best.

DCS landscape visuals are ugly, and the map is really limited. You’re right.

We are very much looking forward to the helicopters in Flight Simulator.

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What about the mi-8 from the DCS?

I still fly it!

Desperately waiting for helicopters!

Huey, EC-135 / -145 , AS-350 are a must :slight_smile: Would love to fly them in FS2020!

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Bell 206? for my cockpit.


Wonderful, congratulations! A Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter is sorely needed. The 206 is a true classic piece among helicopters. The most sold helicopter type is the Bell 206 JetRanger. Bell helicopters produced more than 7,000 units of the type, flying all over the world. I really hope the developer makes the Bell 206 JetRanger for the first helicopter. As a very accurate, detailed model.

The sound of the Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter is also amazing … music to the ear …


I am happy this thread made it among the TOP20 WISH LIST … feeling glad

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